How to use the sfctl.config.client_endpoint function in sfctl

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sfctl examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github microsoft / service-fabric-cli / src / sfctl / View on Github external
def show_connection():
    """Show which Service Fabric cluster this sfctl instance is connected to."""
    endpoint = client_endpoint()

    if not endpoint:
        return None

    return endpoint
github microsoft / service-fabric-cli / src / sfctl / View on Github external
def upload(path, imagestore_string='fabric:ImageStore', show_progress=False, timeout=300,  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,missing-docstring,too-many-arguments,too-many-branches,too-many-statements
           compress=False, keep_compressed=False, compressed_location=None):

    from sfctl.config import (client_endpoint, no_verify_setting, ca_cert_info,
    import requests

    path = _normalize_path(path)
    if compressed_location is not None:
        compressed_location = _normalize_path(compressed_location)

    abspath = validate_app_path(path)
    basename = os.path.basename(abspath)

    endpoint = client_endpoint()
    cert = cert_info()
    ca_cert = True
    if no_verify_setting():
        ca_cert = False
    elif ca_cert_info():
        ca_cert = ca_cert_info()

    if all([no_verify_setting(), ca_cert_info()]):
        raise CLIError('Cannot specify both CA cert info and no verify')

    if not compress and (keep_compressed or compressed_location is not None):
        raise CLIError('--keep-compressed and --compressed-location options are only applicable '
                       'if the --compress option is set')

    compressed_pkg_location = None
    created_dir_path = None
github microsoft / service-fabric-cli / src / sfctl / View on Github external
def create(_):
    """Create a client for Service Fabric APIs."""

    endpoint = client_endpoint()

    if not endpoint:
        raise CLIError('Connection endpoint not found. '
                       'Before running sfctl commands, connect to a cluster using '
                       'the "sfctl cluster select" command. '
                       'If you are seeing this message on Linux after already selecting a cluster, '
                       'you may need to run the command with sudo.')

    no_verify = no_verify_setting()

    if security_type() == 'aad':
        auth = AdalAuthentication(no_verify)
        cert = cert_info()
        ca_cert = ca_cert_info()
        auth = ClientCertAuthentication(cert, ca_cert, no_verify)
github microsoft / service-fabric-cli / src / sfctl / View on Github external
time_since_last_check = datetime.utcnow() - last_check_time
            allowable_time = timedelta(hours=SF_CLI_VERSION_CHECK_INTERVAL)
            if allowable_time > time_since_last_check:
                # Don't perform any checks
                return True
            # If last_check_time is None, this means that we've not yet set a time, so it's never
            # been checked. Set the initial value.

    cluster_auth = get_cluster_auth()

    auth = _get_client_cert_auth(cluster_auth['pem'], cluster_auth['cert'], cluster_auth['key'],
                                 cluster_auth['ca'], cluster_auth['no_verify'])

    client = ServiceFabricClientAPIs(auth, base_url=client_endpoint())

    sfctl_version = get_sfctl_version()

    # Update the timestamp of the last cluster version check

    if dummy_cluster_version is None:
        # This command may fail for various reasons. Most common reason as of writing this comment
        # is that the corresponding get_cluster_version API on the cluster doesn't exist.
  'Performing cluster version check')
            cluster_version = client.get_cluster_version().version

        except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
            ex = exc_info()[0]
  'Check cluster version failed due to error: %s', str(ex))