How to use the rebound.clibrebound function in rebound

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few rebound examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def add(self, particle=None, **kwargs):   
        Adds a particle to REBOUND. Accepts one of the following:

        1) A single Particle structure.
        2) The particle's mass and a set of cartesian coordinates: m,x,y,z,vx,vy,vz.
        3) The primary as a Particle structure, the particle's mass and a set of orbital elements: primary,m,a,anom,e,omega,inv,Omega,MEAN (see :class:`.Orbit` for the definition of orbital elements).
        4) A name of an object (uses NASA Horizons to look up coordinates)
        5) A list of particles or names.
        if particle is not None:
            if isinstance(particle, Particle):
                if (self.gravity == "tree" or self.collision == "tree") and self.root_size <=0.:
                    raise ValueError("The tree code for gravity and/or collision detection has been selected. However, the simulation box has not been configured yet. You cannot add particles until the the simulation box has a finite size.")

                clibrebound.reb_add(byref(self), particle)
            elif isinstance(particle, list):
                for p in particle:
                    self.add(p, **kwargs)
            elif isinstance(particle,str):
                if self.python_unit_l == 0 or self.python_unit_m == 0 or self.python_unit_t == 0:
                    self.units = ('AU', 'yr2pi', 'Msun')
                self.add(horizons.getParticle(particle, **kwargs), hash=particle)
                units_convert_particle(self.particles[-1], 'km', 's', 'kg', hash_to_unit(self.python_unit_l), hash_to_unit(self.python_unit_t), hash_to_unit(self.python_unit_m))
                raise ValueError("Argument passed to add() not supported.")
            self.add(Particle(simulation=self, **kwargs))
        if hasattr(self, '_widgets'):
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orbits : bool, optional
            The default value for this is True and the widget will draw the instantaneous 
            orbits of the particles. For simulations in which particles are not on
            Keplerian orbits, the orbits shown will not be accurate. 
        overlay : string, optional
            Change the default text overlay. Set to None to hide all text.
        self.screenshotcountall = 0
        self.width, self.height  = size
        self.t, self.N = simulation.t, simulation.N
        self.orientation = orientation
        self.autorefresh = autorefresh
        self.orbits = orbits
        self.useroverlay = overlay
        self.simp = pointer(simulation)
        clibrebound.reb_display_copy_data.restype = c_int
        if scale is None:
            self.scale = simulation.display_data.contents.scale
            self.scale = scale
        self.count += 1

        super(Widget, self).__init__()
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        >>> sim = rebound.Simulation()
        >>> sim.add(m=1, x=0)
        >>> sim.add(m=1, x=1)
        >>> com = sim.calculate_com()
        >>> com.x

        if last is not None:
            last = min(last, self.N_real-1)
            clibrebound.reb_get_jacobi_com.restype = Particle
            com = clibrebound.reb_get_jacobi_com(byref(self.particles[last]))
            return com
            clibrebound.reb_get_com.restype = Particle
            com = clibrebound.reb_get_com(byref(self))
            return com
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self.r = 0.
            self.r = r
        self.lastcollision = 0.
        self.c = None
        self.ap = None
        if notNone([e,inc,omega,pomega,Omega,M,f,theta,T]) and notNone(pal):
            raise ValueError("You cannot mix Pal coordinates (h,k,ix,iy) with the following orbital elements: e,inc,Omega,omega,pomega,f,M,theta,T. If a longitude/anomaly is needed in Pal coordinates, use l.")
        if notNone(cart) and notNone(orbi):
                raise ValueError("You cannot pass cartesian coordinates and orbital elements (and/or primary) at the same time.")
        if notNone(orbi):
            if simulation is None:
                raise ValueError("Need to specify simulation when initializing particle with orbital elements.")
            if primary is None:
                clibrebound.reb_get_com.restype = Particle
                primary = clibrebound.reb_get_com(byref(simulation)) # this corresponds to adding in Jacobi coordinates
            if jacobi_masses is True:
                interior_mass = 0
                for p in simulation.particles:
                    interior_mass += p.m
                # orbit conversion uses mu=G*(p.m+primary.m) so set prim.m=Mjac-m so mu=G*Mjac
                primary.m = simulation.particles[0].m*(self.m + interior_mass)/interior_mass - self.m
            if a is None and P is None:
                raise ValueError("You need to pass either a semimajor axis or orbital period to initialize the particle using orbital elements.")
            if a is not None and P is not None:
                raise ValueError("You can pass either the semimajor axis or orbital period, but not both.")
            if a is None:
                a = (P**2*simulation.G*(primary.m + self.m)/(4.*math.pi**2))**(1./3.)
            if notNone(pal):
                # Pal orbital parameters
                if h is None:
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def __init__(self):
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                variation_order = 1
            # Shortcuts for variable names
            if variation == "l":
                variation = "lambda"
            if variation2 == "l":
                variation2 = "lambda"
            if variation == "i":
                variation = "inc"
            if variation2 == "i":
                variation2 = "inc"

