How to use ratelimitingfilter - 8 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ratelimitingfilter examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github yahoo / panoptes / yahoo_panoptes / framework / View on Github external'Logging configuration file: ' + log_config_file)

        except Exception:
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
            traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback, limit=2, file=sys.stderr)
            raise PanoptesConfigurationError(
                    'Could not instantiate logger with logging configuration provided in file "%s": (%s) %s' % (
                        log_config_file, exc_type, exc_value))

        # Create a filter to rate limit logs so that a misconfiguration or failure does not make the disk I/O go
        # beserk or fill up the disk space. We do this in code instead if configuration for two reasons:
        # - It enforces a filter on every handler, so no chance of messing them up in configuration
        # - We use fileConfig (nof dictConfig) to setup our logging and fileConfig does not support filter configuration
        throttle = RateLimitingFilter(rate=config['log']['rate'], per=config['log']['per'],

        # Apply the filter to all handlers. Note that this would be a shared filter across ALL logs generated by this
        # process and thus the rate/burst should be set appropriately high
        for handler in logging._handlerList:
            # _handlerList is a list of weakrefs, so the object returned has to be dereferenced
github wkeeling / ratelimitingfilter / examples / View on Github external
import logging.handlers
import time

from ratelimitingfilter import RateLimitingFilter

logger = logging.getLogger('throttled_smtp_example')

# Create an SMTPHandler
smtp = logging.handlers.SMTPHandler(mailhost='',
                                    subject='An error has occurred')

# Create an instance of the RateLimitingFilter, and add it to the handler
throttle = RateLimitingFilter()

# Create a formatter and set it on the handler
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

# Add the handler to the logger

# Logged errors will now be restricted to 1 every 30 seconds
while True:
    logger.error('An error message')
github abrt / faf / src / webfaf / View on Github external
if not app.debug:
    credentials = None
    if app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'] or app.config['MAIL_PASSWORD']:
        credentials = (app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'],

    mail_handler = SMTPHandler(
        'webfaf exception', credentials)

    rate_limiter = RateLimitingFilter(app.config['THROTTLING_RATE'],

    app.logger.addHandler(mail_handler) # pylint: disable=no-member

def forbidden(_):
    return flask.render_template("403.html"), 403

def not_found(_):
    return flask.render_template("404.html"), 404
github wkeeling / ratelimitingfilter / examples / View on Github external
from ratelimitingfilter import RateLimitingFilter

logger = logging.getLogger('console_example')

# Create a console handler
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
ch.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'))

# Create a rate limiting filter and add it to the console handler.
# We limit the throughput to 1 record per second, allowing a burst of 3.
throttle = RateLimitingFilter(rate=1, per=1, burst=3)

for i in range(31):
    # This attempts to log 31 messages in a little over 3 seconds. The messages are equally
    # spaced with 1/10 second between them. This allows the first 3 messages through in the
    # first second based on the burst, and then just 1 message in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th seconds,
    # based on the 1 per second rate, which totals 6.
    logger.debug('This is message {0}'.format(i))
github wkeeling / ratelimitingfilter / ratelimitingfilter / View on Github external
self.rate = rate
        self.per = per
        self.burst = burst

        self._default_bucket = TokenBucket(rate, per, burst)
        self._substr_buckets = None
        self._auto_buckets = None

        if 'match' in kwargs:
            if kwargs['match'] == 'auto':
                self._auto_buckets = defaultdict(partial(TokenBucket, rate, per, burst))
                self._substr_buckets = {}
                for s in kwargs['match']:
                    # Create a new token bucket for each substring
                    self._substr_buckets[s] = TokenBucket(rate, per, burst)
github wkeeling / ratelimitingfilter / ratelimitingfilter / View on Github external
:param kwargs:
            Additional config options that can be passed to the filter.
        super(RateLimitingFilter, self).__init__()

        self.rate = rate
        self.per = per
        self.burst = burst

        self._default_bucket = TokenBucket(rate, per, burst)
        self._substr_buckets = None
        self._auto_buckets = None

        if 'match' in kwargs:
            if kwargs['match'] == 'auto':
                self._auto_buckets = defaultdict(partial(TokenBucket, rate, per, burst))
                self._substr_buckets = {}
                for s in kwargs['match']:
                    # Create a new token bucket for each substring
                    self._substr_buckets[s] = TokenBucket(rate, per, burst)
github wkeeling / ratelimitingfilter / ratelimitingfilter / View on Github external
:param rate:
            The number of records to restrict to, per the specified time interval. Default 1.
        :param per:
            The number of seconds during which 'rate' records may be sent. Default 30.
        :param burst:
            The maximum number of records that can be sent before rate limiting kicks in.
        :param kwargs:
            Additional config options that can be passed to the filter.
        super(RateLimitingFilter, self).__init__()

        self.rate = rate
        self.per = per
        self.burst = burst

        self._default_bucket = TokenBucket(rate, per, burst)
        self._substr_buckets = None
        self._auto_buckets = None

        if 'match' in kwargs:
            if kwargs['match'] == 'auto':
                self._auto_buckets = defaultdict(partial(TokenBucket, rate, per, burst))
                self._substr_buckets = {}
                for s in kwargs['match']:
                    # Create a new token bucket for each substring
                    self._substr_buckets[s] = TokenBucket(rate, per, burst)
github wkeeling / ratelimitingfilter / ratelimitingfilter / View on Github external
def __init__(self, rate=1, per=30, burst=1, **kwargs):
        """Initialise an instance of the RateLimitingFilter allowing a default rate of 1 record
        every 30 seconds when no arguments are supplied.

        :param rate:
            The number of records to restrict to, per the specified time interval. Default 1.
        :param per:
            The number of seconds during which 'rate' records may be sent. Default 30.
        :param burst:
            The maximum number of records that can be sent before rate limiting kicks in.
        :param kwargs:
            Additional config options that can be passed to the filter.
        super(RateLimitingFilter, self).__init__()

        self.rate = rate
        self.per = per
        self.burst = burst

        self._default_bucket = TokenBucket(rate, per, burst)
        self._substr_buckets = None
        self._auto_buckets = None

        if 'match' in kwargs:
            if kwargs['match'] == 'auto':
                self._auto_buckets = defaultdict(partial(TokenBucket, rate, per, burst))
                self._substr_buckets = {}
                for s in kwargs['match']:
                    # Create a new token bucket for each substring


A rate limiting filter for the Python logging system

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