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def test_dav_broken_item(self, s):
item = Item('HAHA:YES')
with pytest.raises((exceptions.Error, requests.exceptions.HTTPError)):
assert not list(s.list())
import logging
from . import exceptions
from .storage.base import normalize_meta_value
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MetaSyncError(exceptions.Error):
class MetaSyncConflict(MetaSyncError):
key = None
def metasync(storage_a, storage_b, status, keys, conflict_resolution=None):
def _a_to_b():'Copying {key} to {storage_b}')
storage_b.set_meta(key, a)
status[key] = a
def _b_to_a():'Copying {key} to {storage_a}')
storage_a.set_meta(key, b)
existing_href = None
class WrongEtagError(PreconditionFailed):
'''Wrong etag'''
class ReadOnlyError(Error):
'''Storage is read-only.'''
class InvalidResponse(Error, ValueError):
'''The backend returned an invalid result.'''
class UnsupportedMetadataError(Error, NotImplementedError):
'''The storage doesn't support this type of metadata.'''
class CollectionRequired(Error):
'''`collection = null` is not allowed.'''
'''Wrong etag'''
class ReadOnlyError(Error):
'''Storage is read-only.'''
class InvalidResponse(Error, ValueError):
'''The backend returned an invalid result.'''
class UnsupportedMetadataError(Error, NotImplementedError):
'''The storage doesn't support this type of metadata.'''
class CollectionRequired(Error):
'''`collection = null` is not allowed.'''
def _exclusive_transaction(conn):
c = None
yield c
except BaseException:
if c is None:
_, e, tb = sys.exc_info()
raise e.with_traceback(tb)
class SyncError(exceptions.Error):
'''Errors related to synchronization.'''
class SyncConflict(SyncError):
Two items changed since the last sync, they now have different contents and
no conflict resolution method was given.
:param ident: The ident of the item.
:param href_a: The item's href on side A.
:param href_b: The item's href on side B.
ident = None
href_a = None
href_b = None
def find_collections(self):
rv = None
rv = list(self._find_collections_impl(''))
except (HTTPError, exceptions.Error):
if rv:
return rv
dav_logger.debug('Given URL is not a homeset URL')
return self._find_collections_impl(self.find_home())
def find_principal(self):
return self._find_principal_impl('')
except (HTTPError, exceptions.Error):
dav_logger.debug('Trying out well-known URI')
return self._find_principal_impl(self._well_known_uri)
class UserError(Error, ValueError):
'''Wrapper exception to be used to signify the traceback should not be
shown to the user.'''
problems = None
def __str__(self):
msg = Error.__str__(self)
for problem in self.problems or ():
msg += f'\n - {problem}'
return msg
class CollectionNotFound(Error):
'''Collection not found'''
class PairNotFound(Error):
'''Pair not found'''
pair_name = None
class PreconditionFailed(Error):
- The item doesn't exist although it should
- The item exists although it shouldn't
- The etags don't match.
Due to CalDAV we can't actually say which error it is.
def __str__(self):
msg = Error.__str__(self)
for problem in self.problems or ():
msg += f'\n - {problem}'
return msg
class NotFoundError(PreconditionFailed):
'''Item not found'''
class AlreadyExistingError(PreconditionFailed):
'''Item already exists.'''
existing_href = None
class WrongEtagError(PreconditionFailed):
'''Wrong etag'''
class ReadOnlyError(Error):
'''Storage is read-only.'''
class InvalidResponse(Error, ValueError):
'''The backend returned an invalid result.'''
class UnsupportedMetadataError(Error, NotImplementedError):
'''The storage doesn't support this type of metadata.'''
class CollectionRequired(Error):
'''`collection = null` is not allowed.'''