How to use the shap.explainers.explainer.Explainer function in shap

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group_names = [str(i) for i in range(X.shape[1])]
    if str(type(X)).endswith("'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>"):
        group_names = X.columns
        X = X.values
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=0).fit(X)

    if round_values:
        for i in range(k):
            for j in range(X.shape[1]):
                ind = np.argmin(np.abs(X[:,j] - kmeans.cluster_centers_[i,j]))
                kmeans.cluster_centers_[i,j] = X[ind,j]
    return DenseData(kmeans.cluster_centers_, group_names, None, 1.0*np.bincount(kmeans.labels_))

class KernelExplainer(Explainer):
    """Uses the Kernel SHAP method to explain the output of any function.

    Kernel SHAP is a method that uses a special weighted linear regression
    to compute the importance of each feature. The computed importance values
    are Shapley values from game theory and also coefficents from a local linear

    model : function or iml.Model
        User supplied function that takes a matrix of samples (# samples x # features) and
        computes a the output of the model for those samples. The output can be a vector
        (# samples) or a matrix (# samples x # model outputs).

    data : numpy.array or pandas.DataFrame or shap.common.DenseData or any scipy.sparse matrix
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pruned from the gradient backprop process. We then reset the type directly
    afterwards back to what it was (an integer type).
    reset_input = False
    if op_name == "ResourceGather" and inputs[1].dtype == tf.int32:
        inputs[1].__dict__["_dtype"] = tf.float32
        reset_input = True
    out = tf_backprop._record_gradient(op_name, inputs, attrs, results, name)

    if reset_input:
        inputs[1].__dict__["_dtype"] = tf.int32

    return out

class TFDeepExplainer(Explainer):
    Using tf.gradients to implement the backgropagation was
    inspired by the gradient based implementation approach proposed by Ancona et al, ICLR 2018. Note
    that this package does not currently use the reveal-cancel rule for ReLu units proposed in DeepLIFT.

    def __init__(self, model, data, session=None, learning_phase_flags=None):
        """ An explainer object for a deep model using a given background dataset.

        Note that the complexity of the method scales linearly with the number of background data
        samples. Passing the entire training dataset as `data` will give very accurate expected
        values, but be unreasonably expensive. The variance of the expectation estimates scale by
        roughly 1/sqrt(N) for N background data samples. So 100 samples will give a good estimate,
        and 1000 samples a very good estimate of the expected values.

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interpolation between current and background example, smoothing).

        For a models with a single output this returns a tensor of SHAP values with the same shape
        as X. For a model with multiple outputs this returns a list of SHAP value tensors, each of
        which are the same shape as X. If ranked_outputs is None then this list of tensors matches
        the number of model outputs. If ranked_outputs is a positive integer a pair is returned
        (shap_values, indexes), where shap_values is a list of tensors with a length of
        ranked_outputs, and indexes is a matrix that tells for each sample which output indexes
        were chosen as "top".
        return self.explainer.shap_values(X, nsamples, ranked_outputs, output_rank_order, rseed)

class _TFGradientExplainer(Explainer):

    def __init__(self, model, data, session=None, batch_size=50, local_smoothing=0):

        # try and import keras and tensorflow
        global tf, keras
        if tf is None:
            import tensorflow as tf
            if LooseVersion(tf.__version__) < LooseVersion("1.4.0"):
                warnings.warn("Your TensorFlow version is older than 1.4.0 and not supported.")
        if keras is None:
                import keras
                if LooseVersion(keras.__version__) < LooseVersion("2.1.0"):
                    warnings.warn("Your Keras version is older than 2.1.0 and not supported.")
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record_import_error("pyspark", "PySpark could not be imported!", e)

output_transform_codes = {
    "identity": 0,
    "logistic": 1,
    "logistic_nlogloss": 2,
    "squared_loss": 3

feature_perturbation_codes = {
    "interventional": 0,
    "tree_path_dependent": 1,
    "global_path_dependent": 2

class TreeExplainer(Explainer):
    """Uses Tree SHAP algorithms to explain the output of ensemble tree models.

    Tree SHAP is a fast and exact method to estimate SHAP values for tree models and ensembles of trees,
    under several different possible assumptions about feature dependence. It depends on fast C++
    implementations either inside an externel model package or in the local compiled C extention.

    model : model object
        The tree based machine learning model that we want to explain. XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost, Pyspark
        and most tree-based scikit-learn models are supported.

    data : numpy.array or pandas.DataFrame
        The background dataset to use for integrating out features. This argument is optional when
        feature_perturbation="tree_path_dependent", since in that case we can use the number of training
        samples that went down each tree path as our background dataset (this is recorded in the model object).
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import numpy as np
import warnings
from .explainer import Explainer
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
keras = None
tf = None
torch = None

class GradientExplainer(Explainer):
    """ Explains a model using expected gradients (an extension of integrated gradients).

