Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
np.all(klpsf[:, -1] == 0.)):
klpsf = klpsf[1:-1, 1:-1]
mypsf = PixelizedPSF(klpsf)
elif psf == 'kl-gm':
from tractor.emfit import em_fit_2d
from tractor.fitpsf import em_init_params
# Create Gaussian mixture model PSF approximation.
klpsf = psfield.getPsfAtPoints(bandnum, x0 + W / 2, y0 + H / 2)
S = klpsf.shape[0]
# number of Gaussian components
K = 3
w, mu, sig = em_init_params(K, None, None, None)
II = klpsf.copy()
II /= II.sum()
II = np.maximum(II, 0)
#print('Multi-Gaussian PSF fit...')
xm, ym = -(S // 2), -(S // 2)
if savepsfimg is not None:
plt.imshow(II, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
plt.title('PSF image to fit with EM')
res = em_fit_2d(II, xm, ym, w, mu, sig)
#print('em_fit_2d result:', res)
if res == 0:
# print('w,mu,sig', w,mu,sig)
mypsf = GaussianMixturePSF(w, mu, sig)
optional P0 = (w,mu,var): initial parameter guess.
w has shape (N,)
mu has shape (N,2)
var (variance) has shape (N,2,2)
optional xy0 = int x0,y0 origin of stamp.
from tractor.emfit import em_fit_2d_reg
from tractor.fitpsf import em_init_params
if P0 is not None:
w, mu, var = P0
w, mu, var = em_init_params(N, None, None, None)
stamp = stamp.copy()
if xy0 is None:
xm, ym = -(stamp.shape[1] // 2), -(stamp.shape[0] // 2)
xm, ym = xy0
if v3:
tpsf = GaussianMixturePSF(w, mu, var)
tim = Image(data=stamp, invvar=1e6 * np.ones_like(stamp),
h, w = tim.shape
src = PointSource(PixPos(w // 2, h // 2), Flux(1.))
tr = Tractor([tim], [src])
N = 9
assert(((H % N) == 0) and ((W % N) == 0))
# Select which of the NxN PSF images applies to our cutout.
ix = int(N * float(xc) / OW)
iy = int(N * float(yc) / OH)
print('PSF image number', ix,iy)
PW,PH = W/N, H/N
print('PSF image shape', PW,PH)
psfim = psfim[iy*PH: (iy+1)*PH, ix*PW: (ix+1)*PW]
print('my PSF image shape', PW,PH)
psfim = np.maximum(psfim, 0)
psfim /= np.sum(psfim)
K = psfK
w,mu,sig = em_init_params(K, None, None, None)
xm,ym = -(PW/2), -(PH/2)
em_fit_2d(psfim, xm, ym, w, mu, sig)
tpsf = GaussianMixturePSF(w, mu, sig)
tsky = ConstantSky(0.)
obj = phdr['OBJECT'].strip()
tim = Image(data=image, invvar=invvar, psf=tpsf, wcs=twcs, photocal=photocal,
sky=tsky, name='CFHT coadd %s %s' % (obj, bandname))
# set "zr" for plots
sig = 1./np.median(tim.inverr)
tim.zr = np.array([-1., +20.]) * sig
if not doplots:
for i, y in enumerate([0, 500, 1000]):
for j, x in enumerate([0, 500, 1000]):
P ='psf-1-%i-%i.fits' % (x, y))[0].data
P /= P.max()
plt.subplot(3, 3, 3 * i + j + 1)
plt.imshow(np.log10(np.maximum(P, 1e-8)),
interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', vmax=0.01)
# plt.colorbar()
psf ='psf%i.fits' % 1)[0].data
S = psf.shape[0]
# number of Gaussian components
for K in range(1, 6):
w, mu, sig = em_init_params(K, None, None, None)
II = psf.copy()
II /= II.sum()
II = np.maximum(II, 0)
xm, ym = -(S / 2), -(S / 2)
res = em_fit_2d(II, xm, ym, w, mu, sig)
print('em_fit_2d result:', res)
if res != 0:
raise RuntimeError('Failed to fit PSF')
print('w,mu,sig', w, mu, sig)
mypsf = GaussianMixturePSF(w, mu, sig)
mypsf.radius = S / 2
mod = mypsf.getPointSourcePatch(0., 0.)
