How to use the tqdm.autonotebook.tqdm function in tqdm

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few tqdm examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github xoolive / traffic / traffic / data / datasets / View on Github external
def download_data(dataset: Dict[str, str]) -> io.BytesIO:
    from .. import session

    f = session.get(dataset["url"], stream=True)
    total = int(f.headers["Content-Length"])
    buffer = io.BytesIO()
    for chunk in tqdm(
        total=total // 1024 + 1 if total % 1024 > 0 else 0,

    compute_md5 = md5(buffer.getbuffer()).hexdigest()
    if compute_md5 != dataset["md5sum"]:
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"Error in MD5 check: {compute_md5} instead of {dataset['md5sum']}"

    return buffer
github saketkc / pysradb / pysradb / View on Github external
show_progress: bool
                   Show progress bar
    if os.path.exists(file_path) and os.path.getsize(file_path):
    tmp_file_path = file_path + ".part"
    first_byte = os.path.getsize(tmp_file_path) if os.path.exists(tmp_file_path) else 0
    file_mode = "ab" if first_byte else "wb"
    file_size = -1
        file_size = int(requests.head(url).headers["Content-length"])
        headers = {"Range": "bytes=%s-" % first_byte}
        r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, stream=True)
        if show_progress:
            desc = "Downloading {}".format(url.split("/")[-1])
            pbar = tqdm(
        with open(tmp_file_path, file_mode) as f:
            for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=block_size):
                if chunk:  # filter out keep-alive new chunks
                    if show_progress:
        if show_progress:
    except IOError as e:
        sys.stderr.write("IO Error - {}\n".format(e))
github TUM-DAML / seml / seml / View on Github external
del slurm_config['experiments_per_job']
            start_slurm_job(collection, exp_array, unobserved, post_mortem,
                            name=job_name, output_dir_path=output_dir_path, **slurm_config)
        login_node_name = 'fs'
        if login_node_name in os.uname()[1]:
            logging.error("Refusing to run a compute experiment on a login node. "
                          "Please use Slurm or a compute node.")
        [get_output_dir_path(exp) for exp in exps_list]  # Check if output dir exists'Starting local worker thread that will run up to {nexps} experiment{s_if(nexps)}, '
                     f'until no queued experiments remain.')
        if not unobserved:
            collection.update_many({'_id': {'$in': [e['_id'] for e in exps_list]}}, {"$set": {"status": "PENDING"}})
        num_exceptions = 0
        tq = tqdm(enumerate(exps_list))
        for i_exp, exp in tq:
            if output_to_file:
                output_dir_path = get_output_dir_path(exp)
                output_dir_path = None
            success = start_local_job(collection, exp, unobserved, post_mortem, output_dir_path)
            if success is False:
                num_exceptions += 1
            tq.set_postfix(failed=f"{num_exceptions}/{i_exp} experiments")
github slundberg / shap / shap / benchmark / View on Github external
X_train, X_test = to_array(X_train, X_test)

    # how many features to mask
    assert X_train.shape[1] == X_test.shape[1]

    # this is the model we will retrain many times
    model_masked = model_generator()

    # keep nkeep top features and re-train the model for each test explanation
    X_train_tmp = np.zeros(X_train.shape)
    X_test_tmp = np.zeros(X_test.shape)
    yp_masked_test = np.zeros(y_test.shape)
    tie_breaking_noise = const_rand(X_train.shape[1]) * 1e-6
    last_nkeep = _keep_cache.get("nkeep", None)
    last_yp_masked_test = _keep_cache.get("yp_masked_test", None)
    for i in tqdm(range(len(y_test)), "Retraining for the 'keep' metric"):
        if cache_match and last_nkeep[i] == nkeep[i]:
            yp_masked_test[i] = last_yp_masked_test[i]
        elif nkeep[i] == attr_test.shape[1]:
            yp_masked_test[i] = trained_model.predict(X_test[i:i+1])[0]

            # mask out the most important features for this test instance
            X_train_tmp[:] = X_train
            X_test_tmp[:] = X_test
            ordering = np.argsort(-attr_test[i,:] + tie_breaking_noise)
            X_train_tmp[:,ordering[nkeep[i]:]] = X_train[:,ordering[nkeep[i]:]].mean()
            X_test_tmp[i,ordering[nkeep[i]:]] = X_train[:,ordering[nkeep[i]:]].mean()

