How to use the tedana.utils.dice function in tedana

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rejB = ncl[andb([tt_table[ncl, 0] < 0,
                     seldict['varex'][ncl] > np.median(seldict['varex']), ncl > KRcut]) == 3]
    rej = np.union1d(rej, rejB)
    ncl = np.setdiff1d(ncl, rej)

    for ii in range(20000):
        db = DBSCAN(eps=.005 + ii * .005, min_samples=3).fit(fz.T)

        # it would be great to have descriptive names, here
        cond1 = db.labels_.max() > 1
        cond2 = db.labels_.max() < len(nc) / 6
        cond3 = np.intersect1d(rej, nc[db.labels_ == 0]).shape[0] == 0
        cond4 = np.array(db.labels_ == -1, dtype=int).sum() / float(len(nc)) < .5

        if cond1 and cond2 and cond3 and cond4:
            epsmap.append([ii, dice(guessmask, db.labels_ == 0),
                           np.intersect1d(nc[db.labels_ == 0],
                           nc[seldict['Rhos'] > getelbow_mod(Rhos_sorted,
            lgr.debug('++ Found solution', ii, db.labels_)
        db = None

    epsmap = np.array(epsmap)
    group0 = []
    dbscanfailed = False
    if len(epsmap) != 0:
        # Select index that maximizes Dice with guessmask but first
        # minimizes number of higher Rho components
        ii = int(epsmap[np.argmax(epsmap[epsmap[:, 2] == np.min(epsmap[:, 2]), 1], 0), 0])'++ Component selection tuning: {:.05f}'.format(epsmap[:, 1].max()))
        db = DBSCAN(eps=.005+ii*.005, min_samples=3).fit(fz.T)
        ncl = nc[db.labels_ == 0]
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model F-statistic maps.
    comptable['countsigFR2'] = F_R2_clmaps.sum(axis=0)
    comptable['countsigFS0'] = F_S0_clmaps.sum(axis=0)

    Generate Dice values for R2 and S0 models
    - dice_FR2: Dice value of cluster-extent thresholded maps of R2-model betas
      and F-statistics.
    - dice_FS0: Dice value of cluster-extent thresholded maps of S0-model betas
      and F-statistics.
    comptable['dice_FR2'] = np.zeros(all_comps.shape[0])
    comptable['dice_FS0'] = np.zeros(all_comps.shape[0])
    for i_comp in acc:
        comptable.loc[i_comp, 'dice_FR2'] = utils.dice(Br_R2_clmaps[:, i_comp],
                                                       F_R2_clmaps[:, i_comp])
        comptable.loc[i_comp, 'dice_FS0'] = utils.dice(Br_S0_clmaps[:, i_comp],
                                                       F_S0_clmaps[:, i_comp])

    comptable.loc[np.isnan(comptable['dice_FR2']), 'dice_FR2'] = 0
    comptable.loc[np.isnan(comptable['dice_FS0']), 'dice_FS0'] = 0

    Generate three metrics of component noise:
    - countnoise: Number of "noise" voxels (voxels highly weighted for
      component, but not from clusters)
    - signal-noise_t: T-statistic for two-sample t-test of F-statistics from
      "signal" voxels (voxels in clusters) against "noise" voxels (voxels not
      in clusters) for R2 model.
    - signal-noise_p: P-value from t-test.
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rej = sorted(np.setdiff1d(ncl, acc))
        return acc, rej, midk, []  # Add string for ign

    Do some tallies for no. of significant voxels
    countsigFS0 = seldict['F_S0_clmaps'].sum(0)
    countsigFR2 = seldict['F_S0_clmaps'].sum(0)
    countnoise = np.zeros(len(nc))

    Make table of dice values
    dice_tbl = np.zeros([nc.shape[0], 2])
    for ii in ncl:
        dice_FR2 = dice(unmask(seldict['Br_clmaps_R2'][:, ii], mask)[t2s != 0],
                        seldict['F_R2_clmaps'][:, ii])
        dice_FS0 = dice(unmask(seldict['Br_clmaps_R2'][:, ii], mask)[t2s != 0],
                        seldict['F_S0_clmaps'][:, ii])
        dice_tbl[ii, :] = [dice_FR2, dice_FS0]  # step 3a here and above
    dice_tbl[np.isnan(dice_tbl)] = 0

