How to use the urlextract.urlextract_core.URLExtract.get_version function in urlextract

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github lipoja / URLExtract / urlextract / View on Github external
def get_args():
        Parse programs arguments
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            description='urlextract - prints out all URLs that were '
                        'found in input file or stdin based on locating '
                        'their TLDs')

        ver = URLExtract.get_version()
        parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version",
                            version='%(prog)s - version {}'.format(ver))

            "-u", "--unique", dest='unique', action='store_true',
            help='print out only unique URLs found in file')

            '-i', '--ignore-file', metavar='',
            type=str, default=None,
            help='input text file with URLs to exclude from extraction')

            'input_file', nargs='?', metavar='',
            type=argparse.FileType(), default=sys.stdin,
            help='input text file with URLs to extract')


Collects and extracts URLs from given text.

Latest version published 10 months ago

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