How to use the sqlparse.sql.Identifier function in sqlparse

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sqlparse examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Yelp / mysql_streamer / replication_handler / components / View on Github external
def pop(self):
        next_val = self.peek()
        self.index += 1
        # We need to handle three cases here where the next_val could be:
        # 1.  ('business')
        # 2. . ('')
        # 3. . 
        # (' change col_one col_two')
        # In all the cases we should return a token consisting of only the table
        # name or if the database name is present then the database name and the
        # table name. Case #3 occurs because SQLParse incorrectly parses certain
        # queries.
        if isinstance(next_val, Identifier):
            tokens = next_val.tokens
            if len(tokens) > 1 and tokens[1].value == '.':
                str_token = "{db_name}{punctuation}{table_name}".format(
                return TK(Token.Name, str_token)
                return next_val.token_first()
        return next_val
github dbcli / sqlcomplete / sqlcomplete / View on Github external
elif isinstance(token, Comparison):
        # If 'token' is a Comparison type such as
        # 'select * FROM abc a JOIN def d ON = d.'. Then calling
        # token.value on the comparison type will only return the lhs of the
        # comparison. In this case So we need to do token.tokens to get
        # both sides of the comparison and pick the last token out of that
        # list.
        token_v = token.tokens[-1].value.lower()
    elif isinstance(token, Where):
        # sqlparse groups all tokens from the where clause into a single token
        # list. This means that token.value may be something like
        # 'where foo > 5 and '. We need to look "inside" token.tokens to handle
        # suggestions in complicated where clauses correctly
        prev_keyword = stmt.reduce_to_prev_keyword()
        return suggest_based_on_last_token(prev_keyword, stmt)
    elif isinstance(token, Identifier):
        # If the previous token is an identifier, we can suggest datatypes if
        # we're in a parenthesized column/field list, e.g.:
        #       CREATE TABLE foo (Identifier 
        #       CREATE FUNCTION foo (Identifier 
        # If we're not in a parenthesized list, the most likely scenario is the
        # user is about to specify an alias, e.g.:
        #       SELECT Identifier 
        #       SELECT foo FROM Identifier 
        prev_keyword, _ = find_prev_keyword(stmt.text_before_cursor)
        if prev_keyword and prev_keyword.value == "(":
            # Suggest datatypes
            return suggest_based_on_last_token("type", stmt)
            return (Keyword(),)
        token_v = token.value.lower()
github denimgroup / sqlpermcalc / src / View on Github external
def find_the_identifiers(sql_part):
	# logging.debug("sql_part is of type %s", type(sql_part))
	result = []
	for token in sql_part:
		# logging.debug("Token |%s| is of type |%s|", token, type(token))
		if isinstance(token, Identifier):
			# logging.debug("Found an Identifier: |%s|", token)
		elif isinstance(token, IdentifierList):
			# logging.debug("Found an IdentifierList: |%s|", token)
	return result
github fishtown-analytics / dbt / dbt / task / build / View on Github external
def extract_deps(stmt):
            token = stmt.token_first()
            while token is not None:
                excluded_types = [sqlparse.sql.Function] # don't dive into window functions
                if type(token) not in excluded_types and token.is_group():
                    # this is a thing that has a name -- note that!
                    # recurse into the group

                if type(token) == sqlparse.sql.Identifier:
                    new_node = Relation(token.get_parent_name(), token.get_real_name())

                    if new_node.valid():
                        new_nodes.add(new_node) # don't add edges yet!

