How to use the traitsui.tabular_adapter.TabularAdapter function in traitsui

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few traitsui examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github enthought / traitsui / examples / demo / Advanced / View on Github external
address = Str
    age     = Int
    # surname is displayed in qt-only row label:
    surname = Property(fget=lambda self:[-1], 

#-- MarriedPerson Class Definition ---------------------------------------------

class MarriedPerson(Person):

    partner = Instance(Person)

#-- Tabular Adapter Definition -------------------------------------------------

class ReportAdapter(TabularAdapter):

    columns = [ ('Name',    'name'),
                ('Age',     'age'),
                ('Address', 'address'),
                ('Spouse',  'spouse') ]

    row_label_name = 'surname'

    # Font fails with wx in OSX; see traitsui issue #13:
    # font                      = 'Courier 10'
    age_alignment             = Constant('right')
    MarriedPerson_age_image   = Property
    MarriedPerson_bg_color    = Color(0xE0E0FF)
    MarriedPerson_spouse_text = Property
    Person_spouse_text        = Constant('')
github NMGRL / pychron / pychron / spectrometer / jobs / View on Github external
# limitations under the License.
# ===============================================================================

# ============= enthought library imports =======================
from traits.api import HasTraits , Float, Any, Button, Bool, List
from traitsui.api import View, Item, spring, ButtonEditor, HGroup, \
    VGroup, UItem
# ============= standard library imports ========================
from numpy import polyfit, linspace
# ============= local library imports  ==========================
from spectrometer_task import SpectrometerTask
from traitsui.tabular_adapter import TabularAdapter
from pychron.graph.guide_overlay import GuideOverlay
from pychron.core.ui.tabular_editor import myTabularEditor

class ResultsAdapter(TabularAdapter):
    columns = [('N', 'cnt'), ('Endpoints', 'endpoints'), ('Linear', 'linear')]

class Result(HasTraits):
    linear = Float
    endpoints = Float
    def calculate(self, xs, ys, rise, starttime):
        ti = xs[-1]
        run = (ti - starttime) / 60.
        rrendpoints = rise / run

        rrfit = polyfit(linspace(0, run, len(ys)), ys, 1)[0]
        self.endpoints = rrendpoints
        self.linear = rrfit
        return rrendpoints, rrfit, ti, run

class RiseRate(SpectrometerTask):
github NMGRL / pychron / pychron / pipeline / tasks / View on Github external
                                                   # drag_external=True,
        return v

class RepositoryTabularAdapter(TabularAdapter):
    columns = [('Name', 'name'),
               ('Ahead', 'ahead'),
               ('Behind', 'behind')]

    def get_menu(self, obj, trait, row, column):
        return MenuManager(Action(name='Refresh Status', action='refresh_repository_status'),
                           Action(name='Get Changes', action='pull'),
                           Action(name='Share Changes', action='push'),
                           Action(name='Delete Local Changes', action='delete_local_changes'))

    def get_bg_color(self, obj, trait, row, column=0):
        if self.item.behind:
            c = LIGHT_RED
        elif self.item.ahead:
            c = LIGHT_YELLOW
github NMGRL / pychron / pychron / database / core / View on Github external
# ============= local library imports  ==========================
from pychron.core.progress import progress_loader
from pychron.database.core.database_adapter import DatabaseAdapter

from pychron.database.core.query import Query, compile_query
from pychron.viewable import Viewable

from pychron.core.ui.tabular_editor import myTabularEditor
# from pychron.database.core.base_results_adapter import BaseResultsAdapter
from pychron.core.ui.custom_label_editor import CustomLabel
from traitsui.tabular_adapter import TabularAdapter
from pychron.core.ui.gui import invoke_in_main_thread
from pychron.column_sorter_mixin import ColumnSorterMixin

class BaseTabularAdapter(TabularAdapter):
    columns = [('ID', 'record_id'),
               ('Timestamp', 'timestamp')]

# class ColumnSorterMixin(HasTraits):
#     _sort_field = None
#     _reverse_sort = False
#     column_clicked = Any
#     def _column_clicked_changed(self, event):
#         values = event.editor.value
#         fields = [name for _, name in event.editor.adapter.columns]
#         field = fields[event.column]
#         self._reverse_sort = not self._reverse_sort
#         self._sort_columns(values, field)
github NMGRL / pychron / pychron / entry / editors / View on Github external
name = Str
    reactor = Str

    def traits_view(self):
        v = okcancel_view(HGroup('name', 'reactor'),
                          buttons=['OK', 'Cancel', 'Revert'],
                          title='New Production Ratio')
        return v

class ProductionAdapter(TabularAdapter):
    columns = [('Name', 'name'), ('Reactor', 'reactor'), ('Last Modified', 'last_modified')]
    font = '10'

class TrayAdapter(TabularAdapter):
    columns = [('Name', 'name')]
    name_text = Property

    def _get_name_text(self):
        return self.item

class EditView(ModelView):
    title = 'Edit Level'

    def traits_view(self):
        rgrp = BorderHGroup(UItem('selected_reactor_name',
                            icon_button_editor('add_reactor_button', 'add',
                                               tooltip='Add Default Production for the selected '
                                                       'Reactor to this Irradiation level'),
github enthought / traitsui / examples / demo / Advanced / View on Github external
Creating a multi-select list box

How to use a TabularEditor to create a multi-select list box.

