How to use the sortedcontainers.SortedSet function in sortedcontainers

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sortedcontainers examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ethen8181 / machine-learning / projects / kaggle_dont_get_kicked / src / View on Github external
data = clean(input_path, NOW, CAT_COLS, NUM_COLS, DATE_COLS, IDS_COL, LABEL_COL)
        ids = data[IDS_COL].values
        label = data[LABEL_COL].values
        data = data.drop([IDS_COL, LABEL_COL], axis = 1)

        # train/test split twice to achieve train/validation/test three way split
        df_train, df_test, y_train, y_test, ids_train, ids_test = train_test_split(
            data, label, ids, test_size = TEST_SIZE,
            random_state = SPLIT_RANDOM_STATE, stratify = label)

        df_train, df_val, y_train, y_val, ids_train, ids_val = train_test_split(
            df_train, y_train, ids_train, test_size = VAL_SIZE,
            random_state = SPLIT_RANDOM_STATE, stratify = y_train)

        # obtain finalized columns
        num_cols_cleaned = list(SortedSet(df_train.columns) - SortedSet(CAT_COLS))
        preprocess = Preprocesser(num_cols = num_cols_cleaned, cat_cols = CAT_COLS)
        X_train = preprocess.fit_transform(df_train)
        X_val = preprocess.transform(df_val)
        X_test = preprocess.transform(df_test)'modeling')
        eval_set = [(X_train, y_train), (X_val, y_val)]
        xgb_tuned = build_xgb(N_ITER, CV, MODEL_RANDOM_STATE, eval_set), y_train)

        if not os.path.isdir(MODEL_DIR):

        dump(preprocess, checkpoint_preprocess)
        dump(xgb_tuned, checkpoint_xgb)
github 1313e / PRISM / prism / _gui / widgets / preferences / View on Github external
def init(self):
        # Define set of CMasher colormaps that should be at the top
        cmr_cmaps = sset(['dusk', 'freeze', 'gothic', 'heat', 'rainforest',

        # Check that all of those colormaps are available in CMasher

        # Obtain a set with default MPL colormaps that should be at the top
        std_cmaps = sset(['cividis', 'inferno', 'magma', 'plasma', 'viridis'])

        # Add CMasher colormaps to it
        std_cmaps.update(['cmr.'+cmap for cmap in cmr_cmaps])

        # Obtain reversed set of recommended colormaps
        std_cmaps_r = sset([cmap+'_r' for cmap in std_cmaps])

        # Obtain a list with all colormaps and their reverses
        all_cmaps = sset([cmap for cmap in cm.cmap_d
github hail-is / hail / batch / batch / driver / View on Github external
async def compute_fair_share(self):
        free_cores_mcpu = sum([worker.free_cores_mcpu for worker in self.inst_pool.healthy_instances_by_free_cores])

        user_running_cores_mcpu = {}
        user_total_cores_mcpu = {}
        result = {}

        pending_users_by_running_cores = sortedcontainers.SortedSet(
            key=lambda user: user_running_cores_mcpu[user])
        allocating_users_by_total_cores = sortedcontainers.SortedSet(
            key=lambda user: user_total_cores_mcpu[user])

        records = self.db.execute_and_fetchall(
SELECT user, n_ready_jobs, ready_cores_mcpu, n_running_jobs, running_cores_mcpu
FROM user_resources;

        async for record in records:
            user = record['user']
            user_running_cores_mcpu[user] = record['running_cores_mcpu']
            user_total_cores_mcpu[user] = record['running_cores_mcpu'] + record['ready_cores_mcpu']
            record['allocated_cores_mcpu'] = 0
github matijakevic / mcircuit / View on Github external
def pathfind(start, goal, collide_check_func):
    if collide_check_func(*goal) or collide_check_func(*start):
        return None

    q = SortedSet()

    def _heuristic(x1, y1, x2, y2):
        return (abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)) ** 2

    max_h = _heuristic(*start, *goal)

    q.add((max_h, start))
    visited = set()
    curr_cost = dict()
    curr_cost[start] = (0, max_h)
    backtrace = dict()
    found = False
    while q:
        cost, point = q.pop(0)
github JannickWeisshaupt / OpenDFT / View on Github external
def _add_feff_to_file(self,file,crystal_structure):
        file.write('DEBYE {0} {1}  \n\n'.format(self.optical_spectrum_options['temperature'],self.optical_spectrum_options['debye temperature']))