                index = stmt.token_index(token)
                token = stmt.token_next(index)
github biolab / orange3 / Orange / data / sql / View on Github external
def fields(self):
        for token in self.tokens[
                     self.keywords['SELECT'] + 1:self.keywords['FROM']]:
            if isinstance(token, Identifier):
                return list(self.parse_columns([token]))
            if isinstance(token, IdentifierList):
                return list(self.parse_columns(token.get_identifiers()))
github google-research / language / language / xsp / data_preprocessing / View on Github external
def _is_underspecified_table_mention(previous_token, current_token):
  """Returns True if current_token represents a table."""
  if (previous_token and previous_token.value == FROM_CLAUSE_PLACEHOLDER and
      isinstance(current_token, sqlparse.sql.Identifier)):
    return True
  return False
github dbcli / pgcli / pgcli / packages / parseutils / View on Github external
def parse_partial_identifier(word):
    """Attempt to parse a (partially typed) word as an identifier

    word may include a schema qualification, like `schema_name.partial_name`
    or `schema_name.` There may also be unclosed quotation marks, like
    `"schema`, or `schema."partial_name`

    :param word: string representing a (partially complete) identifier
    :return: sqlparse.sql.Identifier, or None

    p = sqlparse.parse(word)[0]
    n_tok = len(p.tokens)
    if n_tok == 1 and isinstance(p.tokens[0], Identifier):
        return p.tokens[0]
    elif p.token_next_by(m=(Error, '"'))[1]:
        # An unmatched double quote, e.g. '"foo', 'foo."', or 'foo."bar'
        # Close the double quote, then reparse
        return parse_partial_identifier(word + '"')
        return None
github future-architect / Sublime-uroboroSQL-formatter / sqlparse / engine / View on Github external
t2 = tl.token_next_by_instance(i, (sql.Function, sql.Parenthesis), end=t2_end)

        if t1 and t2:
            i2 = tl.token_index(t2, start=i)
            if i1 > i2:
                return t2
                return t1
        elif t1:
            return t1
            return t2

    # bottom up approach: group subgroups first
    [group_identifier(sgroup) for sgroup in tlist.get_sublists()
     if not isinstance(sgroup, sql.Identifier)]

    # real processing
    idx = 0
    token = _next_token(tlist, idx)
    while token:
        identifier_tokens = [token] + list(
                           tlist.token_index(token, start=idx) + 1))
        # remove trailing whitespace
        if identifier_tokens and identifier_tokens[-1].ttype is T.Whitespace:
            identifier_tokens = identifier_tokens[:-1]
        if not (len(identifier_tokens) == 1
                and (isinstance(identifier_tokens[0], (sql.Function, sql.Parenthesis))
                     or identifier_tokens[0].ttype in (T.Literal.Number.Integer,
            group = tlist.group_tokens(sql.Identifier, identifier_tokens)
github dbcli / mssql-cli / mssqlcli / packages / parseutils / View on Github external
for item in token_stream:
        if isinstance(item, IdentifierList):
            for identifier in item.get_identifiers():
                # Sometimes Keywords (such as FROM ) are classified as
                # identifiers which don't have the get_real_name() method.
                    schema_name = identifier.get_parent_name()
                    real_name = identifier.get_real_name()
                    is_function = (allow_functions and
                except AttributeError:
                if real_name:
                    yield TableReference(schema_name, real_name,
                                         identifier.get_alias(), is_function)
        elif isinstance(item, Identifier):
            schema_name, real_name, alias = parse_identifier(item)
            is_function = allow_functions and _identifier_is_function(item)

            yield TableReference(schema_name, real_name, alias, is_function)
        elif isinstance(item, Function):
            schema_name, real_name, alias = parse_identifier(item)
            yield TableReference(None, real_name, alias, allow_functions)
github future-architect / Sublime-uroboroSQL-formatter / sqlparse / engine / View on Github external
def group_order(tlist):
    idx = 0
    token = tlist.token_next_by_type(idx, T.Keyword.Order)
    while token:
        prev = tlist.token_prev(token)
        if isinstance(prev, sql.Identifier):
            ido = tlist.group_tokens(sql.Identifier,
                                     tlist.tokens_between(prev, token))
            idx = tlist.token_index(ido) + 1
            idx = tlist.token_index(token) + 1
        token = tlist.token_next_by_type(idx, T.Keyword.Order)