Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
__name__ = ''
fs_id = fields.Char('Identifier on File System', required=True,
help="The id of the record as known on the file system.",
model = fields.Char('Model', required=True, select=True)
module = fields.Char('Module', required=True, select=True)
db_id = fields.Integer(
"Resource ID", select=True,
'required': ~Eval('noupdate', False),
help="The id of the record in the database.")
values = fields.Text('Values')
fs_values = fields.Text('Values on File System')
noupdate = fields.Boolean('No Update')
out_of_sync = fields.Function(fields.Boolean('Out of Sync'),
'get_out_of_sync', searcher='search_out_of_sync')
_get_id_cache = Cache('ir_model_data.get_id', context=False)
_has_model_cache = Cache('ir_model_data.has_model', context=False)
def __setup__(cls):
super(ModelData, cls).__setup__()
table = cls.__table__()
cls._sql_constraints = [
Unique(table, table.fs_id, table.module, table.model),
'The triple (fs_id, module, model) must be unique!'),
'sync': {
'invisible': ~Eval('out_of_sync'),
__all__ = ['ResourceMixin', 'resource_copy']
class ResourceMixin(ModelStorage, ModelView):
resource = fields.Reference('Resource', selection='get_models',
required=True, select=True)
copy_to_resources = fields.MultiSelection(
'get_copy_to_resources', "Copy to Resources",
'invisible': ~Eval('copy_to_resources_visible'),
copy_to_resources_visible = fields.Function(
fields.Boolean("Copy to Resources Visible"),
last_user = fields.Function(fields.Char('Last User',
'invisible': ~Eval('last_user'),
last_modification = fields.Function(fields.DateTime('Last Modification',
'invisible': ~Eval('last_modification'),
def __setup__(cls):
super(ResourceMixin, cls).__setup__()
cls._order.insert(0, ('last_modification', 'DESC'))
if field_name in cls._defaults:
def default():
default_ = cls._clean_defaults({
field_name: cls._defaults[field_name](),
return field.sql_format(default_)
table.add_column(field_name, field._sql_type, default=default)
if cls._history:
history_table.add_column(field_name, field._sql_type)
if isinstance(field, (fields.Integer, fields.Float)):
# migration from tryton 2.2
table.db_default(field_name, None)
if isinstance(field, (fields.Boolean)):
table.db_default(field_name, False)
if isinstance(field, fields.Many2One):
if field.model_name in ('res.user', ''):
# XXX need to merge ir and res
ref = field.model_name.replace('.', '_')
ref_model = pool.get(field.model_name)
if (issubclass(ref_model, ModelSQL)
and not callable(ref_model.table_query)):
ref = ref_model._table
# Create foreign key table if missing
if not backend.TableHandler.table_exist(ref):
ref = None
], 'Split Mode', required=True)
join_mode = fields.Selection([
('XOR', 'Xor'),
('AND', 'And'),
], 'Join Mode', required=True)
kind = fields.Selection([
('dummy', 'Dummy'),
('function', 'Function'),
('subflow', 'Subflow'),
('stopall', 'Stop All'),
], 'Kind', required=True)
action = fields.Text('Action', states={
'readonly': "kind == 'dummy'",
'required': "kind == 'function'",
flow_start = fields.Boolean('Flow Start')
flow_stop = fields.Boolean('Flow Stop')
subflow = fields.Many2One('workflow', 'Subflow', states={
'readonly': "kind != 'subflow'",
'required': "kind == 'subflow'",
signal_send = fields.Char('Signal (subflow.*)')
out_transitions = fields.One2Many('workflow.transition', 'act_from',
'Outgoing transitions')
in_transitions = fields.One2Many('workflow.transition', 'act_to',
'Incoming transitions')
#TODO add a _constraint on subflow without action
#to have the same model than the workflow
def default_kind(self, cursor, user, context=None):
return 'dummy'
# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains
# the full copyright notices and license terms.
from trytond.model import fields
from trytond.pyson import Eval, If, In
from trytond.pool import PoolMeta
__all__ = ['BankAccount']
class BankAccount(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = 'bank.account'
pyafipws_cbu = fields.Boolean('CBU del Emisor',
'required': If(In(Eval('party_company'), Eval('owners', [])),
True, False),
depends=['owners', 'party_company'])
"Model data"
__name__ = ''
fs_id = fields.Char('Identifier on File System', required=True,
help="The id of the record as known on the file system.",
model = fields.Char('Model', required=True, select=True)
module = fields.Char('Module', required=True, select=True)
db_id = fields.Integer(
"Resource ID", select=True,
'required': ~Eval('noupdate', False),
help="The id of the record in the database.")
