How to use the scapy.compat.orb function in scapy

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github secdev / scapy / scapy / layers / View on Github external
def dns_encode(x, check_built=False):
    """Encodes a bytes string into the DNS format

    :param x: the string
    :param check_built: detect already-built strings and ignore them
    :returns: the encoded bytes string
    if not x or x == b".":
        return b"\x00"

    if check_built and b"." not in x and (
        orb(x[-1]) == 0 or (orb(x[-2]) & 0xc0) == 0xc0
        # The value has already been processed. Do not process it again
        return x

    # Truncate chunks that cannot be encoded (more than 63 bytes..)
    x = b"".join(chb(len(y)) + y for y in (k[:63] for k in x.split(b".")))
    if x[-1:] != b"\x00":
        x += b"\x00"
    return x
github nccgroup / BLESuite / scapy / scapy / asn1 / View on Github external
def BER_id_enc(n):
    if n < 256:
        # low-tag-number
        return chb(n)
        # high-tag-number
        s = BER_num_enc(n)
        tag = orb(s[0])             # first byte, as an int
        tag &= 0x07                 # reset every bit from 8 to 4
        tag <<= 5                   # move back the info bits on top
        tag |= 0x1f                 # pad with 1s every bit from 5 to 1
        return chb(tag) + s[1:]
github nccgroup / BLESuite / scapy / scapy / layers / View on Github external
def m2i(self, pkt, x):
        opt = []
        while x:
            onum = orb(x[0])
            if onum == 0:
                opt.append(("EOL", None))
                x = x[1:]
            if onum == 1:
                opt.append(("NOP", None))
                x = x[1:]
            olen = orb(x[1])
            if olen < 2:
                warning("Malformed TCP option (announced length is %i)" % olen)
                olen = 2
            oval = x[2:olen]
            if onum in TCPOptions[0]:
                oname, ofmt = TCPOptions[0][onum]
                if onum == 5:  # SAck
github nccgroup / BLESuite / scapy / scapy / layers / tls / View on Github external
                decryption_success = True
                # Excerpt below better corresponds to TLS 1.1 IV definition,
                # but the result is the same as with TLS 1.2 anyway.
                # This leading *IV* has been decrypted by _tls_decrypt with a
                # random IV, hence it does not correspond to anything.
                # What actually matters is that we got the first encrypted block  # noqa: E501
                # in order to decrypt the second block (first data block).
                # if version >= 0x0302:
                #    block_size = self.tls_session.rcs.cipher.block_size
                #    iv, pfrag = pfrag[:block_size], pfrag[block_size:]
                #    l = struct.unpack('!H', hdr[3:5])[0]
                #    hdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack('!H', l-block_size)

                # Extract padding ('pad' actually includes the trailing padlen)
                padlen = orb(pfrag[-1]) + 1
                mfrag, pad = pfrag[:-padlen], pfrag[-padlen:]
                self.padlen = padlen

                # Extract MAC
                tmp_len = self.tls_session.rcs.mac_len
                if tmp_len != 0:
                    cfrag, mac = mfrag[:-tmp_len], mfrag[-tmp_len:]
                    cfrag, mac = mfrag, b""

                # Verify integrity
                chdr = hdr[:3] + struct.pack('!H', len(cfrag))
                is_mac_ok = self._tls_hmac_verify(chdr, cfrag, mac)
                if not is_mac_ok:
                    pkt_info = self.firstlayer().summary()
          "TLS: record integrity check failed [%s]", pkt_info)  # noqa: E501
github nccgroup / BLESuite / scapy / scapy / contrib / View on Github external
def getfield(self, pkt, s):
        lst = []
        length = 0

        if self.length_from is not None:
            length = self.length_from(pkt)
        ret = ""
        remain = s
        if length is not None:
            remain, ret = s[:length], s[length:]

        while remain:
            # Get the path attribute flags
            flags = orb(remain[0])

            attr_len = 0
            if has_extended_length(flags):
                attr_len = struct.unpack("!H", remain[2:4])[0]
                current = remain[:4 + attr_len]
                remain = remain[4 + attr_len:]
                attr_len = orb(remain[2])
                current = remain[:3 + attr_len]
                remain = remain[3 + attr_len:]

            packet = self.m2i(pkt, current)

        return remain + ret, lst
github nccgroup / BLESuite / scapy / scapy / View on Github external
def sane(x):
    r = ""
    for i in x:
        j = orb(i)
        if (j < 32) or (j >= 127):
            r += "."
            r += chr(j)
    return r
github secdev / scapy / scapy / View on Github external
# Set ifaceid to a binary form
        ifaceid = inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, "::" + ifaceid)[8:16]
    except Exception:
        return None
    if ifaceid[3:5] != b'\xff\xfe':  # Check for burned-in MAC address
        return None

    # Unpacking and converting first byte of faceid to MAC address equivalent
    first = struct.unpack("B", ifaceid[:1])[0]
    ulbit = 2 * [1, '-', 0][first & 0x02]
    first = struct.pack("B", ((first & 0xFD) | ulbit))
    # Split into two vars to remove the \xff\xfe bytes
    oui = first + ifaceid[1:3]
    end = ifaceid[5:]
    # Convert and reconstruct into a MAC Address
    mac_bytes = ["%.02x" % orb(x) for x in list(oui + end)]
    return ":".join(mac_bytes)
github nccgroup / BLESuite / scapy / scapy / layers / View on Github external
def dispatch_hook(cls, _pkt=None, *_, **kargs):
        code = None
        if _pkt:
            code = orb(_pkt[0])
        elif "code" in kargs:
            code = kargs["code"]
            if isinstance(code, six.string_types):
                code = cls.fields_desc[0].s2i[code]

        if code in (1, 2):
            return PPP_CHAP_ChallengeResponse
        return cls
github secdev / scapy / scapy / asn1 / View on Github external
def do_dec(cls, s, context=None, safe=False):
        l, s, t = cls.check_type_check_len(s)
        x = 0
        if s:
            if orb(s[0]) & 0x80:  # negative int
                x = -1
            for c in s:
                x <<= 8
                x |= orb(c)
        return cls.asn1_object(x), t
github secdev / scapy / scapy / contrib / View on Github external
verbose: displays information during scan

    If received packet is a FlowControl
    and not in noise_ids
    append it to id_list
    if packet.flags and packet.flags != "extended":

    if noise_ids is not None and packet.identifier in noise_ids:

        index = 1 if extended else 0
        isotp_pci = orb([index]) >> 4
        isotp_fc = orb([index]) & 0x0f
        if isotp_pci == 3 and 0 <= isotp_fc <= 2:
            if verbose:
                print("[+] Found flow-control frame from identifier 0x%03x"
                      " when testing identifier 0x%03x" %
                      (packet.identifier, id_value))
            if isinstance(id_list, dict):
                id_list[id_value] = (packet, packet.identifier)
            elif isinstance(id_list, list):
                raise TypeError("Unknown type of id_list")
    except Exception as e:
        print("[!] Unknown message Exception: %s on packet: %s" %
              (e, repr(packet)))