            # retrain the model and make a prediction
  , y_train)
            yp_masked_test[i] = model_masked.predict(X_test_tmp[i:i+1])[0]
github xoolive / traffic / traffic / core / View on Github external
            cumul = []
            with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
                iterator = self.wrapped_t.iterate(**self.iterate_kw)
                if len(self.tqdm_kw):
                    iterator = tqdm(iterator, **self.tqdm_kw)
                tasks = {
                        apply, self.stacked_ops, idx, flight
                    ): flight
                    for idx, flight in enumerate(iterator)
                tasks_completed = as_completed(tasks)
                if desc is not None:
                    tasks_completed = tqdm(
                for future in tasks_completed:

        # return Traffic.from_flights
        return self.wrapped_t.__class__.from_flights(
            [flight for flight in cumul if flight is not None]
github slundberg / shap / shap / benchmark / View on Github external
X_train, X_test = to_array(X_train, X_test)

    # how many features to mask
    assert X_train.shape[1] == X_test.shape[1]

    # this is the model we will retrain many times
    model_masked = model_generator()

    # mask nmask top features and re-train the model for each test explanation
    X_train_tmp = np.zeros(X_train.shape)
    X_test_tmp = np.zeros(X_test.shape)
    yp_masked_test = np.zeros(y_test.shape)
    tie_breaking_noise = const_rand(X_train.shape[1]) * 1e-6
    last_nmask = _remove_cache.get("nmask", None)
    last_yp_masked_test = _remove_cache.get("yp_masked_test", None)
    for i in tqdm(range(len(y_test)), "Retraining for the 'remove' metric"):
        if cache_match and last_nmask[i] == nmask[i]:
            yp_masked_test[i] = last_yp_masked_test[i]
        elif nmask[i] == 0:
            yp_masked_test[i] = trained_model.predict(X_test[i:i+1])[0]
            # mask out the most important features for this test instance
            X_train_tmp[:] = X_train
            X_test_tmp[:] = X_test
            ordering = np.argsort(-attr_test[i,:] + tie_breaking_noise)
            X_train_tmp[:,ordering[:nmask[i]]] = X_train[:,ordering[:nmask[i]]].mean()
            X_test_tmp[i,ordering[:nmask[i]]] = X_train[:,ordering[:nmask[i]]].mean()

            # retrain the model and make a prediction
  , y_train)
            yp_masked_test[i] = model_masked.predict(X_test_tmp[i:i+1])[0]
github p768lwy3 / torecsys / torecsys / trainer / View on Github external
# Get dataloader of current mode
        dataloader = self._loaders[mode]
        dataloader_iter = iter(dataloader)
        num_batch = len(dataloader)

        # Initialize loss of steps and epoch
        _steps_loss = 0.0
        _epoch_loss = 0.0

        # Generate progress bar of this epoch from dataloader
        if self.has_max_num_iterations:
            num_batch_epochs = min(self.max_num_iterations, num_batch)
        # TODO: add metrics logging to tqdm
        # mdesc = ", "+ ", ".join([m.capitalize() + ": ?" for m in self.metrics])
        desc = "Current Mode: %s, Step Loss: ?" % mode
        pbar = tqdm(range(num_batch_epochs), desc=desc)

        # Iterate through the progress bar
        for i in pbar:
            # Get next batch from dataloader
            batch_values = next(dataloader_iter)

            # Calculate prediction and loss of the batch
            prediction, loss = self._iterate(batch_values, backward=backward)

            # Convert loss from torch.Tensor to float
            loss_value = loss.cpu().item()
            _steps_loss += loss_value
            _epoch_loss += loss_value

            # Calculate metrics
            # if self.has_metrics:
github TUM-DAML / seml / seml / View on Github external
import gridfs
    if all_collections:
        config = get_mongodb_config()
        db = get_database(**config)
        collection_names = db.list_collection_names()
        collection = get_collection(db_collection_name)
        db = collection.database
        collection_names = []
    collection_names = set(collection_names)
    collection_blacklist = {'fs.chunks', 'fs.files'}
    collection_names = collection_names - collection_blacklist

    fs = gridfs.GridFS(db)
    referenced_files = set()
    for collection_name in tqdm(collection_names):
        collection = db[collection_name]
        experiments = list(collection.find({}, {'artifacts': 1, 'experiment.sources': 1, 'source_files': 1}))
        for exp in experiments:
            if 'artifacts' in exp:
                referenced_files.update({x[1] for x in exp['artifacts']})
            if 'experiment' in exp and 'sources' in exp['experiment']:
                referenced_files.update({x[1] for x in exp['experiment']['sources']})
            if 'source_files' in exp:
                referenced_files.update({x[1] for x in exp['source_files']})

    all_files_in_db = list(db['fs.files'].find({}, {'_id': 1, 'filename': 1, 'metadata': 1}))
    filtered_file_ids = set()
    for file in all_files_in_db:
        if 'filename' in file:
            filename = file['filename']
            file_collection = None