How to use the rpg.plugin.Plugin function in rpg

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few rpg examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def load_plugins(self, path, excludes=[]):
        """finds all plugins in dir and it's subdirectories"""

        pyfiles = path.rglob('*.py')
        for pyfile in pyfiles:
            splitted_path = self._os_path_split(str(pyfile)[:-3])
            path_to_file = '.'.join(splitted_path[:-1])
            imported_path = __import__(
                path_to_file, fromlist=[splitted_path[-1]])
            imported_file = getattr(imported_path, splitted_path[-1])
            plugin_file = imported_file.__name__
            for var_name in dir(imported_file):
                attr = getattr(imported_file, var_name)
                if inspect.isclass(attr) and attr != Plugin and \
                   issubclass(attr, Plugin):
                        plugin = attr()
                        plugin_name = plugin.__class__.__name__
                        if plugin_name not in excludes:
                  "plugin %s loaded (%s)" %
                                         (plugin_name, plugin_file))
                  "plugin %s was excluded (%s)" %
                                         (plugin_name, plugin_file))
                    except Exception:
                        logging.warn("plugin %s not loaded (%s)" %
                                     (plugin_name, plugin_file))
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from rpg.plugin import Plugin
from rpg.command import Command
from modulefinder import ModuleFinder
import logging
import rpm

class PythonPlugin(Plugin):

    def patched(self, project_dir, spec, sack):
        """ Find python dependencies """
        for item in list(project_dir.glob('**/*.py')):
                mod = ModuleFinder()
                for _, mod in mod.modules.items():
                    if mod.__file__ and mod.__file__.startswith("/usr/lib"):
            except ImportError as ie:
                logging.warn("Exception was raised by ModuleFinder:\n" +
                             str(ie) + "\nOn file: " + str(item))

    def installed(self, project_dir, spec, sack):
        """ Compiles all python files depending on which python version they
github rh-lab-q / rpg / rpg / plugins / project_builder / View on Github external
from rpg.command import Command
from rpg.plugin import Plugin
import logging

class MakePlugin(Plugin):

    def patched(self, project_dir, spec, sack):
        """ Appends commands to build Project using Makefile build system """
        if (project_dir / "Makefile").is_file() or\
                (project_dir / "makefile").is_file():
            logging.debug('Makefile found')

            cmd_build = Command("make")
            cmd_install = Command("make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT")

   = cmd_build
            spec.install = cmd_install
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from rpg.command import Command
from rpg.plugin import Plugin
from rpg.utils import str_to_pkgname
import logging
import re

class AutotoolsPlugin(Plugin):

    re_CHECK_MODULES = re.compile(
        r"PKG_CHECK_MODULES\s*\(.*?,\s*(.*?)\s*?[,\)]", re.DOTALL)

    re_CHECK_PROGS = re.compile(
        r"((?:(?:/bin/)|(?:/usr)(?:/bin/)?)[\w/\.-]+)", re.DOTALL)

    re_CHECK_MAKEFILE = re.compile(
        r"(/[\w/\.-]+\.h)", re.DOTALL)

    def extracted(self, project_dir, spec, sack):
        if (project_dir / "").is_file():
            regex = re.compile(
                re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
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from rpg.command import Command
from rpg.plugin import Plugin
from rpg.utils import str_to_pkgname
from javapackages.maven.artifact import Artifact
from javapackages.maven.artifact import ArtifactFormatException
from javapackages.maven.artifact import ArtifactValidationException
from lxml import etree
import logging
import re

class MavenPlugin(Plugin):

    def extracted(self, project_dir, spec, sack):
        if (project_dir / "pom.xml").is_file():
            et = etree.parse(str(project_dir / "pom.xml")).getroot()
            for branch in et:
                tag = re.sub(r'^{.*?}', '', str(branch.tag))
                if tag == 'name':
                    spec.Name = str_to_pkgname(branch.text.strip())
                elif tag == 'version':
                    spec.Version = re.sub('-SNAPSHOT', '', branch.text.strip())
                elif tag == 'description':
                    spec.description = branch.text.strip()
                elif tag == 'url':
                    spec.URL = branch.text.strip()

    def patched(self, project_dir, spec, sack):
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from rpg.plugin import Plugin

class FindTranslationPlugin(Plugin):

    def installed(self, project_dir, spec, sack):
        translation_file = list(project_dir.glob('**/*.mo'))
        if translation_file and translation_file[0].is_file():
            spec.files.add((("-f %%{%s}.lang"
                             % translation_file[0].name), None, None))
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from rpg.command import Command
from rpg.plugin import Plugin
from rpg.utils import str_to_pkgname
import logging
import re

class SetuptoolsPlugin(Plugin):

    def extracted(self, project_dir, spec, sack):
        if (project_dir / "").is_file():
            with (project_dir / "").open() as f:
                matches = re.findall(
          , re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
            for match in matches:
                if match[0] == "name":
                    spec.Name = str_to_pkgname(match[1])
                elif match[0] == "version":
                    spec.Version = match[1]
                elif match[0] == "description":
                    spec.description = re.sub(r'\".*?\"', '', match[1])
                elif match[0] == "license":
github rh-lab-q / rpg / rpg / plugins / misc / View on Github external
from rpg.plugin import Plugin
import subprocess

class FindPatchPlugin(Plugin):

    def extracted(self, project_dir, spec, sack):
        patches = [(f, f.stat().st_mtime) for f in project_dir.iterdir()
                   if _is_patch(f)]
        patches_by_modification = sorted(patches, key=lambda m: m[1])
        spec.Patch = list(
            map(lambda p: str(p[0]), patches_by_modification))

def _is_patch(path):
    if path.is_dir():
        return False
    output = subprocess.check_output(["file", str(path), "-b"])
    return output.decode().find("unified diff output") != -1
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from rpg.plugin import Plugin

class FindLibraryPlugin(Plugin):

    def installed(self, project_dir, spec, sack):
        """ Appends ldconfig if any type of library is installed """
        dyn_libs = list(project_dir.glob('**/lib*.so*'))
        static_libs = list(project_dir.glob('**/lib*.a*'))
        if ((dyn_libs and dyn_libs[0].is_file()) or
                static_libs and static_libs[0].is_file()):

            # FIXME when Command is integrated with Spec
github rh-lab-q / rpg / rpg / plugins / recover / View on Github external
from rpg.plugin import Plugin
from re import search

class BashCommandPlugin(Plugin):

    _file = ""

    def mock_recover(self, log, spec):
        """ Parses mock logs and finds missing executables, append them
            into build_required_files (to be translated into packages)
            Returns True on any change"""
        for err in log:
            match = search(
                r"\s*([^:]+)\:\s*" +
                r"[cC][oO][mM][mM][aA][nN][dD]\s*[nN][oO][tT]\s*" +
                r"[fF][oO][uU][nN][dD]", err)
            if match:
                if == self._file or\
                        "/usr/bin/" + == self._file:
                    raise RuntimeError("Couldn't resolve '{}'!"