How to use the rez.config.config function in rez

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few rez examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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cmd = convert_old_command_expansions(cmd)
        toks = cmd.strip().split()

            if toks[0] == "export":
                var, value = cmd.split(' ', 1)[1].split('=', 1)
                for bookend in ('"', "'"):
                    if value.startswith(bookend) and value.endswith(bookend):
                        value = value[1:-1]

                # As the only old-style commands were Linux/Bash based,
                # we assume using the default separator ":" is ok - we don't
                # need to use os.pathsep as we don't expected to see a
                # Windows path here.
                separator = config.env_var_separators.get(var, ":")

                # This is a special case.  We don't want to include "';'" in
                # our env var separators map as it's not really the correct
                # behaviour/something we want to promote.  It's included here for
                # backwards compatibility only, and to not propogate elsewhere.
                if var == "CMAKE_MODULE_PATH":
                    value = value.replace("'%s'" % separator, separator)
                    value = value.replace('"%s"' % separator, separator)
                    value = value.replace(":", separator)

                parts = value.split(separator)
                parts = [x for x in parts if x]
                if len(parts) > 1:
                    idx = None
                    var1 = "$%s" % var
                    var2 = "${%s}" % var
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def view_graph(graph_str, dest_file=None):
    """View a dot graph in an image viewer."""
    from rez.system import system
    from rez.config import config

    if (system.platform == "linux") and (not os.getenv("DISPLAY")):
        print("Unable to open display.", file=sys.stderr)

    dest_file = _write_graph(graph_str, dest_file=dest_file)

    # view graph
    viewed = False
    prog = config.image_viewer or 'browser'
    print("loading image viewer (%s)..." % prog)

    if config.image_viewer:
        proc = popen([config.image_viewer, dest_file])
        viewed = not bool(proc.returncode)

    if not viewed:
        import webbrowser
        webbrowser.open_new("file://" + dest_file)
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def command(opts, parser, extra_arg_groups=None):
    from rez.config import config
    from rez.package_bind import bind_package, find_bind_module, \
        get_bind_modules, _print_package_list
    from rez.utils.formatting import PackageRequest, columnise

    if opts.release:
        install_path = config.release_packages_path
    elif opts.install_path:
        install_path = opts.install_path
        install_path = config.local_packages_path

    if opts.list:
        d = get_bind_modules()
        rows = [["PACKAGE", "BIND MODULE"],
                ["-------", "-----------"]]
        rows += sorted(d.items())

    if opts.quickstart:
        # note: in dependency order, do not change
        names = ["platform",
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def _track_context(self, context_data, action):
        from rez.utils.amqp import publish_message

        # create message payload
        data = {
            "action": action,
            "context": context_data


        # publish message
        routing_key = (config.context_tracking_amqp["exchange_routing_key"] +
                       '.' + action.upper())

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# create and execute release process
    builder = create_build_process(opts.process,
                                   ensure_latest=(not opts.no_latest),

    # get release message
    release_msg = opts.message
    filepath = None

    if config.prompt_release_message and not release_msg and not opts.no_message:
        from hashlib import sha1

        h = sha1(working_dir.encode("utf8")).hexdigest()
        filename = "rez-release-message-%s.txt" % h
        filepath = os.path.join(config.tmpdir, filename)

        header = ""
        changelog_token = "###"

        if not os.path.exists(filepath):
            txt = header

            # get changelog and add to release notes file, for reference. They
            # get stripped out again before being added as package release notes.
                changelog = builder.get_changelog()
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        multi_launchapp = self.parent
        extra = multi_launchapp.get_setting("extra")

        use_rez = False
        if self.check_rez():
            from rez.resolved_context import ResolvedContext
            from rez.config import config

            # Define variables used to bootstrap tank from overwrite on first reference
            # PYTHONPATH is used by tk-maya
            # NUKE_PATH is used by tk-nuke
            # HIERO_PLUGIN_PATH is used by tk-nuke (nukestudio)
            # KATANA_RESOURCES is used by tk-katana
            config.parent_variables = ["PYTHONPATH", "HOUDINI_PATH", "NUKE_PATH", "HIERO_PLUGIN_PATH", "KATANA_RESOURCES"]

            rez_packages = extra["rez_packages"]
            context = ResolvedContext(rez_packages)

            use_rez = True

        system = sys.platform
        shell_type = 'bash'
        if system == "linux2":
            # on linux, we just run the executable directly
            cmd = "%s %s &" % (app_path, app_args)

        elif self.parent.get_setting("engine") in ["tk-flame", "tk-flare"]:
            # flame and flare works in a different way from other DCCs
            # on both linux and mac, they run unix-style command line
            # and on the mac the more standardized "open" command cannot
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@config.lru_cache("resource_caching", "resource_caching_maxsize")
def _listdir(path, is_file=None):
    names = []
    if os.path.exists(path):
        for name in os.listdir(path):
            filepath = os.path.join(path, name)
            if is_file is None or os.path.isfile(filepath) == is_file:
    return names
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ReleaseVCSError, _NeverError
from rez.utils.logging_ import print_warning
from rez.utils.colorize import heading, Printer
from rez.resolved_context import ResolvedContext
from rez.release_hook import create_release_hooks
from rez.resolver import ResolverStatus
from rez.config import config
from rez.vendor.enum import Enum
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pipes import quote
import getpass
import os.path
import sys

debug_print = config.debug_printer("package_release")

def get_build_process_types():
    """Returns the available build process implementations."""
    from rez.plugin_managers import plugin_manager
    return plugin_manager.get_plugins('build_process')

def create_build_process(process_type, working_dir, build_system, package=None,
                         vcs=None, ensure_latest=True, skip_repo_errors=False,
                         ignore_existing_tag=False, verbose=False, quiet=False):
    """Create a `BuildProcess` instance."""
    from rez.plugin_managers import plugin_manager
    process_types = get_build_process_types()
    if process_type not in process_types:
        raise BuildProcessError("Unknown build process: %r" % process_type)
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def _data(self):
        if not self.schema:
            return None

        data = self._load()
        if config.debug("resources"):
            print_debug("Loaded resource: %s" % str(self))
        return data
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executor.setenv("REZ_USED", self.rez_path)
        executor.setenv("REZ_USED_VERSION", self.rez_version)
        executor.setenv("REZ_USED_TIMESTAMP", str(self.timestamp))
                        str(self.requested_timestamp or 0))
        executor.setenv("REZ_USED_REQUEST", request_str)
        executor.setenv("REZ_USED_IMPLICIT_PACKAGES", implicit_str)
        executor.setenv("REZ_USED_RESOLVE", resolve_str)
        executor.setenv("REZ_USED_PACKAGES_PATH", package_paths_str)

        if self.building:
            executor.setenv("REZ_BUILD_ENV", "1")

        # rez-1 environment variables, set in backwards compatibility mode
        if config.rez_1_environment_variables and \
                not config.disable_rez_1_compatibility:
            request_str_ = " ".join([request_str, implicit_str]).strip()
            executor.setenv("REZ_VERSION", self.rez_version)
            executor.setenv("REZ_PATH", self.rez_path)
            executor.setenv("REZ_REQUEST", request_str_)
            executor.setenv("REZ_RESOLVE", resolve_str)
            executor.setenv("REZ_RAW_REQUEST", request_str_)
            executor.setenv("REZ_RESOLVE_MODE", "latest")

        # binds objects such as 'request', which are accessible before a resolve
        bindings = self._get_pre_resolve_bindings()
        for k, v in bindings.items():
            executor.bind(k, v)

        executor.bind('resolve', VariantsBinding(resolved_pkgs))