    Make table of noise gain
    tt_table = np.zeros([len(nc), 4])
    counts_FR2_Z = np.zeros([len(nc), 2])
    for ii in nc:
        comp_noise_sel = andb([np.abs(seldict['Z_maps'][:, ii]) > 1.95,
                               seldict['Z_clmaps'][:, ii] == 0]) == 2
        countnoise[ii] = np.array(comp_noise_sel,
        noise_FR2_Z = np.log10(np.unique(seldict['F_R2_maps'][unmask(comp_noise_sel,
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    Do some tallies for no. of significant voxels
    countsigFS0 = seldict['F_S0_clmaps'].sum(0)
    countsigFR2 = seldict['F_S0_clmaps'].sum(0)
    countnoise = np.zeros(len(nc))

    Make table of dice values
    dice_tbl = np.zeros([nc.shape[0], 2])
    for ii in ncl:
        dice_FR2 = dice(unmask(seldict['Br_clmaps_R2'][:, ii], mask)[t2s != 0],
                        seldict['F_R2_clmaps'][:, ii])
        dice_FS0 = dice(unmask(seldict['Br_clmaps_R2'][:, ii], mask)[t2s != 0],
                        seldict['F_S0_clmaps'][:, ii])
        dice_tbl[ii, :] = [dice_FR2, dice_FS0]  # step 3a here and above
    dice_tbl[np.isnan(dice_tbl)] = 0

    Make table of noise gain
    tt_table = np.zeros([len(nc), 4])
    counts_FR2_Z = np.zeros([len(nc), 2])
    for ii in nc:
        comp_noise_sel = andb([np.abs(seldict['Z_maps'][:, ii]) > 1.95,
                               seldict['Z_clmaps'][:, ii] == 0]) == 2
        countnoise[ii] = np.array(comp_noise_sel,
        noise_FR2_Z = np.log10(np.unique(seldict['F_R2_maps'][unmask(comp_noise_sel,
                                                                     mask)[t2s != 0], ii]))
        signal_FR2_Z = np.log10(np.unique(seldict['F_R2_maps'][unmask(seldict['Z_clmaps'][:, ii],
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comptable['countsigFR2'] = F_R2_clmaps.sum(axis=0)
    comptable['countsigFS0'] = F_S0_clmaps.sum(axis=0)

    Generate Dice values for R2 and S0 models
    - dice_FR2: Dice value of cluster-extent thresholded maps of R2-model betas
      and F-statistics.
    - dice_FS0: Dice value of cluster-extent thresholded maps of S0-model betas
      and F-statistics.
    comptable['dice_FR2'] = np.zeros(comptable.shape[0])
    comptable['dice_FS0'] = np.zeros(comptable.shape[0])
    for i_comp in comptable.index:
        comptable.loc[i_comp, 'dice_FR2'] = utils.dice(Br_R2_clmaps[:, i_comp],
                                                       F_R2_clmaps[:, i_comp])
        comptable.loc[i_comp, 'dice_FS0'] = utils.dice(Br_S0_clmaps[:, i_comp],
                                                       F_S0_clmaps[:, i_comp])

    comptable.loc[np.isnan(comptable['dice_FR2']), 'dice_FR2'] = 0
    comptable.loc[np.isnan(comptable['dice_FS0']), 'dice_FS0'] = 0

    Generate three metrics of component noise:
    - countnoise: Number of "noise" voxels (voxels highly weighted for
      component, but not from clusters)
    - signal-noise_t: T-statistic for two-sample t-test of F-statistics from
      "signal" voxels (voxels in clusters) against "noise" voxels (voxels not
      in clusters) for R2 model.
    - signal-noise_p: P-value from t-test.
    comptable['countnoise'] = 0
    comptable['signal-noise_t'] = 0