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def test_get_area_dates(self):
bbox = BBox([1059111.463919402, 4732980.791418114, 1061557.4488245277, 4735426.776323237], crs=CRS.POP_WEB)
dates = get_area_dates(bbox, ('2016-01-23', '2016-11-24'), maxcc=0.7)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(dates, list), msg="Expected a list, got {}".format(type(dates)))
self.assertEqual(len(dates), 22, "Expected a list of length 22, got length {}".format(len(dates)))
def test_bbox_eq(self):
bbox1 = BBox([46.07, 13.23, 46.24, 13.57], CRS.WGS84)
bbox2 = BBox(((46.24, 13.57), (46.07, 13.23)), 4326)
bbox3 = BBox([46.07, 13.23, 46.24, 13.57], CRS.POP_WEB)
bbox4 = BBox([46.07, 13.23, 46.24, 13.58], CRS.WGS84)
self.assertEqual(bbox1, bbox2, "Bounding boxes {} and {} should be the same".format(repr(bbox1), repr(bbox2)))
self.assertNotEqual(bbox1, bbox3, "Bounding boxes {} and {} should not be the same".format(repr(bbox1),
self.assertNotEqual(bbox1, bbox4, "Bounding boxes {} and {} should not be the same".format(repr(bbox1),
def setUpClass(cls):
wgs84_bbox = BBox(bbox=(-5.23, 48.0, -5.03, 48.17), crs=CRS.WGS84)
wgs84_bbox_2 = BBox(bbox=(21.3, 64.0, 22.0, 64.5), crs=CRS.WGS84)
wgs84_bbox_3 = BBox(bbox=(-72.0, -70.4, -71.8, -70.2), crs=CRS.WGS84)
wgs84_bbox_4 = BBox(bbox=(-72.0, -66.4, -71.8, -66.2), crs=CRS.WGS84)
pop_web_bbox = BBox(bbox=(1292344.0, 5195920.0, 1310615.0, 5214191.0), crs=CRS.POP_WEB)
geometry_wkt_pop_web = 'POLYGON((1292344.0 5205055.5, 1301479.5 5195920.0, 1310615.0 5205055.5, ' \
'1301479.5 5214191.0, 1292344.0 5205055.5))'
geometry_wkt_wgs84 = 'POLYGON((-5.13 48, -5.23 48.09, -5.13 48.17, -5.03 48.08, -5.13 48))'
img_width = 100
img_height = 100
resx = '53m'
resy = '78m'
expected_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2017-10-07T11:20:58', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
cls.test_cases = [
OgcRequest(data_folder=cls.OUTPUT_FOLDER, image_format=MimeType.TIFF_d32f, bbox=wgs84_bbox,
layer='BANDS-S2-L1C', maxcc=0.5, size_x=img_width, size_y=img_height,
time=(, month=1, day=5),, month=12, day=16)),
service_type=ServiceType.WMS, time_difference=datetime.timedelta(days=10)),
def setUpClass(cls):
bbox = BBox(bbox=[(13520759, 437326), (13522689, 438602)], crs=CRS.POP_WEB)
cls.image_field_name = 'Masks'
cls.gpd_request = GeopediaImageRequest(layer=1749, bbox=bbox, image_field_name=cls.image_field_name,
image_format=MimeType.PNG, data_folder=cls.OUTPUT_FOLDER)
cls.image_list = cls.gpd_request.get_data(save_data=True)
def plot_raster(self, feature_type, feature_name):
""" Makes visualization for raster data (except for FeatureType.DATA)
:param feature_type: type of eopatch feature
:type feature_type: FeatureType
:param feature_name: name of eopatch feature
:type feature_name: str
:return: visualization
:rtype: holoviews/geoviews/bokeh
crs =
crs = CRS.POP_WEB if crs is CRS.WGS84 else crs
data_da = array_to_dataframe(self.eopatch, (feature_type, feature_name), crs=crs)
data_min = data_da.values.min()
data_max = data_da.values.max()
data_levels = len(np.unique(data_da))
data_levels = 11 if data_levels > 11 else data_levels
data_da = data_da.where(data_da > 0).fillna(-1)
vis = data_da.hvplot(x='x', y='y',
crs=ccrs.epsg(int(crs.value))).opts(clim=(data_min, data_max),
clipping_colors={'min': 'transparent'},
return vis
def _reproject(self, eopatch, src_raster):
Reprojects the raster data from Geopedia's CRS (POP_WEB) to EOPatch's CRS.
height, width = src_raster.shape
dst_raster = np.ones((height, width), dtype=self.raster_dtype)
src_bbox = transform_bbox(eopatch.bbox, CRS.POP_WEB)
src_transform = rasterio.transform.from_bounds(*src_bbox, width=width, height=height)
dst_bbox = eopatch.bbox
dst_transform = rasterio.transform.from_bounds(*dst_bbox, width=width, height=height)
rasterio.warp.reproject(src_raster, dst_raster,
src_transform=src_transform, src_crs={'init': CRS.ogc_string(CRS.POP_WEB)},
dst_transform=dst_transform, dst_crs={'init': CRS.ogc_string(},
return dst_raster
def _get_wms_request(self, bbox, size_x, size_y):
Returns WMS request.
bbox_3857 = transform_bbox(bbox, CRS.POP_WEB)
return GeopediaWmsRequest(layer=self.layer,
custom_url_params={CustomUrlParam.TRANSPARENT: True})
def plot_data(self, feature_name):
""" Plots the FeatureType.DATA of eopatch.
:param feature_name: name of the eopatch feature
:type feature_name: str
:return: visualization
:rtype: holoview/geoviews/bokeh
crs =
crs = CRS.POP_WEB if crs is CRS.WGS84 else crs
data_da = array_to_dataframe(self.eopatch, (FeatureType.DATA, feature_name), crs=crs)
if self.mask:
data_da = self.mask_data(data_da)
timestamps = self.eopatch.timestamp
crs =
if not self.rgb:
return data_da.hvplot(x='x', y='y', crs=ccrs.epsg(int(crs.value)))
data_rgb = self.eopatch_da_to_rgb(data_da, feature_name, crs)
rgb_dict = {timestamp_: self.plot_rgb_one(data_rgb, timestamp_) for timestamp_ in timestamps}
return hv.HoloMap(rgb_dict, kdims=['time'])