        scattering_atom = int(self.optical_spectrum_options['atom'])-1
        sphere_radius = float(self.optical_spectrum_options['sphere radius'])

        single_cell_coord = crystal_structure.calc_absolute_coordinates()
        Z_scattering = int( single_cell_coord[scattering_atom,3] )

        atoms = self._find_atoms_within_sphere(crystal_structure,sphere_radius,scattering_atom)

        species = SortedSet(atoms[:,3].astype('int'))

        file.write('  0 {}\n'.format(Z_scattering))
        for i,specie in enumerate(species):
            file.write('  {0} {1}\n'.format(i+1,specie))

        for atom in atoms:
            coords = atom[:3]
            Z = int(atom[3])
            if np.linalg.norm(coords-single_cell_coord[scattering_atom,:3]) <1e-6:
                potential_number = 0
                potential_number = species.index(Z)+1

            in_list = [coords[0]*sst.bohr,coords[1]*sst.bohr,coords[2]*sst.bohr,potential_number]
github 1313e / PRISM / prism / modellink / View on Github external
if isinstance(par_idx, str):
                    par_seq[i] = self._par_name.index(par_idx)
                # If not, try to use it as a parameter index
                    par_seq[i] = par_idx % self._n_par
            # If any operation above fails, raise error
            except Exception as error:
                err_msg = ("Input argument %r[%i] is invalid! (%s)"
                           % (name, i, error))
                raise_error(err_msg, InputError, logger)

        # If everything went without exceptions, check if list is not empty and
        # remove duplicates
        if par_seq:
            par_seq = list(sset(par_seq))
            err_msg = "Input argument %r is empty!" % (name)
            raise_error(err_msg, ValueError, logger)

        # Log end"Finished converting sequence of model parameter "

        # Return it
github ldv-klever / klever / klever / core / vtg / emg / common / c / View on Github external
signature = fs_desc['declarations'][key]['signature']
            func_intf = Function(func, signature)
            # Do not set definition file since it is out of scope of the target program fragment
            signature = fs_desc.get('signature')
            func_intf = Function(func, signature)
            func_intf.definition_file = scope

        # Set static
        if fs_desc.get('type') == "static":
            func_intf.static = True
            func_intf.static = False

        # Add declarations
        files = sortedcontainers.SortedSet()
        if func_intf.definition_file:
        if fs_desc['declarations']:
            files.update({f for f in fs_desc['declarations'] if f != 'unknown' and f in deps})
        for file in files:
            if file not in cfiles and file not in func_intf.header_files:
            for cfile in deps[file]:
                self.set_source_function(func_intf, cfile)
github RudolfCardinal / crate / crate_anon / anonymise / View on Github external
def get_dest_tables(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
        Return a SortedSet of all destination table names.
        return SortedSet([
            for ddr in self.rows
            if not ddr.omit
github ldv-klever / klever / klever / core / vtg / emg / generators / linuxModule / View on Github external
for container_id in [container_id for container_id in list(options_interfaces)
                         if [value for value in interface_to_value[container_id] if value in basevalue_to_value]]:
        # Collect all child values
        summary_values = sortedcontainers.SortedSet()
        summary_interfaces = sortedcontainers.SortedSet()
        original_options = sortedcontainers.SortedSet()

        for value in [value for value in interface_to_value[container_id] if value in basevalue_to_value]:

        # Greedy add implementations to fill all child values
        fulfilled_values = sortedcontainers.SortedSet()
        fulfilled_interfaces = sortedcontainers.SortedSet()
        final_set = sortedcontainers.SortedSet()
        original_options = sorted(sorted(original_options), key=lambda v: len(basevalue_to_value[v]), reverse=True)
        while set(summary_values - fulfilled_values) and \
                (len(fulfilled_values) != len(summary_values) or len(fulfilled_interfaces) != len(summary_interfaces)):
            value = sorted(set(summary_values - fulfilled_values)).pop()
            chosen_value = None

            for option in original_options:
                if value in basevalue_to_value[option]:
                    chosen_value = option

            if not chosen_value:
                raise RuntimeError('Inifnite loop due to inability to cover an implementation by a container')
github RudolfCardinal / crate / crate_anon / anonymise / View on Github external
def get_source_databases(self) -> AbstractSet[str]:
        Return a SortedSet of source database names.
        return SortedSet([
             for ddr in self.rows
             if ddr.required()