How to use the function in scvelo

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few scvelo examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def is_categorical(data, c=None):
    from pandas.api.types import is_categorical as cat

    if c is None:
        return cat(data)  # if data is categorical/array
    if not is_view(data):  # if data is anndata view
    return isinstance(c, str) and c in data.obs.keys() and cat(data.obs[c])
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    Returns or updates `adata` with the attributes
    velocity: `.layers`
        velocity vectors for each individual cell
    variance_velocity: `.layers`
        velocity vectors for the cell variances
    velocity_offset, velocity_beta, velocity_gamma, velocity_r2: `.var`
    adata = data.copy() if copy else data
    if not use_raw and 'Ms' not in adata.layers.keys(): moments(adata)'computing velocities', r=True)


    if mode is None or (mode == 'dynamical' and 'fit_alpha' not in adata.var.keys()):
        mode = 'stochastic'
        logg.warn('Falling back to stochastic model. For the dynamical model run tl.recover_dynamics first.')

    if mode in {'dynamical', 'dynamical_residuals'}:
        from .dynamical_model_utils import mRNA, vectorize, get_reads, get_vars, get_divergence

        gene_subset = ~np.isnan(adata.var['fit_alpha'].values)
        vdata = adata[:, gene_subset]
        alpha, beta, gamma, scaling, t_ = get_vars(vdata)

        connect = not adata.uns['recover_dynamics']['use_raw']
        kwargs_ = {'kernel_width': None, 'normalized': True, 'var_scale': True, 'reg_par': None, 'min_confidence': 1e-2,
                   'constraint_time_increments': False, 'fit_steady_states': True, 'fit_basal_transcription': None,
                   'use_connectivities': connect, 'time_connectivities': connect, 'use_latent_time': use_latent_time}
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_adata.uns["velocity_graph"] = vgraph.graph
    _adata.uns["velocity_graph_neg"] = vgraph.graph_neg

    T = transition_matrix(_adata, self_transitions=self_transitions)
    I = np.eye(_adata.n_obs)
    fate = np.linalg.inv(I - T)
    if issparse(T):
        fate = fate.A
    cell_fates = np.array(_adata.obs[groupby][fate.argmax(1)])
    if disconnected_groups is not None:
        idx = _adata.obs[groupby].isin(disconnected_groups)
        cell_fates[idx] = _adata.obs[groupby][idx]

    adata.obs["cell_fate"] = cell_fates
    adata.obs["cell_fate_confidence"] = fate.max(1) / fate.sum(1)
    strings_to_categoricals(adata)"    finished", time=True, end=" " if settings.verbosity > 2 else "\n")
        "    'cell_fate', most likely cell fate (adata.obs)\n"
        "    'cell_fate_confidence', confidence of fate transition (adata.obs)"
    return adata if copy else None
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def select_groups(adata, groups='all', key='louvain'):
    """Get subset of groups in adata.obs[key].
    if isinstance(groups, list) and isinstance(groups[0], int): groups = [f"{n}" for n in groups]
    categories = adata.obs[key].cat.categories
    groups_masks = np.array([categories[i] == adata.obs[key].values for i, name in enumerate(categories)])
    if groups == 'all':
        groups = categories.values
        groups_ids = [np.where(categories.values == name)[0][0] for name in groups]
        groups_masks = groups_masks[groups_ids]
        groups = categories[groups_ids].values
    return groups, groups_masks