    Expected gradients an extension of the integrated gradients method (Sundararajan et al. 2017), a
    feature attribution method designed for differentiable models based on an extension of Shapley
    values to infinite player games (Aumann-Shapley values). Integrated gradients values are a bit
    different from SHAP values, and require a single reference value to integrate from. As an adaptation
    to make them approximate SHAP values, expected gradients reformulates the integral as an expectation
    and combines that expectation with sampling reference values from the background dataset. This leads
    to a single combined expectation of gradients that converges to attributions that sum to the
    difference between the expected model output and the current output.

    def __init__(self, model, data, session=None, batch_size=50, local_smoothing=0):
        """ An explainer object for a differentiable model using a given background dataset.

        Note that the complexity of the method scales linearly with the number of background data
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output_phis.append(phis[0] if not self.multi_input else phis)
        if not self.multi_output:
            return output_phis[0]
        elif ranked_outputs is not None:
            return output_phis, model_output_ranks
            return output_phis

    def run(self, out, model_inputs, X):
        feed_dict = dict(zip(model_inputs, X))
        if self.keras_phase_placeholder is not None:
            feed_dict[self.keras_phase_placeholder] = 0
        return, feed_dict)

class _PyTorchGradientExplainer(Explainer):

    def __init__(self, model, data, batch_size=50, local_smoothing=0):

        # try and import pytorch
        global torch
        if torch is None:
            import torch
            if LooseVersion(torch.__version__) < LooseVersion("0.4"):
                warnings.warn("Your PyTorch version is older than 0.4 and not supported.")

        # check if we have multiple inputs
        self.multi_input = False
        if type(data) == list:
            self.multi_input = True
        if type(data) != list:
            data = [data]
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import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import warnings
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm
from .explainer import Explainer

class LinearExplainer(Explainer):
    """ Computes SHAP values for a linear model, optionally accounting for inter-feature correlations.

    This computes the SHAP values for a linear model and can account for the correlations among
    the input features. Assuming features are independent leads to interventional SHAP values which
    for a linear model are coef[i] * (x[i] - X.mean(0)[i]) for the ith feature. If instead we account
    for correlations then we prevent any problems arising from colinearity and share credit among
    correlated features. Accounting for correlations can be computationally challenging, but
    LinearExplainer uses sampling to estimate a transform that can then be applied to explain
    any prediction of the model.

    model : (coef, intercept) or sklearn.linear_model.*
        User supplied linear model either as either a parameter pair or sklearn object.

    data : (mean, cov), numpy.array, pandas.DataFrame, iml.DenseData or scipy.csr_matrix
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from ..explainer import Explainer
import numpy as np

class CoefficentExplainer(Explainer):
    """ Simply returns the model coefficents as the feature attributions.

    This is only for benchmark comparisons and does not approximate SHAP values in a
    meaningful way.
    def __init__(self, model):
        assert hasattr(model, "coef_"), "The passed model does not have a coef_ attribute!"
        self.model = model

    def attributions(self, X):
        return np.tile(self.model.coef_, (X.shape[0], 1))
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from .deep_pytorch import PyTorchDeepExplainer
from .deep_tf import TFDeepExplainer
from shap.explainers.explainer import Explainer

class DeepExplainer(Explainer):
    """ Meant to approximate SHAP values for deep learning models.

    This is an enhanced version of the DeepLIFT algorithm (Deep SHAP) where, similar to Kernel SHAP, we
    approximate the conditional expectations of SHAP values using a selection of background samples.
    Lundberg and Lee, NIPS 2017 showed that the per node attribution rules in DeepLIFT (Shrikumar,
    Greenside, and Kundaje, arXiv 2017) can be chosen to approximate Shapley values. By integrating
    over many backgound samples DeepExplainer estimates approximate SHAP values such that they sum
    up to the difference between the expected model output on the passed background samples and the
    current model output (f(x) - E[f(x)]).

    def __init__(self, model, data, session=None, learning_phase_flags=None):
        """ An explainer object for a differentiable model using a given background dataset.

        Note that the complexity of the method scales linearly with the number of background data
        samples. Passing the entire training dataset as `data` will give very accurate expected
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import numpy as np
import multiprocessing
import sys
from .explainer import Explainer

    import xgboost
except ImportError:
    print("xgboost is installed...but failed to load!")

class MimicExplainer(Explainer):
    """Fits a mimic model to the original model and then explains predictions using the mimic model.

    Tree SHAP allows for very fast SHAP value explainations of flexible gradient boosted decision
    tree (GBDT) models. Since GBDT models are so flexible we can train them to mimic any black-box
    model and then using Tree SHAP we can explain them. This won't work well for images, but for
    any type of problem that GBDTs do reasonable well on, they should also be able to learn how to
    explain black-box models on the data. This mimic explainer also allows you to use a linear model,
    but keep in mind that will not do as well at explaining typical non-linear black-box models. In
    the future we could include other mimic model types given enough demand/help. Finally, we would
    like to note that this explainer is vaugely inspired by where
    they learn an explainer that can be applied to any input.

    model : function or iml.Model