            variationtypes = ["m","a","e","inc","omega","Omega","f","k","h","lambda","ix","iy"]
            if variation_order==1:
                if variation in variationtypes:
                    method = getattr(clibrebound, 'reb_derivatives_'+variation)
                    method.restype = Particle
                    p = method(c_double(simulation.G), primary, particle)
                    raise ValueError("Variational particles can only be initializes using the derivatives with respect to one of the following: %s."%", ".join(variationtypes))
            elif variation_order==2:
                if variation in variationtypes and variation2 in variationtypes:
                    # Swap variations if needed
                    vi1 = variationtypes.index(variation)
                    vi2 = variationtypes.index(variation2)
                    if vi2 < vi1:
                        variation, variation2 = variation2, variation

                    method = getattr(clibrebound, 'reb_derivatives_'+variation+'_'+variation2)
                    method.restype = Particle
                    p = method(c_double(simulation.G), primary, particle)
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def refresh(self, simp=None, isauto=0):
        Manually refreshes a widget.
        Note that this function can also be called using the wrapper function of
        the Simulation object: sim.refreshWidgets(). 

        if simp==None:
            simp = self.simp
        if self.autorefresh==0 and isauto==1:
        sim = simp.contents
        size_changed = clibrebound.reb_display_copy_data(simp)
        if sim.N>0:
            self.particle_data = (c_char * (4*7*sim.N)).from_address(sim.display_data.contents.particle_data).raw
            if self.orbits:
                self.orbit_data = (c_char * (4*9*(sim.N-1))).from_address(sim.display_data.contents.orbit_data).raw
        if size_changed:
            #TODO: Implement better GPU size change
        if self.useroverlay==True:
            self.overlay = "REBOUND (%s), N=%d, t=%g"%(sim.integrator,sim.N,sim.t)
        elif self.useroverlay==None or self.useroverlay==False:
            self.overlay = ""
            self.overlay = self.useroverlay + ", N=%d, t=%g"%(sim.N,sim.t)
        self.N = sim.N
        self.t = sim.t
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if notNone(pal):
                # Pal orbital parameters
                if h is None:
                    h = 0.
                if k is None:
                    k = 0.
                if l is None:
                    l = 0.
                if ix is None:
                    ix = 0.
                if iy is None:
                    iy = 0.
                if((ix*ix + iy*iy) > 4.0):
                    raise ValueError("Passed (ix, iy) coordinates are not valid, squared sum exceeds 4.")
                clibrebound.reb_tools_pal_to_particle.restype = Particle
                p = clibrebound.reb_tools_pal_to_particle(c_double(simulation.G), primary, c_double(self.m), c_double(a), c_double(l), c_double(k), c_double(h), c_double(ix), c_double(iy))
                # Normal orbital parameters
                if e is None:
                    e = 0.
                if inc is None:
                    inc = 0.
                if Omega is None:               # we require that Omega be passed if you want to specify longitude of node
                    Omega = 0.

                pericenters = [omega, pomega]   # Need omega for C function. Can specify it either directly or through pomega indirectly. 
                numNones = pericenters.count(None)

                if numNones == 0:
                    raise ValueError("Can't pass both omega and pomega")
                if numNones == 2:                   # Neither passed.  Default to 0.
                    omega = 0.
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def hash(key):
    hash_types = c_uint32, c_uint, c_ulong
    PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
    if PY3:
        string_types = str,
        int_types = int,
        string_types = basestring,
        int_types = int, long,
    if isinstance(key, int_types):
        return c_uint32(key)
    elif isinstance(key, hash_types):
        return key
    elif isinstance(key, string_types):
        clibrebound.reb_hash.restype = c_uint32
        return c_uint32(clibrebound.reb_hash(c_char_p(key.encode('ascii'))))
        raise AttributeError("Need to pash hash an integer or string.")