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from secp256k1 import order, G, pointMultiply
from hmac import HMAC
from hashlib import sha512
from base58 import b58encode_check
seed = 0x000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f
print("Seed:", hex(seed))
## master keys and chain code
hmacValue = HMAC(key=b"Bitcoin seed", msg=seed.to_bytes(16, byteorder='big'), digestmod=sha512).hexdigest()
mp = int(hmacValue[:64], 16)
MP = pointMultiply(mp, G)
chain_code = int(hmacValue[64:], 16)
# depth: 0x00 for master nodes, 0x01 for level-1 derived keys, ...
depth = 0x00
# fingerprint of the parent's key (0x00000000 if master key)
fingerprint = 0x00000000
# chid number: ser32(i) for i in xi = xpar/i, with xi the key being serialized. (0x00000000 if master key)
child_number = 0x00000000
level = depth.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big') + \
fingerprint.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big') + \
child_number.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big') + \
chain_code.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big')
# version bytes
# mainnet: 0x0488B21E -> xpub; 0x0488ADE4 xprv
# testnet: 0x043587CF -> tpub; 0x04358394 tprv
# Hash(msg) must be transformed into an integer modulo order:
h1 = int(hstring1, 16) % order
assert h1 != 0
print(" h1:", hex(h1))
print("\n*** Signature")
# ephemeral key k must be kept secret and never reused !!!!!
# good choice: k = sha256(msg, p)
# different for each msg, private because of p
temp = msg1+hex(p)
k1 = int(sha256(temp.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) % order
# 0 < k1 < order
assert 0 < k1
assert k1 < order
K1 = pointMultiply(k1, G)
r = K1[0] % order
# if r == 0 (extremely unlikely for large order) go back to a different ephemeral key
assert r != 0
s1 = ((h1 + r*p)*modInv(k1, order)) % order
# if s1 == 0 (extremely unlikely for large order) go back to a different ephemeral key
assert s1 != 0
print(" r:", hex(r))
print(" s1:", hex(s1))
print("*** Signature Verification")
w = modInv(s1, order)
u = (h1*w) %order
v = (r*w) %order
from hashlib import sha256
from secp256k1 import order, G, modInv, pointAdd, pointMultiply
p = 0x18E14A7B6A307F426A94F8114701E7C8E774E7F9A47E2C2035DB29A206321725
# 0 < p < order
assert 0 < p , "Invalid Private Key"
assert p < order, "Invalid Private Key"
print("\n*** EC Private Key:")
P = pointMultiply(p, G)
print("*** EC Public Key (uncompressed):")
print("\n*** The message to be signed")
msg1 = "Paolo is afraid of ephemeral random numbers"
print("*** The hash of the message")
hstring1 = sha256(msg1.encode()).hexdigest()
# Hash(msg) must be transformed into an integer modulo order:
h1 = int(hstring1, 16) % order
assert h1 != 0
print(" h1:", hex(h1))
V = pointMultiply(v, P)
x, y = pointAdd(U, V)
print(r == x %order)
print("\n*** Malleated Signature")
s1m = order - s1
print(" r:", hex(r))
print("*s1:", hex(s1m))
print("*** Malleated Signature Verification")
w = modInv(s1m, order)
u = (h1*w) %order
v = (r*w) %order
assert u != 0
assert v != 0
U = pointMultiply(u, G)
V = pointMultiply(v, P)
x, y = pointAdd(U, V)
print(r == x %order)
print("\n*** Another message")
msg2 = "and Paolo is right to be afraid"
print("*** The hash of the message")
hstring2 = sha256(msg2.encode()).hexdigest()
# Hash(msg) must be transformed into an integer modulo order:
h2 = int(hstring2, 16) % order
assert h2 != 0
print(" h2:", hex(h2))
print("\n*** Signature")
s1 = ((h1 + r*p)*modInv(k1, order)) % order
# if s1 == 0 (extremely unlikely for large order) go back to a different ephemeral key
assert s1 != 0
print(" r:", hex(r))
print(" s1:", hex(s1))
print("*** Signature Verification")
w = modInv(s1, order)
u = (h1*w) %order
v = (r*w) %order
assert u != 0
assert v != 0
U = pointMultiply(u, G)
V = pointMultiply(v, P)
x, y = pointAdd(U, V)
print(r == x %order)
print("\n*** Malleated Signature")
s1m = order - s1
print(" r:", hex(r))
print("*s1:", hex(s1m))
print("*** Malleated Signature Verification")
w = modInv(s1m, order)
u = (h1*w) %order
v = (r*w) %order
assert u != 0
assert v != 0
U = pointMultiply(u, G)
V = pointMultiply(v, P)
print("*** The hash of the message")
hstring2 = sha256(msg2.encode()).hexdigest()
# Hash(msg) must be transformed into an integer modulo order:
h2 = int(hstring2, 16) % order
assert h2 != 0
print(" h2:", hex(h2))
print("\n*** Signature")
k2 = k1 #very bad! Never reuse the same ephemeral key!!!
# 0 < k2 < order
assert 0 < k2
assert k2 < order
K2 = pointMultiply(k2, G)
r = K2[0] % order
# if r == 0 (extremely unlikely for large order) go back to a different ephemeral key
assert r != 0
s2 = ((h2 + r*p)*modInv(k2, order)) %order
# if s2 == 0 (extremely unlikely for large order) go back to a different ephemeral key
assert s2 != 0
print(" r:", hex(r))
print(" s2:", hex(s2))
print("*** Signature Verification")
w = modInv(s2, order)
u = (h2*w) %order
v = (r*w) %order