How to use the underthesea.corpus.DictionaryLoader function in underthesea

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# sample tagged sentence
# ===========================
# this     A
# is       B
# a        C
# sample   D
# sentence E

import re

from os.path import join, dirname

from underthesea.corpus import DictionaryLoader

words = DictionaryLoader(join(dirname(__file__), "Viet74K.txt")).words
lower_words = set([word.lower() for word in words])

def text_lower(word):
    return word.lower()

def text_isdigit(word):
    return str(word.isdigit())

def text_isallcap(word):
    for letter in word:
        if not letter.istitle():
            return False
    return True
github undertheseanlp / underthesea / underthesea / word_tokenize / View on Github external
#          .is_digit
#            \_ function
# ===========================
# sample tagged sentence
# ===========================
# this     A
# is       B
# a        C
# sample   D
# sentence E

import re
from underthesea.corpus import DictionaryLoader
words = DictionaryLoader("Viet74K.txt").words
lower_words = set([word.lower() for word in words])

def text_lower(word):
    return word.lower()

def text_isdigit(word):
    return str(word.isdigit())

def text_isallcap(word):
    for letter in word:
        if not letter.istitle():
            return False
    return True
github undertheseanlp / ner / util / models / ner_1 / View on Github external
#          .is_digit
#            \_ function
# ===========================
# sample tagged sentence
# ===========================
# this     A
# is       B
# a        C
# sample   D
# sentence E

import re
from underthesea.corpus import DictionaryLoader
words = DictionaryLoader("Viet74K.txt").words
lower_words = set([word.lower() for word in words])

def text_lower(word):
    return word.lower()

def text_isdigit(word):
    return str(word.isdigit())

def text_isallcap(word):
    for letter in word:
        if not letter.istitle():
            return False
    return True
github undertheseanlp / underthesea / underthesea / feature_engineering / View on Github external
# sample tagged sentence
# ===========================
# this     A
# is       B
# a        C
# sample   D
# sentence E

import re

from os.path import join, dirname

from underthesea.corpus import DictionaryLoader

words = DictionaryLoader(join(dirname(__file__), "Viet74K.txt")).words
lower_words = set([word.lower() for word in words])

def text_lower(word):
    return word.lower()

def text_isdigit(word):
    return str(word.isdigit())

def text_isallcap(word):
    for letter in word:
        if not letter.istitle():
            return False
    return True
github undertheseanlp / underthesea / underthesea / chunking / View on Github external
#          .is_digit
#            \_ function
# ===========================
# sample tagged sentence
# ===========================
# this     A
# is       B
# a        C
# sample   D
# sentence E

import re
from underthesea.corpus import DictionaryLoader
words = DictionaryLoader("Viet74K.txt").words
lower_words = set([word.lower() for word in words])

def text_lower(word):
    return word.lower()

def text_isdigit(word):
    return str(word.isdigit())

def text_isallcap(word):
    for letter in word:
        if not letter.istitle():
            return False
    return True