How to use the simplejson.dumps function in simplejson

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few simplejson examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github apache / incubator-superset / superset / View on Github external
def json_dumps(self, obj, sort_keys=False):
        return json.dumps(
            obj, default=utils.json_int_dttm_ser, ignore_nan=True, sort_keys=sort_keys
github apache / libcloud / libcloud / dns / drivers / View on Github external
def create_zone(self, domain, type='NATIVE', ttl=None, extra=None):
        if type == 'master':
            type = 'NATIVE'
        elif type == 'slave':
            type = 'SLAVE'
        params = {'name': domain, 'type': type, 'ttl': ttl}
        result = self.connection.request(
            API_ROOT + '/dns/zone/',
            data=json.dumps(params), method='POST').object
        extra = {
            'soa': result['soa'],
            'ns': result['ns']
        zone = Zone(id=result['id'], domain=domain,
                    type=type, ttl=ttl, extra=extra, driver=self)
        return zone
github dahlia / github-distutils / View on Github external
def signin(self, username=None, password=None):
        username = username or self.username
        password = password or self.password
        url = ''
        auth = 'Basic ' + base64.standard_b64encode(username + ':' + password)
        headers = {'Authorization': auth,
                   'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
        data = {'scopes': ['repo'],
                'note': __name__.replace('_', '-'),
                'note_url': __url__}
        request = urllib2.Request(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
        auth = json.load(response)
        assert isinstance(auth, dict)
        assert 'token' in auth
        def send_request(*args, **kwargs):
            req = GitHubRequest(auth['token'], *args, **kwargs)
            return urllib2.urlopen(req)
        yield send_request
        request = GitHubRequest(auth['token'], auth['url'],
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
        assert response.code == 204
github congyuandong / android_malware_detection / detection / View on Github external
def IndexChart(request):
    response_dict = {}
    model = MLModel.objects.order_by('-time')[0]
    response_dict['knn'] = [{'name':u'准确率', 'y':model.knn},{'name':u'误判率', 'y':100 - model.knn}]
    response_dict['nb'] = [{'name':u'准确率', 'y':model.nb},{'name':u'误判率', 'y':100 - model.nb}]
    response_dict['lr'] = [{'name':u'准确率', 'y'},{'name':u'误判率', 'y':100 -}]
    response_dict['rf'] = [{'name':u'准确率', 'y':model.rf},{'name':u'误判率', 'y':100 - model.rf}]
    response_dict['svm'] = [{'name':u'准确率', 'y':model.svm},{'name':u'误判率', 'y':100 - model.svm}]

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_dict),content_type="application/json")
github redhat-openstack / infrared / .library / common / callback_plugins / View on Github external
def _format_output(self, output):
        # Strip unicode
        if type(output) == unicode:
            output = output.encode('ascii', 'replace')

        # If output is a dict
        if type(output) == dict:
            return json.dumps(output, indent=2)

        # If output is a list of dicts
        if type(output) == list and type(output[0]) == dict:
            # This gets a little complicated because it potentially means
            # nested results, usually because of with_items.
            real_output = list()
            for index, item in enumerate(output):
                copy = item
                if type(item) == dict:
                    for field in FIELDS:
                        if field in item.keys():
                            copy[field] = self._format_output(item[field])
            return json.dumps(output, indent=2)

        # If output is a list of strings
github harrystech / arthur-redshift-etl / python / etl / View on Github external
def validate_dependencies(conn: connection, relation: RelationDescription, tmp_view_name: TempTableName) -> None:
    Download the dependencies (usually, based on the temporary view) and compare with table design.
    if tmp_view_name.is_late_binding_view:
        logger.warning("Dependencies of '%s' cannot be verified because it depends on an external table",

    dependencies =, tmp_view_name)
    # We break with tradition and show the list of dependencies such that they can be copied into a design file."Dependencies of '%s' per catalog: %s", relation.identifier, json.dumps(dependencies))

    difference = compare_query_to_design(dependencies, relation.table_design.get("depends_on", []))
    if difference:
        logger.error("Mismatch in dependencies of '{}': {}".format(relation.identifier, difference))
        raise TableDesignValidationError("mismatched dependencies in '%s'" % relation.identifier)
    else:"Dependencies listing in design file for '%s' matches SQL", relation.identifier)
github AXErunners / sentinel / lib / View on Github external
def serialise(self):
        import binascii
        import simplejson

        return binascii.hexlify(simplejson.dumps(self.get_dict(), sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
github giantoak / unicorn / app / View on Github external
def run(term=''):

    :param str term: Page to request?
    :return list: List of titles of elastic hits in response
    r = requests.get(str(term).strip())
    data = r.json()
    return json.dumps([x['_source']['title'] for x in data['hits']['hits']])
github xianglei / easyhadoop / EasyHadoopNodeAgent / View on Github external
ostype = platform.dist()
			if(ostype[0] in ['Ubuntu','debian','ubuntu','Debian']):
				sysinstaller = 'apt-get'
				installer = 'dpkg'
			elif(ostype[0] in ['SuSE']):
				sysinstaller = 'zypper'
				installer = 'rpm'
			elif(ostype[0] in ['CentOS', 'centos', 'redhat','RedHat']):
				sysinstaller = 'yum'
				installer = 'rpm'

			machine = platform.machine()
			hostname = platform.node()
			dist_json = {'os.system':ostype[0], 'os.version':ostype[1], 'os.release':ostype[2], 'os.sysinstall':sysinstaller, 'os.installer':installer, 'os.arch':machine, 'os.hostname':hostname}
			return json.dumps(dist_json, sort_keys=False, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) 
			#return dist_json
			return '{"Exception":"Invalid token"}'