How to use the ruptures.search_methods.sanity_check function in ruptures

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dict: {(start, end): cost value, ...}
        n_regimes = params.n_regimes
        start, end = params.start, params.end
        jump, min_size = params.jump, params.min_size

        if n_regimes == 1:
            return {(start, end): self.error(start, end)}
        elif n_regimes > 1:
            # Let's fill the list of admissible last breakpoints
            multiple_of_jump = (k for k in range(start, end) if k % jump == 0)
            admissible_bkps = list()
            for bkp in multiple_of_jump:
                n_samples = bkp - start
                # first check if left subproblem is possible
                if sanity_check(n_samples, n_regimes - 1, jump, min_size):
                    # second check if the right subproblem has enough points
                    if end - bkp >= min_size:

            assert len(
                admissible_bkps) > 0, "No admissible last breakpoints found.\
             Parameters: {}".format(params)

            # Compute the subproblems
            sub_problems = list()
            for bkp in admissible_bkps:
                left_params = Params(n_regimes - 1, start, bkp, jump, min_size)
                right_params = Params(1, bkp, end, jump, min_size)
                left_partition = self.cache(left_params)
                right_partition = self.cache(right_params)
                tmp_partition = dict(left_partition)
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jump (int, optional): number of points between two potential
            min_size (int, optional): regimes shorter than min_size are

            list: indexes of each breakpoints.
        if signal is None:
            if self.signal is None:
                assert False, "You must define a signal."
            self.signal = signal
        n_samples = self.signal.shape[0]

        assert sanity_check(
            min_size), "Change n_regimes, jump or min_size."

        params = Params(n_regimes=int(n_regimes),
                        start=0, end=self.signal.shape[0],
                        jump=int(jump), min_size=int(min_size))
        self._partition = self.cache(params)
        # we return the end of each segment of the partition
        bkps = sorted(e for (s, e) in self._partition)
        return bkps
github deepcharles / ruptures / ruptures / search_methods / View on Github external
            dict: {(start, end): cost value, ...}
        jump, min_size = self.jump, self.min_size

        if n_bkps == 0:
            cost = self.cost.error(start, end)
            return {(start, end): cost}
        elif n_bkps > 0:
            # Let's fill the list of admissible last breakpoints
            multiple_of_jump = (k for k in range(start, end) if k % jump == 0)
            admissible_bkps = list()
            for bkp in multiple_of_jump:
                n_samples = bkp - start
                # first check if left subproblem is possible
                if sanity_check(n_samples, n_bkps, jump, min_size):
                    # second check if the right subproblem has enough points
                    if end - bkp >= min_size:

            assert len(
                admissible_bkps) > 0, "No admissible last breakpoints found.\
             start, end: ({},{}), n_bkps: {}.".format(start, end, n_bkps)

            # Compute the subproblems
            sub_problems = list()
            for bkp in admissible_bkps:
                left_partition = self.seg(start, bkp, n_bkps - 1)
                right_partition = self.seg(bkp, end, 0)
                tmp_partition = dict(left_partition)
                tmp_partition[(bkp, end)] = right_partition[(bkp, end)]