How to use the template.powerpoint.__init__.Record function in template

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few template examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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return super(File, self).__repr__()

### list of all records
## PowerPoint stream
class Document(RecordContainer):
    recordtype = 1000

class OEPlaceholderAtom(pstruct.type, Record):
    recordtype = 3011
    _fields_ = [
        (uint4, 'placementId'),
        (ubyte1, 'placeholderId'),
        (ubyte1, 'size')

class ExObjRefAtom(pstruct.type, Record):
    recordtype = 3009
    _fields_ = [
        (uint4, 'exObjId')

class List(RecordContainer):
    recordtype = 1016

class Slide(RecordContainer):
    recordtype = 1006

class SSlideLayout(pstruct.type, Record):
    recordtype = 1015
    _fields_ = [
        (sint4, 'geom'),
        (dyn.array(ubyte1, 8), 'placeholderId'),
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recordtype = 4086
    _fields_ = [
        (uint4, 'size'),
        (dyn.block(4), 'headerToken'),
        (dyn.pointer(RecordGeneral), 'offsetToCurrentEdit'),
        (uint2, 'lenUserName'),
        (uint2, 'docfileversion'),
        (ubyte1, 'majorVersion'),
        (ubyte1, 'minorVersion'),
        (dyn.block(2), 'unused'),
        (lambda s: dyn.clone(pstr.string,length=int(s['lenUserName'].l)), 'ansiUserName'),
        (uint4, 'relVersion'),
#        (lambda s: dyn.clone(pstr.wstring,length=int(s['lenUserName'].l)*2), 'unicodeUserName'),

class PSR_ColorSchemeAtom(parray.type, Record):
    recordtype = 0x7f0
    recordtype = 2032
    length = 8
    _object_ = uint4

class PSR_HashCodeAtom(pstruct.type, Record):
    recordtype = 0x2b00
    recordtype = 11008
    _fields_ = [(uint4, 'hash')]

class PSR_SlideTimeAtom10(pstruct.type, Record):
    recordtype = 0x2eeb
    recordtype = 12011
    _fields_ = [(uint4, 'dwHighDateTime'),(uint4, 'dwLowDateTime')]

class msofbtTimeNode(pstruct.type, Record):
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(__info, 'info'),
        (lambda s: dyn.array( dyn.pointer(RecordGeneral), s['info'].l['cPersist'] ), 'offsets')

    def __repr__(self):
        id = 'id:%x'% self['info']['persistId']
        addresses = [hex(int(o)) for o in self['offsets']]
        return ' '.join( (, id, 'offsets: [', ','.join(addresses), ']') )

    def walk(self):
        # heh
        for n in self['offsets']:
            yield n.d.l['data']

class PersistDirectoryAtom(parray.infinite, Record):
    recordtype = 6002
    recordtype = 0x1772

    _object_ = PersistDirectoryEntry

    currentsize = 0
    def isTerminator(self, value):
        s = value.size()
        self.currentsize += s

        l = self.parent['header']['recLength']
        if self.currentsize < int(l):
            return False
        return True

class CString(ptype.type, Record):
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class Handout(RecordContainer):
    recordtype = 4041
    recordtype = 0x0fc9

### office art
class msofbtExtTimeNodeContainer(RecordContainer):
    recordtype = 0xf144
    recordtype = 61764
class msofbtTimeConditionContainer(RecordContainer):
    recordtype = 0xf125
    recordtype = 61733
class msofbtTimeColorBehaviorContainer(RecordContainer):
    recordtype = 0xf12c
    recordtype = 61740

class msofbtTimeCondition(pstruct.type, Record):
    recordtype = 0xf128
    recordtype = 61736

    class __triggerType(pint.enum, pint.uint32_t):
        _fields_ = [
            ('totNone', 0),
            ('totVisualElement', 1),
            ('totTimeNode', 2),
            ('totRuntimeNodeRef', 3),
            ('TriggerObjectType_MaxEnumIDs', 4),

    class __event(pint.enum, pint.uint32_t):
        _fields_ = [
            ('totNone', 0),
            ('totOnBegin', 1),
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recordtype = 6002
    recordtype = 0x1772

