How to use the sacrebleu.CHRF_ORDER function in sacrebleu

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sacrebleu examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github facebookresearch / vizseq / vizseq / scorers / View on Github external
def score_corpus_multiprocess(
            self, hypothesis: List[str], references: List[List[str]]
    ) -> float:
        if self.n_workers == 1:
            corpus_score = sb.corpus_chrf(hypothesis, references[0]).score
            batches = list(
                self._batch(hypothesis, references, n_batches=self.n_workers)
            corpus_statistics = [0 for _ in range(sb.CHRF_ORDER * 3)]
            with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.n_workers) as executor:
                futures = [
                        sb.get_corpus_statistics, b[0], b[1][0]
                    for b in batches
                progress = as_completed(futures)
                if self.verbose:
                    progress = tqdm(progress)
                for future in progress:
                    stats = future.result()
                    for i in range(sb.CHRF_ORDER * 3):
                        corpus_statistics[i] += stats[i]
            avg_precision, avg_recall = sb._avg_precision_and_recall(
                corpus_statistics, sb.CHRF_ORDER
github facebookresearch / vizseq / vizseq / scorers / View on Github external
with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.n_workers) as executor:
                futures = [
                        sb.get_corpus_statistics, b[0], b[1][0]
                    for b in batches
                progress = as_completed(futures)
                if self.verbose:
                    progress = tqdm(progress)
                for future in progress:
                    stats = future.result()
                    for i in range(sb.CHRF_ORDER * 3):
                        corpus_statistics[i] += stats[i]
            avg_precision, avg_recall = sb._avg_precision_and_recall(
                corpus_statistics, sb.CHRF_ORDER
            corpus_score = sb._chrf(avg_precision, avg_recall)
        return corpus_score
github awslabs / sockeye / sockeye / View on Github external
def raw_corpus_chrf(hypotheses: Iterable[str], references: Iterable[str]) -> float:
    Simple wrapper around sacreBLEU's chrF implementation, without tokenization.

    :param hypotheses: Hypotheses stream.
    :param references: Reference stream.
    :return: chrF score as float between 0 and 1.
    return sacrebleu.corpus_chrf(hypotheses, references, order=sacrebleu.CHRF_ORDER, beta=sacrebleu.CHRF_BETA,