How to use the resolwe.flow.utils.iterate_schema function in resolwe

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                        "Skip processor {}: only one of 'flow_collection' and 'entity' fields "

                p["entity"] = {"type": p.pop("flow_collection")}

            if p["type"][-1] != ":":
                p["type"] += ":"

            if "category" in p and not p["category"].endswith(":"):
                p["category"] += ":"

            for field in ["input", "output"]:
                for schema, _, _ in iterate_schema({}, p[field] if field in p else {}):
                    if not schema["type"][-1].endswith(":"):
                        schema["type"] += ":"
            # TODO: Check if schemas validate with our JSON meta schema and Processor model docs.

            if not self.valid(p, PROCESSOR_SCHEMA):

            if "entity" in p:
                if "type" not in p["entity"]:
                        "Skip process {}: 'entity.type' required if 'entity' defined".format(
                if "input" in p["entity"] and p["entity"].get("always_create", False):
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except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError as ex:
                "    VALIDATION ERROR: {}".format(
                    instance["name"] if "name" in instance else ""
            self.stderr.write("        path:       {}".format(ex.path))
            self.stderr.write("        message:    {}".format(ex.message))
            self.stderr.write("        validator:  {}".format(ex.validator))
            self.stderr.write("        val. value: {}".format(ex.validator_value))
            return False

            # Check that default values fit field schema.
            for field in ["input", "output", "schema"]:
                for schema, _, path in iterate_schema({}, instance.get(field, {})):
                    if "default" in schema:
                        validate_schema({schema["name"]: schema["default"]}, [schema])
        except ValidationError:
            self.stderr.write("    VALIDATION ERROR: {}".format(instance["name"]))
                "        Default value of field '{}' is not valid.".format(path)
            return False

        return True
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def validate_range(value, interval, name):
        """Check that given value is inside the specified range."""
        if not interval:

        if value < interval[0] or value > interval[1]:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Value of field '{}' is out of range. It should be between {} and {}.".format(
                    name, interval[0], interval[1]

    is_dirty = False
    dirty_fields = []
    for _schema, _fields, _ in iterate_schema(instance, schema):
        name = _schema["name"]
        is_required = _schema.get("required", True)

        if test_required and is_required and name not in _fields:
            is_dirty = True

        if name in _fields:
            field = _fields[name]
            type_ = _schema.get("type", "")

            # Treat None as if the field is missing.
            if not is_required and field is None:

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section = nodes.section(ids=["process-" + slug])
        section += nodes.title(name, name)

        # Make process header:
        section += self.make_process_header(
            slug, typ, version, source_uri, description, inputs

        # Make inputs section:
        container_node = nodes.container(classes=["toggle"])
        container_header = nodes.paragraph(classes=["header"])
        container_header += nodes.strong(text="Input arguments")
        container_node += container_header

        container_body = nodes.container()
        for field_schema, _, path in iterate_schema({}, inputs, ""):
            container_body += nodes.strong(text=path)
            container_body += self.make_properties_list(field_schema)

        container_node += container_body
        section += container_node

        # Make outputs section:
        container_node = nodes.container(classes=["toggle"])
        container_header = nodes.paragraph(classes=["header"])
        container_header += nodes.strong(text="Output results")
        container_node += container_header

        container_body = nodes.container()
        for field_schema, _, path in iterate_schema({}, outputs, ""):
            container_body += nodes.strong(text=path)
            container_body += self.make_properties_list(field_schema)
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container_body = nodes.container()
        for field_schema, _, path in iterate_schema({}, inputs, ""):
            container_body += nodes.strong(text=path)
            container_body += self.make_properties_list(field_schema)

        container_node += container_body
        section += container_node

        # Make outputs section:
        container_node = nodes.container(classes=["toggle"])
        container_header = nodes.paragraph(classes=["header"])
        container_header += nodes.strong(text="Output results")
        container_node += container_header

        container_body = nodes.container()
        for field_schema, _, path in iterate_schema({}, outputs, ""):
            container_body += nodes.strong(text=path)
            container_body += self.make_properties_list(field_schema)

        container_node += container_body
        section += container_node

        return [
            addnodes.index(entries=[("single", name, "process-" + slug, "", None)]),
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:param dict inputs: process' inputs

        node = addnodes.desc()
        signode = addnodes.desc_signature(slug, "")

        node["objtype"] = node["desctype"] = typ

        signode += addnodes.desc_annotation(typ, typ, classes=["process-type"])
        signode += addnodes.desc_addname("", "")
        signode += addnodes.desc_name(slug + " ", slug + " ")

        paramlist = addnodes.desc_parameterlist()

        for field_schema, _, _ in iterate_schema({}, inputs, ""):
            field_type = field_schema["type"]
            field_name = field_schema["name"]

            field_default = field_schema.get("default", None)
            field_default = "" if field_default is None else "={}".format(field_default)

            param = addnodes.desc_parameter("", "", noemph=True)
            param += nodes.emphasis(field_type, field_type, classes=["process-type"])
            # separate by non-breaking space in the output
            param += nodes.strong(text="\xa0\xa0" + field_name)

            paramlist += param

        signode += paramlist
        signode += nodes.reference(