    _object_ = PersistDirectoryEntry

    currentsize = 0
    def isTerminator(self, value):
        s = value.size()
        self.currentsize += s

        l = self.parent['header']['recLength']
        if self.currentsize < int(l):
            return False
        return True

class CString(ptype.type, Record):
    recordtype = 4026

class BinaryTagData(RecordContainer):
    recordtype = 5003

class ProgBinaryTag(RecordContainer):
    recordtype = 5002

class ProgTags(RecordContainer):
    recordtype = 5000

class PST_Notes(RecordContainer):
    recordtype = 1008

class PST_PPDrawing(RecordContainer):
    recordtype = 1036
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(ubyte1, 'size')

class ExObjRefAtom(pstruct.type, Record):
    recordtype = 3009
    _fields_ = [
        (uint4, 'exObjId')

class List(RecordContainer):
    recordtype = 1016

class Slide(RecordContainer):
    recordtype = 1006

class SSlideLayout(pstruct.type, Record):
    recordtype = 1015
    _fields_ = [
        (sint4, 'geom'),
        (dyn.array(ubyte1, 8), 'placeholderId'),

class SlideAtom(pstruct.type, Record):
    recordtype = 1007
    _fields_ = [
        (SSlideLayout, 'layout'),
        (sint4, 'masterId'),
        (sint4, 'notesId'),
        (uint2, 'Flags')

class PersistDirectoryEntry(pstruct.type):
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('totOnMouseOut', 8),
            ('totOnNext', 9),
            ('totOnPrev', 10),
            ('totOnStopAudio', 11),
            ('TriggerEventType_MaxEnumIDs', 12),

    _fields_ = [
        (__triggerType, 'triggerType'),
        (__event, 'event'),
        (pint.uint32_t, 'id'),
        (pint.int32_t, 'delay'),

### Current User Stream
class PSR_UserEditAtom(pstruct.type, Record):
    recordtype = 0x0ff5
    recordtype = 4085
    _fields_ = [
        (sint4, 'lastSlideIDRef'),
        (uint2, 'version'),
        (ubyte1, 'minorVersion'),
        (ubyte1, 'majorVersion'),
        (lambda s: dyn.pointer(PSR_UserEditAtom), 'offsetLastEdit'),
        (dyn.pointer(RecordGeneral), 'offsetPersistDirectory'),
        (uint4, 'docPersistIdRef'),
        (uint4, 'persistIdSeed'),
        (sint2, 'lastView'),
        (dyn.block(2), 'unused'),

class RT_CurrentUserAtom(pstruct.type, Record):
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class List(RecordContainer):
    recordtype = 1016

class Slide(RecordContainer):
    recordtype = 1006

class SSlideLayout(pstruct.type, Record):
    recordtype = 1015
    _fields_ = [
        (sint4, 'geom'),
        (dyn.array(ubyte1, 8), 'placeholderId'),

class SlideAtom(pstruct.type, Record):
    recordtype = 1007
    _fields_ = [
        (SSlideLayout, 'layout'),
        (sint4, 'masterId'),
        (sint4, 'notesId'),
        (uint2, 'Flags')

class PersistDirectoryEntry(pstruct.type):
    class __info(pbinary.littleendian(pbinary.struct)):
        _fields_ = [(12, 'cPersist'), (20,'persistId')]

    _fields_ = [
        (__info, 'info'),
        (lambda s: dyn.array( dyn.pointer(RecordGeneral), s['info'].l['cPersist'] ), 'offsets')
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def lookup(self, type):
        '''Return the first instance of specified record type'''
        res = [x for x in self if int(x['header']['recType']) == type]
        if not res:
            raise KeyError(type)
        assert len(res) == 1, repr(res)
        return res[0]

    def walk(self):
        for x in self:
            yield x['data']

class Record(object): pass
class RecordContainer(parray.terminated, Record, searchingcontainer):
    _object_ = RecordGeneral
    currentsize = maxsize = 0

    def isTerminator(self, value):
        s = value.size()
        self.currentsize += s
        if (self.currentsize < self.maxsize):
            return False
        return True

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.initialized:
            records = []
            for v in self.walk():
                n = '%s[%x]'%(v.__class__.__name__,v.recordtype)
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(pint.uint8_t, 'Type'),
        (__Value, 'Value'),

class msofbtTimeBehavior(pstruct.type, Record):
    recordtype = 0xf133
    recordtype = 61747

    _fields_ = [
        (pint.uint32_t, 'propertiesUsed'),
        (pint.uint32_t, 'tbaddAdditive'),
        (pint.uint32_t, 'tbaccAccmulate'),
        (pint.uint32_t, 'tbbtTransformType'),

class PSR_VisualShapeAtom(pstruct.type, Record):
    recordtype = 11003
    recordtype = 0x2afb

    _fields_ = [
        (uint4, 'type'),
        (uint4, 'refType'),
        (uint4, 'id'),
        (sint4, 'data0'),
        (sint4, 'data1'),

### collect all classes
import inspect
for name,cls in globals().items():
        if inspect.isclass(cls) and issubclass(cls, Record) and cls is not Record: