How to use the scamp.score.ScoreComponent function in scamp

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few scamp examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def to_abjad(self) -> 'abjad().Component':
        Convert this score component to its corresponding abjad component
        assert abjad() is not None, "Abjad is required for this operation."
        abjad_object = self._to_abjad()
        lilypond_code = format(abjad_object)
        if r"\glissando" in lilypond_code:
            for gliss_override in ScoreComponent._gliss_overrides:
                abjad().attach(abjad().LilyPondLiteral(gliss_override), abjad_object, "opening")

        if r"\stemless" in lilypond_code:
            abjad().attach(abjad().LilyPondLiteral(ScoreComponent._inner_stemless_def), abjad_object, "opening")

        return abjad_object
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# if we haven't yet encountered a measure with any pitches in it, set the clef for
                            # the first measure to the this clef, which is the best clef once we start getting pitches
                            last_clef_used = staff.measures[0].clef = this_measure_clef
                        elif this_measure_clef != last_clef_used:
                            # otherwise we simply check if this clef is new information. If it's different from the
                            # clef in the last measure, then we set this measure to explicitly change it
                            last_clef_used = measure.clef = this_measure_clef

    def _to_abjad(self):
        return abjad().StaffGroup([staff._to_abjad() for staff in self.staves])

    def to_music_xml(self) -> pymusicxml.PartGroup:
        return pymusicxml.PartGroup([staff.to_music_xml() for staff in self.staves])

class Staff(ScoreComponent, ScoreContainer):

    Representation of a single staff of a western-notated score

    :param measures: Chronological list of Measure objects contained in this staff
    :param name: Name of this staff in the score

    def __init__(self, measures: Sequence['Measure'], name: str = None):
        ScoreContainer.__init__(self, measures, "measures", Measure) = name

    def measures(self) -> Sequence['Measure']:
        """Chronological list of Measure objects contained in this staff"""
        return self._contents
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contents_string = "\n" + textwrap.indent(",\n".join(str(x) for x in self._contents), "   ") + "\n" \
            if len(self._contents) > 0 else ""
        return "{}({}{}=[{}])".format(

#                                             User-Facing Classes

class Score(ScoreComponent, ScoreContainer):

    Representation of a score in traditional western notation.
    Exportable as either LilyPond or MusicXML.

    :param parts: A list of parts represented by either StaffGroup or Staff objects
    :param title: title to be used
    :param composer: composer to be used
    :param tempo_envelope: a TempoEnvelope function describing how the tempo changes over time
    :ivar title: title to be used in the score
    :ivar composer: composer to be written on the score
    :ivar tempo_envelope: a TempoEnvelope function describing how the tempo changes over time

    def __init__(self, parts: Sequence[Union['Staff', 'StaffGroup']] = None, title: str = None,
                 composer: str = None, tempo_envelope: TempoEnvelope = None):
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for same_source_group in source_id_dict.values():
        return abjad().Tuplet(abjad().Multiplier(self.normal_divisions, self.tuplet_divisions), abjad_notes)

    def to_music_xml(self, source_id_dict=None) -> pymusicxml.Tuplet:
        is_top_level_call = True if source_id_dict is None else False
        source_id_dict = {} if source_id_dict is None else source_id_dict
        xml_note_segments = [note_segment for note_like in self.contents
                             for note_segment in note_like.to_music_xml(source_id_dict)]
        if is_top_level_call:
            for same_source_group in source_id_dict.values():
        return pymusicxml.Tuplet(xml_note_segments, (self.tuplet_divisions, self.normal_divisions))

class NoteLike(ScoreComponent):
    Represents a note, chord, or rest that can be notated without ties

    :param pitch: float if single pitch, Envelope if a glissando, tuple if a chord, None if a rest
    :param written_length: the notated length of the note, disregarding any tuplets it is part of
    :param properties: a properties dictionary, same as found in a PerformanceNote
    :ivar pitch: float if single pitch, Envelope if a glissando, tuple if a chord, None if a rest
    :ivar written_length: the notated length of the note, disregarding any tuplets it is part of
    :ivar properties: a properties dictionary, same as found in a PerformanceNote

    def __init__(self, pitch: Union[Envelope, float, Tuple, None], written_length: float,
                 properties: NotePropertiesDictionary):

        self.pitch = pitch
        self.written_length = Fraction(written_length).limit_denominator()
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def to_music_xml(self, source_id_dict=None) -> pymusicxml.Measure:
        is_top_level_call = True if source_id_dict is None else False
        source_id_dict = {} if source_id_dict is None else source_id_dict

        xml_voices = [voice.to_music_xml(source_id_dict) for voice in self.voices]
        time_signature = (self.time_signature.numerator, self.time_signature.denominator) \
            if self.show_time_signature else None

        if is_top_level_call:
            for same_source_group in source_id_dict.values():

        return pymusicxml.Measure(xml_voices, time_signature=time_signature, clef=self.clef)

class Voice(ScoreComponent, ScoreContainer):

    Representation of a single voice within a single measure of a single staff of music.

    :param contents: list of Tuplet or NoteLike objects in this voice
    :param time_signature: the time signature of the measure to which this voice belongs
    :ivar time_signature: the time signature of the measure to which this voice belongs

    def __init__(self, contents: Sequence[Union['Tuplet', 'NoteLike']], time_signature: TimeSignature):

        ScoreContainer.__init__(self, contents, "contents", (Tuplet, NoteLike), ("time_signature", ))
        self.time_signature = time_signature

    def contents(self) -> Sequence[Union['Tuplet', 'NoteLike']]:
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def to_abjad_lilypond_file(self) -> 'abjad().LilyPondFile':
        Convert and wrap as a abjad.LilyPondFile object
        assert abjad() is not None, "Abjad is required for this operation."

        title = self.title if hasattr(self, "title") else None
        composer = self.composer if hasattr(self, "composer") else None
        abjad_object = self._to_abjad()
        lilypond_code = format(abjad_object)

        if r"\glissando" in lilypond_code:
            for gliss_override in ScoreComponent._gliss_overrides:
                abjad().attach(abjad().LilyPondLiteral(gliss_override), abjad_object, "opening")

        abjad_lilypond_file = abjad()

        # if we're actually producing the lilypond file itself, then we put the simpler
        # definition of stemless outside of the main score object.
        if r"\stemless" in lilypond_code:
            abjad_lilypond_file.items.insert(-1, ScoreComponent._outer_stemless_def)

        if title is not None:
            abjad_lilypond_file.header_block.title = abjad().Markup(title)
        if composer is not None:
            abjad_lilypond_file.header_block.composer = abjad().Markup(composer)
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composer = self.composer if hasattr(self, "composer") else None
        abjad_object = self._to_abjad()
        lilypond_code = format(abjad_object)

        if r"\glissando" in lilypond_code:
            for gliss_override in ScoreComponent._gliss_overrides:
                abjad().attach(abjad().LilyPondLiteral(gliss_override), abjad_object, "opening")

        abjad_lilypond_file = abjad()

        # if we're actually producing the lilypond file itself, then we put the simpler
        # definition of stemless outside of the main score object.
        if r"\stemless" in lilypond_code:
            abjad_lilypond_file.items.insert(-1, ScoreComponent._outer_stemless_def)

        if title is not None:
            abjad_lilypond_file.header_block.title = abjad().Markup(title)
        if composer is not None:
            abjad_lilypond_file.header_block.composer = abjad().Markup(composer)

        return abjad_lilypond_file
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parentheses="yes", font_size="5"),
                     guide_mark_location - measure_start)

            this_measure_annotations.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
            xml_measure.directions_with_displacements = this_measure_annotations
            measure_start += score_measure.length
        return xml_score

# used in arranging voices in a part
_NumberedVoiceFragment = namedtuple("_NumberedVoiceFragment", "voice_num start_measure_num measures_with_quantizations")
_NamedVoiceFragment = namedtuple("_NamedVoiceFragment", "average_pitch start_measure_num measures_with_quantizations")

class StaffGroup(ScoreComponent, ScoreContainer):

    Representation of a StaffGroup (used for the multiple staves of a single instrument)

    :param staves: a list of Staff objects in this group
    :param name: the name of the staff group on the score

    def __init__(self, staves: Sequence['Staff'], name: str = None):
        ScoreContainer.__init__(self, staves, "staves", Staff)
        self._name = name

    def name(self) -> str:
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        return abjad().Staff(contents,

    def to_music_xml(self) -> pymusicxml.Part:
        source_id_dict = {}
        measures = [measure.to_music_xml(source_id_dict) for measure in self.measures]
        for same_source_group in source_id_dict.values():
        return pymusicxml.Part(, measures)

_voice_names = [r'voiceOne', r'voiceTwo', r'voiceThree', r'voiceFour']
_voice_literals = [r'\voiceOne', r'\voiceTwo', r'\voiceThree', r'\voiceFour']

class Measure(ScoreComponent, ScoreContainer):
    Representation of a single measure within in a Staff

    :param voices: list of voices in this measure, in numbered order
    :param time_signature: the time signature for this measure
    :param show_time_signature: whether or not to show the time signature. By default, when scamp is turning a
        quantized Performance into a Score, this will be set to true when the time signature changes and False
    :param clef: Which clef to use for the measure. If none, clef is left unspecified.
    :ivar time_signature: the time signature for this measure
    :ivar show_time_signature: Whether or not to display the time signature
    :ivar clef: Which clef to use for the measure. If none, clef is left unspecified.

    def __init__(self, voices: Sequence['Voice'], time_signature: TimeSignature, show_time_signature: bool = True,
                 clef: Optional[str] = None):
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beat_group = []
                        t += this_item.length()

                if len(beat_group) > 0:
            assert len(contents) == 0  # we should have gone through everything at this point

            if is_top_level_call:
                for same_source_group in source_id_dict.values():

            return out

class Tuplet(ScoreComponent, ScoreContainer):
    Representation of a Tuplet object within a single voice of music.
    Reads as: tuplet_divisions in the space of normal_divisions of division_length
    e.g. 7, 4, and 0.25 would mean '7 in the space of 4 sixteenth notes'

    :param tuplet_divisions: The new number that the tuplet is divided into
    :param normal_divisions: the normal number of divisions of division_length that would fill the time
    :param division_length: length in quarter notes of the tuplet note type
    :param contents: List of NoteLike objects (notes and rests) contained in this tuplet
    :ivar tuplet_divisions: The new number that the tuplet is divided into
    :ivar normal_divisions: the normal number of divisions of division_length that would fill the time
    :ivar division_length: length in quarter notes of the tuplet note type

    def __init__(self, tuplet_divisions: int, normal_divisions: int, division_length: float,
                 contents: Sequence['NoteLike'] = None):