How to use the rioxarray.exceptions.TooManyDimensions function in rioxarray

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def _check_dimensions(self):
        This function validates that the dimensions 2D/3D and
        they are are in the proper order.

        str or None: Name extra dimension.
        extra_dims = list(set(list(self._obj.dims)) - set([self.x_dim, self.y_dim]))
        if len(extra_dims) > 1:
            raise TooManyDimensions(
                "Only 2D and 3D data arrays supported."
        elif extra_dims and self._obj.dims != (extra_dims[0], self.y_dim, self.x_dim):
            raise InvalidDimensionOrder(
                "Invalid dimension order. Expected order: {0}. "
                "You can use `DataArray.transpose{0}`"
                " to reorder your dimensions.".format(
                    (extra_dims[0], self.y_dim, self.x_dim)
                + f"{_get_data_var_message(self._obj)}"
        elif not extra_dims and self._obj.dims != (self.y_dim, self.x_dim):
            raise InvalidDimensionOrder(
                "Invalid dimension order. Expected order: {0}"
                "You can use `DataArray.transpose{0}` "