mod = mod.patch
obj = phdr['OBJECT'].strip()
tim = Image(data=image, invvar=invvar, psf=tpsf, wcs=twcs, photocal=photocal,
sky=tsky, name='CFHT coadd %s %s' % (obj, bandname))
# set "zr" for plots
sig = 1./np.median(tim.inverr)
tim.zr = np.array([-1., +20.]) * sig
if not doplots:
return tim
psfimpatch = Patch(-(PW/2), -(PH/2), psfim)
# number of Gaussian components
for K in range(1, 4):
w,mu,sig = em_init_params(K, None, None, None)
xm,ym = -(PW/2), -(PH/2)
em_fit_2d(psfim, xm, ym, w, mu, sig)
#print 'w,mu,sig', w,mu,sig
psf = GaussianMixturePSF(w, mu, sig)
patch = psf.getPointSourcePatch(0, 0)
plt.imshow(patch.getImage(), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
plt.imshow((patch - psfimpatch).getImage(), interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
plt.savefig('copsf-%i.png' % K)
hdr = P[2].header
badbits = [hdr.get('MP_%s' % nm) for nm in ['BAD', 'SAT', 'INTRP', 'CR']]
print('Bad bits:', badbits)
badmask = sum([1 << bit for bit in badbits])
#print 'Bad mask:', badmask
#print 'Mask dtype', mask.dtype
invvar[(mask & int(badmask)) > 0] = 0.
del I
del var
psfimg =[0].data
print('PSF image shape', psfimg.shape)
# number of Gaussian components
K = 3
PS = psfimg.shape[0]
w,mu,sig = em_init_params(K, None, None, None)
II = psfimg.copy()
II /= II.sum()
II = np.maximum(II, 0)
print('Multi-Gaussian PSF fit...')
xm,ym = -(PS/2), -(PS/2)
em_fit_2d(II, xm, ym, w, mu, sig)
print('w,mu,sig', w,mu,sig)
psf = GaussianMixturePSF(w, mu, sig)
if bandname is None:
# try looking up in filtermap.
filt = phdr['FILTER']
if filt in filtermap:
print('Mapping filter', filt, 'to', filtermap[filt])
bandname = filtermap[filt]
cas.cut(np.logical_or(Ibest, Iprim))
print('Cut to', len(cas), 'PRIMARY + BEST-not-near-PRIMARY')
I, J, d = match_radec(cas.ra, cas.dec, cas.ra,
cas.dec, 2. / 3600., notself=True)
loghist((cas.ra[I] - cas.ra[J]) * 3600.,
(cas.dec[I] - cas.dec[J]) * 3600., 200)
plt.title('CAS self-matches')
psf ='wise-psf-w1-500-500.fits')[0].data
S = psf.shape[0]
# number of Gaussian components
K = 3
w, mu, sig = em_init_params(K, None, None, None)
II = psf.copy()
II = np.maximum(II, 0)
II /= II.sum()
xm, ym = -(S / 2), -(S / 2)
res = em_fit_2d(II, xm, ym, w, mu, sig)
if res != 0:
raise RuntimeError('Failed to fit PSF')
print('W1 PSF:')
print(' w', w)
print(' mu', mu)
print(' sigma', sig)
w1psf = GaussianMixturePSF(w, mu, sig)
print('PSF radius:', w1psf.getRadius(), 'pixels')
psf =[0].data
print('psf', psf.shape)
psf /= psf.sum()
from tractor.emfit import em_fit_2d
from tractor.fitpsf import em_init_params
# Create Gaussian mixture model PSF approximation.
S = psf.shape[0]
# number of Gaussian components
K = 3
w,mu,sig = em_init_params(K, None, None, None)
II = psf.copy()
II /= II.sum()
II = np.maximum(II, 0)
print('Multi-Gaussian PSF fit...')
xm,ym = -(S/2), -(S/2)
em_fit_2d(II, xm, ym, w, mu, sig)
print('w,mu,sig', w,mu,sig)
mypsf = tractor.GaussianMixturePSF(w, mu, sig)
P = mypsf.getPointSourcePatch(S/2, S/2)
mn,mx = psf.min(), psf.max()
ima = dict(interpolation='nearest', origin='lower',
vmin=mn, vmax=mx)