How to use the ring._compat.functools.wraps function in ring

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ring examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github youknowone / ring / ring / func / View on Github external
def create_factory_proxy(proxy_base, classifier, factory_table):
    proxy_class = type(
        'ring.create_factory_proxy.._FactoryProxy', (proxy_base,), {})
    proxy_class.classifier = staticmethod(classifier)
    proxy_class.factory_table = staticmethod(factory_table)
    sample_factory = factory_table[0]
    proxy_class.__call__ = functools.wraps(sample_factory)(proxy_class.__call__)
    proxy_class.__doc__ = sample_factory.__doc__
    return proxy_class
github youknowone / ring / ring / func / View on Github external

        attr = getattr(self._rope.config.user_interface, name)
        if callable(attr):
            transform_args = getattr(
                attr, 'transform_args', None)

            def impl_f(*args, **kwargs):
                if transform_args:
                    transform_func, transform_rules = transform_args
                    args, kwargs = transform_func(
                        self, transform_rules, args, kwargs)
                return attr(self, *args, **kwargs)

            cc = self._callable.wrapped_callable
            impl_f.__name__ = '.'.join((cc.__name__, name))
            if six.PY34:
                impl_f.__qualname__ = '.'.join((cc.__qualname__, name))

            annotations = getattr(
                impl_f, '__annotations__', {})
            annotations_override = getattr(
                attr, '__annotations_override__', {})
            for field, override in annotations_override.items():
                if isinstance(override, types.FunctionType):
                    new_annotation = override(annotations)
                    new_annotation = override
                annotations[field] = new_annotation

            setattr(self, name, impl_f)