How to use the runestone.codelens.pg_encoder.create_lambda_line_number function in runestone

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if p:
                    pid = self.get_frame_id(p)
                    assert pid
                    f = p

            cur_name = cur_frame.f_code.co_name

            if cur_name == "":
                cur_name = "unnamed function"

            # augment lambdas with line number
            if cur_name == "":
                cur_name += runestone.codelens.pg_encoder.create_lambda_line_number(
                    cur_frame.f_code, self.encoder.line_to_lambda_code

            # encode in a JSON-friendly format now, in order to prevent ill
            # effects of aliasing later down the line ...
            encoded_locals = {}

            for (k, v) in get_user_locals(cur_frame).items():
                is_in_parent_frame = False

                # don't display locals that appear in your parents' stack frames,
                # since that's redundant
                for pid in parent_frame_id_list:
                    parent_frame = self.lookup_zombie_frame_by_id(pid)
                    if k in parent_frame.f_locals:
                        # ignore __return__, which is never copied