How to use the sortinghat.db.model.UniqueIdentity function in sortinghat

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sortinghat examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_unique_enrollments(self):
        """Check if there is only one tuple with the same values"""

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(IntegrityError, DUP_CHECK_ERROR):
            uid = UniqueIdentity(uuid='John Smith')

            org = Organization(name='Example')

            rol1 = Enrollment(uidentity=uid, organization=org)
            rol2 = Enrollment(uidentity=uid, organization=org)

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def test_match_with_sources_list(self):
        """Test match when a list of sources to filter is given"""

        jsmith = UniqueIdentity(uuid='jsmith')
        jsmith.identities = [Identity(name='John Smith', email='', source='scm'),
                             Identity(name='John Smith', source='scm'),
                             Identity(username='jsmith', source='scm'),
                             Identity(email='', source='scm')]

        jsmith_alt = UniqueIdentity(uuid='J. Smith')
        jsmith_alt.identities = [Identity(name='John Smith JR', email='', source='alt'),
                                 Identity(name='John Smith', username='jsmith', source='alt'),
                                 Identity(email='', source='alt'),
                                 Identity(email='jsmith', source='alt')]

        # With these lists there are not matches
        matcher = EmailMatcher(sources=['github'])
        result = matcher.match(jsmith, jsmith_alt)
        self.assertEqual(result, False)

        matcher = EmailMatcher(sources=['scm'])
        result = matcher.match(jsmith, jsmith_alt)
        self.assertEqual(result, False)

        # Only when scm and alt are combined there is a match
        matcher = EmailMatcher(sources=['scm', 'alt'])
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def test_match_same_uuid(self):
        """Test if there is a match when compares identities with the same UUID"""

        uid1 = UniqueIdentity(uuid='John Smith')
        uid2 = UniqueIdentity(uuid='John Smith')

        matcher = EmailMatcher()

        result = matcher.match(uid1, uid2)
        self.assertEqual(result, True)

        result = matcher.match(uid2, uid1)
        self.assertEqual(result, True)

        uid1 = UniqueIdentity(uuid=None)
        uid2 = UniqueIdentity(uuid=None)

        result = matcher.match(uid1, uid2)
        self.assertEqual(result, False)
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def test_match_with_sources_list(self):
        """Test match when a list of sources to filter is given"""

        jsmith = UniqueIdentity(uuid='jsmith')
        jsmith.identities = [Identity(name='John Smith', email='', source='scm', uuid='jsmith'),
                             Identity(name='John Smith', source='scm', uuid='jsmith'),
                             Identity(username='jsmith', source='github', uuid='jsmith'),
                             Identity(email='', source='scm', uuid='jsmith')]

        john_smith = UniqueIdentity(uuid='js')
        john_smith.identities = [Identity(name='J. Smith', username='john_smith', source='scm'),
                                 Identity(username='jsmith', source='GitHub-API'),
                                 Identity(name='Smith. J', source='mls'),
                                 Identity(name='Smith. J', email='', source='mls')]

        # With these lists there are not matches
        matcher = GitHubMatcher(sources=['scm'])
        result = matcher.match(jsmith, john_smith)
        self.assertEqual(result, False)

        matcher = GitHubMatcher(sources=['github'])
        result = matcher.match(jsmith, john_smith)
        self.assertEqual(result, False)

        # Only when github-api and github are combined there is a match
        matcher = GitHubMatcher(sources=['github-api', 'github'])
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def test_match(self):
        """Test match method"""

        # Let's define some identities first
        jsmith = UniqueIdentity(uuid='jsmith')
        jsmith.identities = [Identity(name='John Smith', email='', source='scm'),
                             Identity(name='John Smith', source='scm'),
                             Identity(username='jsmith', source='scm'),
                             Identity(email='', source='scm')]

        john_smith = UniqueIdentity(uuid='js')
        john_smith.identities = [Identity(name='J. Smith', username='john_smith', source='scm'),
                                 Identity(username='john_smith', source='scm'),
                                 Identity(name='Smith. J', source='mls'),
                                 Identity(name='Smith. J', email='', source='mls')]

        jsmith_alt = UniqueIdentity(uuid='J. Smith')
        jsmith_alt.identities = [Identity(name='J. Smith', username='john_smith', source='alt'),
                                 Identity(name='John Smith', username='jsmith', source='alt'),
                                 Identity(email='', source='alt'),
                                 Identity(email='jsmith', source='alt')]

        jsmith_not_email = UniqueIdentity(uuid='John Smith')
        jsmith_not_email.identities = [Identity(email='jsmith', source='mls')]

        jrae = UniqueIdentity(uuid='jrae')
        jrae.identities = [Identity(name='Jane Rae', source='scm'),
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def test_filter_identities_with_blacklist(self):
        """Test if identities are filtered when there is a blacklist"""