This demo uses two TabularEditors, side-by-side. Selections from the left table
are shown in the right table. Each table has only one column.


from traits.api import HasPrivateTraits, List, Str, Property
from traitsui.api import View, HGroup, UItem, TabularEditor
from traitsui.tabular_adapter import TabularAdapter

class MultiSelectAdapter(TabularAdapter):
    """ This adapter is used by both the left and right tables

    # Titles and column names for each column of a table.
    # In this example, each table has only one column.
    columns = [('', 'myvalue')]

    # Magically named trait which gives the display text of the column named
    # 'myvalue'. This is done using a Traits Property and its getter:
    myvalue_text = Property

    # The getter for Property 'myvalue_text' simply takes the value of the
    # corresponding item in the list being displayed in this table.
    # A more complicated example could format the item before displaying it.
    def _get_myvalue_text(self):
        return self.item
github NMGRL / pychron / pychron / envisage / browser / View on Github external
from traitsui.api import View, UItem, VGroup, EnumEditor, \
    HGroup, CheckListEditor, spring, Group, HSplit, Tabbed
from import Action
from traitsui.tabular_adapter import TabularAdapter

from pychron.core.helpers.traitsui_shortcuts import okcancel_view
from pychron.core.pychron_traits import BorderVGroup, BorderHGroup
from pychron.core.ui.combobox_editor import ComboboxEditor
from pychron.core.ui.qt.tabular_editors import FilterTabularEditor
from pychron.core.ui.tabular_editor import myTabularEditor
from pychron.envisage.browser.adapters import ProjectAdapter, PrincipalInvestigatorAdapter, LoadAdapter
from pychron.envisage.browser.pane_model_view import PaneModelView
from pychron.envisage.icon_button_editor import icon_button_editor

class AnalysisGroupsAdapter(TabularAdapter):
    columns = [('Set', 'name'),
               ('Date', 'create_date')]

    font = 'Arial 10'

    def get_menu(self, obj, trait, row, column):
        actions = [Action(name='Delete', action='delete_analysis_group')]

        return MenuManager(*actions)

class BaseBrowserSampleView(PaneModelView):
    configure_date_filter_button = Button
    configure_analysis_type_filter_button = Button
    configure_mass_spectrometer_filter_button = Button
github NMGRL / pychron / pychron / entry / export / View on Github external
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ===============================================================================

# ============= enthought library imports =======================
from traits.api import HasTraits, Enum, List, Instance, File, Str, Password, Dict
from traitsui.api import View, Item, UItem, VGroup, InstanceEditor, ListStrEditor
# ============= standard library imports ========================
# ============= local library imports  ==========================
from traitsui.tabular_adapter import TabularAdapter

class IrradiationAdapter(TabularAdapter):
    columns = [('Irradiation', 'name')]

class BaseExportDestination(HasTraits):
    def to_dict(self):

class FileDestination(BaseExportDestination):
    path = File

    def to_dict(self):
        return {'path': self.path}

    def traits_view(self):
        v = View(Item('path'))
github NMGRL / pychron / pychron / experiment / View on Github external
#============= local library imports  ==========================
from pychron.experiment.export.export_spec import ExportSpec
from pychron.database.isotope_database_manager import IsotopeDatabaseManager
from pychron.experiment.utilities.identifier import convert_special_name, make_runid
from pychron.experiment.automated_run.automated_run import assemble_script_blob
from import SelectorManager
from pychron.database.database_connection_spec import DBConnectionSpec
# from pychron.progress_dialog import myProgressDialog
import csv
from pychron.database.records.isotope_record import IsotopeRecordView
from threading import Thread
from pychron.core.ui.tabular_editor import myTabularEditor
from traitsui.tabular_adapter import TabularAdapter
from pychron.core.ui.progress_dialog import myProgressDialog

class ExportedAdapter(TabularAdapter):
    columns = [('', 'n'), ('RID', 'rid')]
#    def get_bg_color(self, *args, **kw):
#        if self.item.skipped:
#            return 'red'
#        else:
#            return 'lightgray'

class Exported(HasTraits):
    rid = Str
    n = Int
    skipped = Bool(False)

class MassSpecDestination(HasTraits):
    destination = Property
    dbconn_spec = Instance(DBConnectionSpec, ())
    def _get_destination(self):
github NMGRL / pychron / pychron / entry / tasks / sample_prep / View on Github external
def get_menu(self, obj, trait, row, column):
        # item = getattr(obj, trait)[row]
        actions = [Action(name='Move', action='move_to_session')]
        menu = MenuManager(*actions)
        return menu

class SimpleSampleAdapter(TabularAdapter):
    columns = [('Name', 'name'),
               ('Material', 'material'),
               ('Grainsize', 'grainsize')]
    font = 'arial 10'
    odd_bg_color = '#d6f5f5'

class PrepStepAdapter(TabularAdapter):
    columns = [('Date', 'timestamp'),
               ('Crush', 'crush'),
               ('Sieve', 'sieve'),
               ('Wash', 'wash'),
               ('Frantz', 'frantz'),
               ('Acid', 'acid'),
               ('Heavy_liquid', 'heavy_liquid'),
               ('Pick', 'pick'),
               ('Image', 'nimages'),
               ('Comments', 'comment')]
    font = 'arial 10'
    odd_bg_color = '#f5f5d6'
    timestamp_width = Int(100)
    crush_width = Int(75)
    sieve_width = Int(75)
    wash_width = Int(75)