How to use the ssh-audit.SSH.Product.OpenSSH function in ssh-audit

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ssh-audit examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github arthepsy / ssh-audit / View on Github external
def parse(cls, banner):
			# type: (SSH.Banner) -> SSH.Software
			# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
			software = str(
			mx = re.match(r'^dropbear_([\d\.]+\d+)(.*)', software)
			if mx:
				patch = cls._fix_patch(
				v, p = 'Matt Johnston', SSH.Product.DropbearSSH
				v = None
				return cls(v, p,, patch, None)
			mx = re.match(r'^OpenSSH[_\.-]+([\d\.]+\d+)(.*)', software)
			if mx:
				patch = cls._fix_patch(
				v, p = 'OpenBSD', SSH.Product.OpenSSH
				v = None
				os_version = cls._extract_os_version(banner.comments)
				return cls(v, p,, patch, os_version)
			mx = re.match(r'^libssh-([\d\.]+\d+)(.*)', software)
			if mx:
				patch = cls._fix_patch(
				v, p = None, SSH.Product.LibSSH
				os_version = cls._extract_os_version(banner.comments)
				return cls(v, p,, patch, os_version)
			mx = re.match(r'^RomSShell_([\d\.]+\d+)(.*)', software)
			if mx:
				patch = cls._fix_patch(
				v, p = 'Allegro Software', 'RomSShell'
				return cls(v, p,, patch, None)
			mx = re.match(r'^mpSSH_([\d\.]+\d+)', software)
			if mx:
github arthepsy / ssh-audit / View on Github external
def display(self, full=True):
			# type: (bool) -> str
			r = '{0} '.format(self.vendor) if self.vendor else ''
			r += self.product
			if self.version:
				r += ' {0}'.format(self.version)
			if full:
				patch = self.patch or ''
				if self.product == SSH.Product.OpenSSH:
					mx = re.match(r'^(p\d)(.*)$', patch)
					if mx is not None:
						r +=
						patch =
				if patch:
					r += ' ({0})'.format(patch)
				if self.os:
					r += ' running on {0}'.format(self.os)
			return r
github arthepsy / ssh-audit / View on Github external
def get_alg_recommendations(software, kex, pkm, for_server=True):
	# type: (SSH.Software, SSH2.Kex, SSH1.PublicKeyMessage, bool) -> Tuple[SSH.Software, Dict[int, Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]]]]
	# pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements
	alg_pairs = get_alg_pairs(kex, pkm)
	vproducts = [SSH.Product.OpenSSH,
	if software is not None:
		if software.product not in vproducts:
			software = None
	if software is None:
		ssh_timeframe = get_ssh_timeframe(alg_pairs, for_server)
		for product in vproducts:
			if product not in ssh_timeframe:
			version = ssh_timeframe[product][0]
			if version is not None:
				software = SSH.Software(None, product, version, None, None)
	rec = {}  # type: Dict[int, Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]]]
	if software is None: