How to use the sgqlc.types.__init__.Field function in sgqlc

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def __create_own_fields(cls):
        # call the parent __dir__(), we don't want our overridden version
        # that reports fields we're just deleting
        members = super(ContainerTypeMeta, cls).__dir__()
        for name in members:
            if name.startswith('_'):

            field = getattr(cls, name)
            if not isinstance(field, Field):
                if not isinstance(field, Lazy):
                        field = BaseType.__ensure__(field)
                    except TypeError:

                field = Field(field)

            field._set_container(cls.__schema__, cls, name)
            cls.__fields[name] = field
            delattr(cls, name)  # let fallback to cls.__fields using getitem
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# call the parent __dir__(), we don't want our overridden version
        # that reports fields we're just deleting
        members = super(ContainerTypeMeta, cls).__dir__()
        for name in members:
            if name.startswith('_'):

            field = getattr(cls, name)
            if not isinstance(field, Field):
                if not isinstance(field, Lazy):
                        field = BaseType.__ensure__(field)
                    except TypeError:

                field = Field(field)

            field._set_container(cls.__schema__, cls, name)
            cls.__fields[name] = field
            delattr(cls, name)  # let fallback to cls.__fields using getitem
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def __populate_meta_fields(cls):
        field = Field(non_null('String'), '__typename')
        field._set_container(cls.__schema__, cls, '__typename__')
        cls.__meta_fields__ = {
            '__typename__': field,
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def __populate_fields_from_selection_list(self, sl, json_data):
        for sel in sl:
            field = sel.__field__
            ftype = self.__get_type_for_selection(sel, json_data)
            if sel.__alias__ is not None:
                alias = sel.__alias__
                field = Field(ftype, alias, field.args)
                field._set_container(self.__schema__, self, alias)
            self.__populate_field_data(field, ftype, sel, json_data)

        casts = sl.__casts__
        if casts:
            tname = json_data.get('__typename')
            csl = casts.get(tname)
            if csl:
                self.__populate_fields_from_selection_list(csl, json_data)
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:type typ: :class:`Scalar`, :class:`Type` or str

        :param graphql_name: the name to use in JSON object, usually ``aName``.
          If ``None`` or empty, will be created from python, converting
          ``a_name`` to ``aName`` using
        :type graphql_name: str

        :param args: The field parameters as a :class:`ArgDict` or
          compatible type (dict, or iterable of key-value pairs). The
          value may be a mapped Python type (ie: ``str``), explicit
          type (ie: ``String``), type name (ie: ``"String"``, to allow
          cross references) or :class:`Arg` instances.
        :type args: :class:`ArgDict`
        super(Field, self).__init__(typ, graphql_name)
        self.args = ArgDict(args)