values = fields.Text('Values')
fs_values = fields.Text('Values on File System')
noupdate = fields.Boolean('No Update')
out_of_sync = fields.Function(fields.Boolean('Out of Sync'),
'get_out_of_sync', searcher='search_out_of_sync')
_get_id_cache = Cache('ir_model_data.get_id', context=False)
_has_model_cache = Cache('ir_model_data.has_model', context=False)
def __setup__(cls):
super(ModelData, cls).__setup__()
table = cls.__table__()
cls._sql_constraints = [
Unique(table, table.fs_id, table.module, table.model),
'The triple (fs_id, module, model) must be unique!'),
'sync': {
# The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains
# the full copyright notices and license terms.
from decimal import Decimal
from trytond.model import fields
from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta
from trytond.pyson import Eval, Or
from trytond.transaction import Transaction
__all__ = ['Party']
class Party(metaclass=PoolMeta):
__name__ = ''
pyafipws_fce = fields.Boolean('MiPyme FCE', states={
'readonly': ~Eval('active', True),
}, depends=['active'])
pyafipws_fce_amount = fields.Numeric('MiPyme FCE Amount',
digits=(16, Eval('pyafipws_fce_amount_digits', 2)),
'readonly': Or(
~Eval('pyafipws_fce', False),
~Eval('active', True)),
depends=['active', 'pyafipws_fce_amount_digits', 'pyafipws_fce'])
pyafipws_fce_amount_digits = fields.Function(fields.Integer(
'Currency Digits'), 'get_pyafipws_fce_amount_digits')
def default_pyafipws_fce_amount():
return Decimal('0')
for rec in res:
for field in to_delete:
del rec[field]
return res
class ModelAccess(DeactivableMixin, ModelSQL, ModelView):
"Model access"
__name__ = 'ir.model.access'
model = fields.Many2One('ir.model', 'Model', required=True,
group = fields.Many2One('', 'Group',
perm_read = fields.Boolean('Read Access')
perm_write = fields.Boolean('Write Access')
perm_create = fields.Boolean('Create Access')
perm_delete = fields.Boolean('Delete Access')
description = fields.Text('Description')
_get_access_cache = Cache('ir_model_access.get_access', context=False)
def __setup__(cls):
super(ModelAccess, cls).__setup__()
'get_access': RPC(),
def check_xml_record(accesses, values):
return True
key=lambda x: (x.msgctxt, x.msgid))
class Translation(ModelSQL, ModelView):
__name__ = "ir.translation"
name = fields.Char('Field Name', required=True)
res_id = fields.Integer('Resource ID', select=True, required=True)
lang = fields.Selection('get_language', string='Language')
type = fields.Selection(TRANSLATION_TYPE, string='Type',
src = fields.Text('Source')
value = fields.Text('Translation Value')
module = fields.Char('Module', readonly=True)
fuzzy = fields.Boolean('Fuzzy')
model = fields.Function(fields.Char('Model'), 'get_model',
overriding_module = fields.Char('Overriding Module', readonly=True)
_translation_cache = Cache('ir.translation', size_limit=10240,
_get_language_cache = Cache('ir.translation.get_language')
def __register__(cls, module_name):
transaction = Transaction()
cursor = transaction.connection.cursor()
ir_translation = cls.__table__()
table = cls.__table_handler__(module_name)
# Migration from 5.0: remove src_md5
if table.column_exist('src_md5'):
for field in to_delete:
del rec[field]
return res
class ModelAccess(DeactivableMixin, ModelSQL, ModelView):
"Model access"
__name__ = 'ir.model.access'
model = fields.Many2One('ir.model', 'Model', required=True,
group = fields.Many2One('', 'Group',
perm_read = fields.Boolean('Read Access')
perm_write = fields.Boolean('Write Access')
perm_create = fields.Boolean('Create Access')
perm_delete = fields.Boolean('Delete Access')
description = fields.Text('Description')
_get_access_cache = Cache('ir_model_access.get_access', context=False)
def __setup__(cls):
super(ModelAccess, cls).__setup__()
'get_access': RPC(),
def check_xml_record(accesses, values):
return True
def default_perm_read():