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def _make_exog_names(exog):
exog_var = exog.var(0)
if (exog_var == 0).any():
# assumes one constant in first or last position
# avoid exception if more than one constant
const_idx = exog_var.argmin()
exog_names = ['x%d' % i for i in range(1, exog.shape[1])]
exog_names.insert(const_idx, 'const')
exog_names = ['x%d' % i for i in range(1, exog.shape[1]+1)]
return exog_names
binsx : array_like, 1d
binsx = np.asarray(binsx)
binsy = np.asarray(binsy)
nx = len(binsx) - 1
ny = len(binsy) - 1
probs = np.nan * np.ones((nx, ny)) #np.empty(nx,ny)
cdf_values = cdf(binsx[:,None], binsy)
cdf_func = lambda x, y: cdf_values[x,y]
for xind in range(1, nx+1):
for yind in range(1, ny+1):
upper = (xind, yind)
lower = (xind-1, yind-1)
#print upper,lower,
probs[xind-1,yind-1] = prob_bv_rectangle(lower, upper, cdf_func)
assert not np.isnan(probs).any()
return probs
## if sxx is not None and type(sxx) == np.ndarray:
## sxx_m = sxx[:order+1]
## else:
## sxx_m = ut.autocov(s)[:order+1]
if isacov:
sxx_m = s
sxx_m = acovf(s)[:order+1] #not tested
phi = np.zeros((order+1, order+1), 'd')
sig = np.zeros(order+1)
# initial points for the recursion
phi[1,1] = sxx_m[1]/sxx_m[0]
sig[1] = sxx_m[0] - phi[1,1]*sxx_m[1]
for k in range(2,order+1):
phi[k,k] = (sxx_m[k][1:k,k-1], sxx_m[1:k][::-1]))/sig[k-1]
for j in range(1,k):
phi[j,k] = phi[j,k-1] - phi[k,k]*phi[k-j,k-1]
sig[k] = sig[k-1]*(1 - phi[k,k]**2)
sigma_v = sig[-1]; arcoefs = phi[1:,-1]
return sigma_v, arcoefs, pacf, phi #return everything
ibd1 = np.hstack((jj[0:-1][:, None], jj[1:][:, None]))
ibd1 = [(jj[k], jj[k + 1]) for k in range(len(jj) - 1)]
self.ibd = ibd
# Need to restrict to between-subject pairs
cpp = []
for v in model.endog_li:
# Number of subjects in this group
m = int(len(v) / self.ncut)
cpp1 = {}
# Loop over distinct subject pairs
for i1 in range(m):
for i2 in range(i1):
# Loop over cut point pairs
for k1 in range(self.ncut):
for k2 in range(k1+1):
if (k2, k1) not in cpp1:
cpp1[(k2, k1)] = []
j1 = i1*self.ncut + k1
j2 = i2*self.ncut + k2
cpp1[(k2, k1)].append([j2, j1])
for k in cpp1.keys():
cpp1[k] = np.asarray(cpp1[k])
self.cpp = cpp
# Initialize the dependence parameters
def edgeworth(intervals):
"""Compute the Edgeworth expansion term of Sison & Glaz's formula
(1) (approximated probability for multinomial proportions in a
given box)."""
# Compute means and central moments of the truncated poisson
# variables.
mu_r1, mu_r2, mu_r3, mu_r4 = [
np.array([truncated_poisson_factorial_moment(interval, r, p)
for (interval, p) in zip(intervals, counts)])
for r in range(1, 5)
mu = mu_r1
mu2 = mu_r2 + mu - mu ** 2
mu3 = mu_r3 + mu_r2 * (3 - 3 * mu) + mu - 3 * mu ** 2 + 2 * mu ** 3
mu4 = (mu_r4 + mu_r3 * (6 - 4 * mu) +
mu_r2 * (7 - 12 * mu + 6 * mu ** 2) +
mu - 4 * mu ** 2 + 6 * mu ** 3 - 3 * mu ** 4)
