Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
probs = self._make_probs(data)
start, end = self._get_range(data=data, probs=probs)
output_fraction = Fraction(0, 1)
output_denominator = 1
while not (start <= output_fraction < end):
output_numerator = 1 + ((start.numerator * output_denominator) // start.denominator)
output_fraction = Fraction(output_numerator, output_denominator)
output_denominator *= 2
return output_fraction
def _get_size(self, data):
numerator = self._compress(data).numerator
return math.ceil(math.log(numerator, self.base))
class RLENCD(_NCDBase):
"""Run-length encoding
def _compress(self, data):
new_data = []
for k, g in groupby(data):
n = len(list(g))
if n > 2:
new_data.append(str(n) + k)
elif n == 1:
new_data.append(2 * k)
return ''.join(new_data)
import os
import unittest2 as unittest
except ImportError:
import unittest
import textdistance
from textdistance.libraries import prototype
libraries = prototype.clone()
# CONSTRAINTS = os.getenv('WITH_CONSTRAINTS', 'yes') == 'yes'
# NUMPY = os.getenv('WITH_NUMPY', 'yes') == 'yes'
CONSTRAINTS = os.environ['WITH_CONSTRAINTS'] == 'yes'
NUMPY = os.environ['WITH_NUMPY'] == 'yes'
from tests import * # noQA
if __name__ == '__main__':
# app
from .base import Base as _Base, BaseSimilarity as _BaseSimilarity
__all__ = [
'Prefix', 'Postfix', 'Length', 'Identity', 'Matrix',
'prefix', 'postfix', 'length', 'identity', 'matrix',
string_types = (str, unicode)
except NameError:
string_types = (str, )
class Prefix(_BaseSimilarity):
"""prefix similarity
def __init__(self, qval=1, sim_test=None):
self.qval = qval
self.sim_test = sim_test or self._ident
def __call__(self, *sequences):
if not sequences:
return 0
sequences = self._get_sequences(*sequences)
test = lambda seq: self.sim_test(*seq) # noQA
result = [c[0] for c in takewhile(test, zip(*sequences))]
s = sequences[0]
if isinstance(s, string_types):
return ''.join(result)
def _get_sequences(self, *sequences):
"""Prepare sequences.
qval=None: split text by words
qval=1: do not split sequences. For text this is mean comparing by letters.
qval>1: split sequences by q-grams
# by words
if not self.qval:
return [s.split() for s in sequences]
# by chars
if self.qval == 1:
return sequences
# by n-grams
return [find_ngrams(s, self.qval) for s in sequences]
q_mat[i - 1, j - 1] + sim_val,
p_mat[i, j] = max(
d_mat[i - 1, j] - self.gap_open,
p_mat[i - 1, j] - self.gap_ext,
q_mat[i, j] = max(
d_mat[i, j - 1] - self.gap_open,
q_mat[i, j - 1] - self.gap_ext,
i, j = (n - 1 for n in d_mat.shape)
return max(d_mat[i, j], p_mat[i, j], q_mat[i, j])
class StrCmp95(_BaseSimilarity):
"""strcmp95 similarity
sp_mx = (
('A', 'E'), ('A', 'I'), ('A', 'O'), ('A', 'U'), ('B', 'V'), ('E', 'I'),
('E', 'O'), ('E', 'U'), ('I', 'O'), ('I', 'U'), ('O', 'U'), ('I', 'Y'),
('E', 'Y'), ('C', 'G'), ('E', 'F'), ('W', 'U'), ('W', 'V'), ('X', 'K'),
('S', 'Z'), ('X', 'S'), ('Q', 'C'), ('U', 'V'), ('M', 'N'), ('L', 'I'),
('Q', 'O'), ('P', 'R'), ('I', 'J'), ('2', 'Z'), ('5', 'S'), ('8', 'B'),
('1', 'I'), ('1', 'L'), ('0', 'O'), ('0', 'Q'), ('C', 'K'), ('G', 'J'),
def __init__(self, long_strings=False, external=True):
self.long_strings = long_strings
self.external = external
return 1
def __call__(self, *sequences):
result = self.quick_answer(*sequences)
if result is not None:
return result
sequences = self._get_counters(*sequences) # sets
intersection = self._intersect_counters(*sequences) # set
intersection = self._count_counters(intersection) # int
union = self._union_counters(*sequences) # set
union = self._count_counters(union) # int
return intersection / float(union)
class Sorensen(_BaseSimilarity):
Compute the Sorensen distance between the two sequences.
They should contain hashable items.
The return value is a float between 0 and 1, where 0 means equal,
and 1 totally different.
def __init__(self, qval=1, as_set=False):
self.qval = qval
self.as_set = as_set
def maximum(self, *sequences):
return 1
from functools import reduce
except ImportError:
__all__ = [
'Jaccard', 'Sorensen', 'Tversky',
'Overlap', 'Cosine', 'Tanimoto', 'MongeElkan', 'Bag',
'jaccard', 'sorensen', 'tversky', 'sorensen_dice',
'overlap', 'cosine', 'tanimoto', 'monge_elkan', 'bag',
class Jaccard(_BaseSimilarity):
Compute the Jaccard similarity between the two sequences.
They should contain hashable items.
The return value is a float between 0 and 1, where 1 means equal,
and 0 totally different.
def __init__(self, qval=1, as_set=False, external=True):
self.qval = qval
self.as_set = as_set
self.external = external
def maximum(self, *sequences):
return 1
if len(sequences) == 2 or self.bias is None:
result = intersection
for k, s in zip(ks, sequences):
result += k * (s - intersection)
return float(intersection) / result
s1, s2 = sequences
alpha, beta = ks
a_val = min([s1, s2])
b_val = max([s1, s2])
c_val = float(intersection + self.bias)
result = alpha * beta * (a_val - b_val) + b_val * beta
return c_val / (result + c_val)
class Overlap(_BaseSimilarity):
"""overlap coefficient
def __init__(self, qval=1, as_set=False, external=True):
self.qval = qval
self.as_set = as_set
self.external = external
def maximum(self, *sequences):
return 1
def __call__(self, *sequences):
result = self.quick_answer(*sequences)
if result is not None:
return 1
def __call__(self, *sequences):
result = self.quick_answer(*sequences)
if result is not None:
return result
sequences = self._get_counters(*sequences) # sets
intersection = self._intersect_counters(*sequences) # set
intersection = self._count_counters(intersection) # int
sequences = [self._count_counters(s) for s in sequences] # ints
return float(intersection) / min(sequences)
class Cosine(_BaseSimilarity):
"""cosine similarity (Ochiai coefficient)
def __init__(self, qval=1, as_set=False):
self.qval = qval
self.as_set = as_set
def maximum(self, *sequences):
return 1
def __call__(self, *sequences):
result = self.quick_answer(*sequences)
if result is not None:
return result
import numpy
except ImportError:
from array import array
numpy = None
__all__ = [
'lcsseq', 'lcsstr', 'ratcliff_obershelp',
'LCSSeq', 'LCSStr', 'RatcliffObershelp',
class LCSSeq(_BaseSimilarity):
"""longest common subsequence similarity
def __init__(self, qval=1, test_func=None):
self.qval = qval
self.test_func = test_func or self._ident
def _dynamic(self, seq1, seq2):
if numpy:
lengths = numpy.zeros((len(seq1) + 1, len(seq2) + 1),