How to use the tavern.tavern_models.TavernHero function in tavern

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few tavern examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Arctem / arcbot / tavern / pool / View on Github external
def find_hero(heroId=None, name=None, patron=None, s=None):
    if heroId:
        return s.query(TavernHero).filter( == heroId).first()
    elif name:
        return s.query(TavernHero).filter( == name).first()
    elif patron:
        return s.query(TavernHero).filter( ==
github Arctem / arcbot / tavern / pool / View on Github external
def reset_pool(s=None):
    unhired = set(s.query(TavernHero).filter(TavernHero.activity.in_([
        HeroActivity.VisitingTavern, HeroActivity.CommonPool
    ]), TavernHero.patron == None).all())
    for hero in unhired:

    available = set(s.query(TavernHero).filter(TavernHero.activity.in_([
        HeroActivity.VisitingTavern, HeroActivity.CommonPool, HeroActivity.Elsewhere
    ]), TavernHero.patron == None).all())
    taverns = hq_controller.get_taverns(s=s)

    # Divide heroes into three groups: those visiting taverns, those in the pool, and those elsewhere.
    visitors = random.sample(available, len(taverns))
    available = available - set(visitors)
    pool_heroes = random.sample(available, min(constants.POOL_SIZE, len(available)))
    available = available - set(pool_heroes)
github Arctem / arcbot / tavern / pool / View on Github external
def print_debug(s=None):
    for hero in s.query(TavernHero).all():
        print("There is a hero {} that is {}".format(hero.info_string(), hero.activity))
github Arctem / arcbot / tavern / pool / View on Github external
def ensure_hero_count(s=None):
    alive = s.query(TavernHero).filter(TavernHero.activity != HeroActivity.Dead, TavernHero.patron == None).count()
    idle = s.query(TavernHero).filter(TavernHero.activity.in_(
        [HeroActivity.CommonPool, HeroActivity.Elsewhere]), TavernHero.patron == None).count()
    to_create = max(constants.HEROES_MIN_ALIVE - alive, constants.HEROES_MIN_IDLE -
                    idle, hq_controller.count_taverns(s=s) - idle)

    created = 0
    for i in range(to_create):
        hero = pool_controller.generate_hero(s=s)
        created += 1
    return created
github Arctem / arcbot / tavern / adventure / View on Github external
def start_adventure(hero_id, dungeon_id, hiring_tavern_id=None, s=None):
    hero = s.query(TavernHero).filter( == hero_id).first()
    dungeon = s.query(TavernDungeon).filter( == dungeon_id).first()
    tavern = None if hiring_tavern_id is None else s.query(Tavern).filter( == hiring_tavern_id).first()

    if not (hero.activity == HeroActivity.Hired and tavern is not None and hero.employer == tavern) and not (tavern is None and hero.activity == HeroActivity.Elsewhere):
        raise TavernException('Hero {} cannot start an adventure with tavern {} from state {}'.format(
            hero, tavern, hero.activity))
    if not
        raise TavernException('Cannot send hero to adventure in inactive dungeon {}'.format(dungeon))

    adventure = TavernAdventure(hero=hero, dungeon=dungeon, employer=tavern,
                                floor=dungeon_controller.get_floor(, 0, s=s),
                                active=True, money_gained=0, start_tick=tick.current_tick(s=s))
    pool_controller.change_hero_activity(hero, HeroActivity.Adventuring, s=s)
    s.add(logs.adventure_started(hero, dungeon, tavern))
github Arctem / arcbot / tavern / pool / View on Github external
def find_hero(heroId=None, name=None, patron=None, s=None):
    if heroId:
        return s.query(TavernHero).filter( == heroId).first()
    elif name:
        return s.query(TavernHero).filter( == name).first()
    elif patron:
        return s.query(TavernHero).filter( ==
github Arctem / arcbot / tavern / pool / View on Github external
def ensure_hero_count(s=None):
    alive = s.query(TavernHero).filter(TavernHero.activity != HeroActivity.Dead, TavernHero.patron == None).count()
    idle = s.query(TavernHero).filter(TavernHero.activity.in_(
        [HeroActivity.CommonPool, HeroActivity.Elsewhere]), TavernHero.patron == None).count()
    to_create = max(constants.HEROES_MIN_ALIVE - alive, constants.HEROES_MIN_IDLE -
                    idle, hq_controller.count_taverns(s=s) - idle)

    created = 0
    for i in range(to_create):
        hero = pool_controller.generate_hero(s=s)
        created += 1
    return created
github Arctem / arcbot / tavern / pool / View on Github external
def heal_heroes(s=None):
    for hero in s.query(TavernHero).filter(TavernHero.activity.in_([
            HeroActivity.Elsewhere, HeroActivity.CommonPool, HeroActivity.VisitingTavern]),
            TavernHero.injured == True):
        if (hero.patron is None and random.random() < constants.HERO_HEAL_CHANCE) or \
                (hero.patron is not None and random.random() < constants.RESIDENT_HERO_HEAL_CHANCE):
            pool_controller.heal_hero(hero, s=s)
github Arctem / arcbot / tavern / hq / View on Github external
def make_long_description(entity, s=None):
    if isinstance(entity, Tavern):
        return hq_controller.tavern_details(entity, s=s)
    if isinstance(entity, TavernHero):
        return pool_controller.hero_details(entity, s=s)
    if isinstance(entity, TavernDungeon):
        return dungeon_controller.dungeon_details(entity, s=s)