# Compute expansion factors, gamma_1 and gamma_2.
g1 = mu3.sum() / mu2.sum() ** 1.5
g2 = (mu4.sum() - 3 * (mu2 ** 2).sum()) / mu2.sum() ** 2
# Compute the expansion itself.
x = (n - mu.sum()) / np.sqrt(mu2.sum())
phi = np.exp(- x ** 2 / 2) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
H3 = x ** 3 - 3 * x
A = copy.copy(A)
A.namespace = namespace
B = copy.copy(B)
B.namespace = namespace
a = A(values=True)[0]
b = B(values=True)[0]
if len(a) != len(b):
raise ValueError('A() and B() should be sequences of the same length')
nA = len(set(a))
nB = len(set(b))
n = max(nA, nB)
AB = [(a[i],b[i]) for i in range(len(a))]
nAB = len(set(AB))
if nAB == n:
if nA > nB:
F = A
F = B
return (True, F)
return (False, None)
alpha = np.exp(params[-1])
alpha = params[-1]
a1 = 1/alpha
params = params[:-1]
exog = self.exog
y = self.endog[:,None]
mu = self.predict(params)[:,None]
# for dl/dparams dparams
dim = exog.shape[1]
hess_arr = np.empty((dim+1,dim+1))
const_arr = a1*mu*(a1+y)/(mu+a1)**2
for i in range(dim):
for j in range(dim):
if j > i:
hess_arr[i,j] = np.sum(-exog[:,i,None] * exog[:,j,None] *
const_arr, axis=0)
tri_idx = np.triu_indices(dim, k=1)
hess_arr[tri_idx] = hess_arr.T[tri_idx]
# for dl/dparams dalpha
da1 = -alpha**-2
dldpda = np.sum(mu*exog*(y-mu)*da1/(mu+a1)**2 , axis=0)
hess_arr[-1,:-1] = dldpda
hess_arr[:-1,-1] = dldpda
# for dl/dalpha dalpha
#NOTE: polygamma(1,x) is the trigamma function
da2 = 2*alpha**-3
exog = self.exog
y = self.endog[:,None]
mu = self.predict(params)[:,None]
mu_p = np.power(mu, p)
a1 = 1 + alpha * mu_p
a2 = mu + alpha * mu_p * y
a3 = alpha * p * mu ** (p - 1)
a4 = a3 * y
a5 = p * mu ** (p - 1)
dmudb = mu * exog
# for dl/dparams dparams
dim = exog.shape[1]
hess_arr = np.empty((dim+1,dim+1))
for i in range(dim):
for j in range(i + 1):
hess_arr[i,j] = np.sum(mu * exog[:,i,None] * exog[:,j,None] *
(mu * (a3 * a4 / a1**2 - 2 * a3**2 * a2 / a1**3 + 2 * a3 *
(a4 + 1) / a1**2 - a4 * p / (mu * a1) + a3 * p * a2 /
(mu * a1**2) + a4 / (mu * a1) - a3 * a2 / (mu * a1**2) +
(y - 1) * a4 * (p - 1) / (a2 * mu) - (y - 1) *
(1 + a4)**2 / a2**2 - a4 * (p - 1) / (a1 * mu) - 1 /
mu**2) + (-a4 / a1 + a3 * a2 / a1**2 + (y - 1) *
(1 + a4) / a2 - (1 + a4) / a1 + 1 / mu)), axis=0)
tri_idx = np.triu_indices(dim, k=1)
hess_arr[tri_idx] = hess_arr.T[tri_idx]
# for dl/dparams dalpha
dldpda = np.sum((2 * a4 * mu_p / a1**2 - 2 * a3 * mu_p * a2 / a1**3 -
mu_p * y * (y - 1) * (1 + a4) / a2**2 + mu_p *
(1 + a4) / a1**2 + a5 * y * (y - 1) / a2 - 2 *
endog = self.model.endog_li
cpp = self.cpp
cached_means = self.model.cached_means
# This will happen if all the clusters have only
# one observation
if len(cpp[0]) == 0:
tables = {}
for ii in cpp[0]:
tables[ii] = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(self.model.num_group):
endog_expval, _ = cached_means[i]
emat_11 = self.get_eyy(endog_expval, i)
emat_10 = endog_expval[:, None] - emat_11
emat_01 = -emat_11 + endog_expval
emat_00 = 1. - (emat_11 + emat_10 + emat_01)
cpp1 = cpp[i]
for ky in iterkeys(cpp1):
ix = cpp1[ky]
tables[ky][1, 1] += emat_11[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()
tables[ky][1, 0] += emat_10[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()
tables[ky][0, 1] += emat_01[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()
tables[ky][0, 0] += emat_00[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()
old version without precomputing cdf values
binsx : array_like, 1d
binsx = np.asarray(binsx)
binsy = np.asarray(binsy)
nx = len(binsx) - 1
ny = len(binsy) - 1
probs = np.nan * np.ones((nx, ny)) #np.empty(nx,ny)
for xind in range(1, nx+1):
for yind in range(1, ny+1):
upper = (binsx[xind], binsy[yind])
lower = (binsx[xind-1], binsy[yind-1])
#print upper,lower,
probs[xind-1,yind-1] = prob_bv_rectangle(lower, upper, cdf)
assert not np.isnan(probs).any()
return probs