        # Let's define some identities first
        jsmith = UniqueIdentity(uuid='jsmith')
        jsmith.identities = [Identity(name='John Smith', email='', source='scm', uuid='jsmith'),
                             Identity(name='John Smith', source='scm', uuid='jsmith'),
                             Identity(name='John Smith JR', source='scm', uuid='jsmith'),
                             Identity(username='jsmith', source='scm', uuid='jsmith'),
                             Identity(email='', source='scm', uuid='jsmith')]

        jrae = UniqueIdentity(uuid='jrae')
        jrae.identities = [Identity(name='Jane Rae', source='scm', uuid='jrae'),
                           Identity(name='Jane Rae Doe', email='', source='mls', uuid='jrae'),
                           Identity(name='jrae', source='scm', uuid='jrae'),
                           Identity(email='', source='scm', uuid='jrae')]

        # Tests
        bl = [MatchingBlacklist(excluded='John Smith'),
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def test_last_modified(self):
        """Check if last modification date is updated"""

        uuid = '1234567890ABCDFE'

        with self.db.connect() as session:
            uidentity = UniqueIdentity(uuid=uuid)

        before_dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        with self.db.connect() as session:
            uidentity = api.find_unique_identity(session, uuid)
            api.add_identity(session, uidentity, uuid, 'scm',
                             name='John Smith',

        after_dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        with self.db.connect() as session:
            identity = api.find_identity(session, uuid)
            self.assertIsInstance(identity.last_modified, datetime.datetime)
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# we want the KeyError if name is missing
                name = yid['profile']['name']
                is_bot = profile.get('is_bot', False)

                emails = yid.get('email', None)

                if emails and self.email_validation:

                enrollments = yid.get('enrollments', None)

                uuid = str(yid_counter)
                yid_counter += 1

                uid = UniqueIdentity(uuid=uuid)

                prf = Profile(name=name, is_bot=is_bot)
                uid.profile = prf

                # now it is time to add the identities for name, emails and backends
                sh_identities = __create_sh_identities(name, emails, yid)
                uid.identities += sh_identities

                if enrollments:
                    affiliations = self.__parse_affiliations_yml(enrollments)
                    uid.enrollments += affiliations

                self._identities[uuid] = uid
        except KeyError as e:
            error = "Attribute %s not found" % e.args
            msg = self.GRIMOIRELAB_INVALID_FORMAT % {'error': error}
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                identity = Identity(username=alias, source=self.source)


        # Create unique identities from enrollments list
        for email in self.__raw_identities:

            # Do we have it from aliases?
            if email in self._identities:
                uid = self._identities[email]
            elif email in self.__raw_aliases:
                canonical = self.__raw_aliases[email]
                uid = self._identities[canonical]
                uid = UniqueIdentity(uuid=email)

                identity = Identity(email=email, source=self.source)

                self._identities[email] = uid

            # Assign enrollments
            enrs = self.__raw_identities[email]
            enrs.sort(key=lambda r: r[1])

            start_date = MIN_PERIOD_DATE

            for rol in enrs:
                name = rol[0]
                org = self._organizations.get(name, None)
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        :parse data: JSON object to parse

        :raise InvalidFormatError: raised when the format of the JSON is
            not valid.
            for mozillian in json['results']:
                name = self.__encode(mozillian['full_name']['value'])
                email = self.__encode(mozillian['email']['value'])
                username = self.__encode(mozillian['username'])
                uuid = username

                uid = UniqueIdentity(uuid=uuid)
                identity = Identity(name=name, email=email, username=username,
                                    source=self.source, uuid=uuid)

                # Alternate emails
                for alt_email in mozillian['alternate_emails']:
                    alt_email = self.__encode(alt_email['email'])

                    if alt_email == email:

                    identity = Identity(name=name, email=alt_email, username=username,
                                        source=self.source, uuid=uuid)

                # IRC account