How to use ratarmount - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ratarmount examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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# all positional arguments, including the mountpath will be parsed into the tarfilepaths namespace and we have to
    # manually separate them depending on the type.
    if os.path.isdir( args.mount_source[-1] ) or not os.path.exists( args.mount_source[-1] ):
        args.mount_point = args.mount_source[-1]
        args.mount_source = args.mount_source[:-1]
    if not args.mount_source:
        print( "[Error] You must at least specify one path to a valid TAR file or union mount source directory!" )
        exit( 1 )

    # Manually check that all specified TARs and folders exist
    compressions = [ '' ]
    if 'IndexedBzip2File' in globals():
        compressions += [ 'bz2' ]
    if 'IndexedGzipFile' in globals():
        compressions += [ 'gz' ]
    args.mount_source = [ TarFileType( mode = 'r', compressions = compressions )( tarFile )[0].name
                           if not os.path.isdir( tarFile ) else os.path.realpath( tarFile )
                           for tarFile in args.mount_source ]

    # Automatically generate a default mount path
    if args.mount_point is None:
        tarPath = args.mount_source[0]
        for doubleExtension in [ '.tar.bz2', '.tar.gz' ]:
            if tarPath[-len( doubleExtension ):].lower() == doubleExtension.lower():
                args.mount_point = tarPath[:-len( doubleExtension )]
        if not args.mount_point:
            args.mount_point = os.path.splitext( tarPath )[0]
    args.mount_point = os.path.abspath( args.mount_point )

    return args
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args = parseArgs( args )

    # Convert the comma separated list of key[=value] options into a dictionary for fusepy
    fusekwargs = dict( [ option.split( '=', 1 ) if '=' in option else ( option, True )
                       for option in args.fuse.split( ',' ) ] ) if args.fuse else {}
    if args.prefix:
        fusekwargs['modules'] = 'subdir'
        fusekwargs['subdir'] = args.prefix

    if args.mount_point in args.mount_source:
        fusekwargs['nonempty'] = True

    global printDebug
    printDebug = args.debug

    fuseOperationsObject = TarMount(
        pathToMount          = args.mount_source,
        clearIndexCache      = args.recreate_index,
        recursive            = args.recursive,
        gzipSeekPointSpacing = args.gzip_seek_point_spacing,
        mountPoint           = args.mount_point )

    fuse.FUSE( operations = fuseOperationsObject,
               mountpoint = args.mount_point,
               foreground = args.foreground,
               nothreads  = True, # Can't access SQLite database connection object from multiple threads
               **fusekwargs )
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        self.mountSources = [ self._openTar( tarFile, clearIndexCache, recursive, gzipSeekPointSpacing )
                              if not os.path.isdir( tarFile ) else os.path.realpath( tarFile )
                              for tarFile in pathToMount ]

        # make the mount point read only and executable if readable, i.e., allow directory listing
        tarStats = os.stat( pathToMount[0] )
        # clear higher bits like S_IFREG and set the directory bit instead
        mountMode = ( tarStats.st_mode & 0o777 ) | stat.S_IFDIR
        if mountMode & stat.S_IRUSR != 0: mountMode |= stat.S_IXUSR
        if mountMode & stat.S_IRGRP != 0: mountMode |= stat.S_IXGRP
        if mountMode & stat.S_IROTH != 0: mountMode |= stat.S_IXOTH

        self.rootFileInfo = SQLiteIndexedTar.FileInfo(
            offset       = None             ,
            offsetheader = None             ,
            size         = tarStats.st_size ,
            mtime        = tarStats.st_mtime,
            mode         = mountMode        ,
            type         = tarfile.DIRTYPE  ,
            linkname     = ""               ,
            uid          = tarStats.st_uid  ,
            gid          = tarStats.st_gid  ,
            istar        = True             ,
            issparse     = False

        # Create mount point if it does not exist
        self.mountPointWasCreated = False
        if mountPoint and not os.path.exists( mountPoint ):
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def _getFileInfoFromRealFile( filePath ):
        stats = os.lstat( filePath )
        return SQLiteIndexedTar.FileInfo(
            offset       = None          ,
            offsetheader = None          ,
            size         = stats.st_size ,
            mtime        = stats.st_mtime,
            mode         = stats.st_mode ,
            type         = None          , # I think this is completely unused and mostly contained in mode
            linkname     = os.readlink( filePath ) if os.path.islink( filePath ) else None,
            uid          = stats.st_uid  ,
            gid          = stats.st_gid  ,
            istar        = False         ,
            issparse     = False
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"""Wrapper for _getUnionMountFileInfo, which also resolves special file version specifications in the path."""
        result = self._getUnionMountFileInfo( filePath )
        if result:
            return result

        # If no file was found, check if a special .versions folder to an existing file/folder was queried.
        result = self._decodeVersionsPathAPI( filePath )
        if not result:
            raise fuse.FuseOSError( fuse.errno.ENOENT )
        filePath, pathIsVersions, fileVersion = result

        # 2.) Check if the request was for the special .versions folder and return its contents or stats
        # At this point, filePath is assured to actually exist!
        if pathIsVersions:
            parentFileInfo, mountSource = self._getUnionMountFileInfo( filePath )
            return SQLiteIndexedTar.FileInfo(
                offset       = None                ,
                offsetheader = None                ,
                size         = 0                   ,
                mtime        = parentFileInfo.mtime,
                mode         = 0o777 | stat.S_IFDIR,
                type         = tarfile.DIRTYPE     ,
                linkname     = ""                  ,
                uid          = parentFileInfo.uid  ,
                gid          = parentFileInfo.gid  ,
                istar        = False               ,
                issparse     = False
            ), mountSource

        # 3.) At this point the request is for an actual version of a file or folder
        result = self._getUnionMountFileInfo( filePath, fileVersion = fileVersion )
        if result:
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return None

        # fileVersion >= 1
        for mountSource in self.mountSources:
            if isinstance( mountSource, str ):
                realFilePath = os.path.join( mountSource, filePath.lstrip( os.path.sep ) )
                if os.path.lexists( realFilePath ):
                    if fileVersion == 1:
                        return self._getFileInfoFromRealFile( realFilePath ), \
                               os.path.join( mountSource, filePath.lstrip( os.path.sep ) )
                    fileVersion -= 1

                fileInfo = mountSource.getFileInfo( filePath, listDir = False, fileVersion = fileVersion )
                if isinstance( fileInfo, SQLiteIndexedTar.FileInfo ):
                    return fileInfo, mountSource
                fileVersion -= len( mountSource.getFileInfo( filePath, listVersions = True ) )

            if fileVersion < 1:
                return None

        return None
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def _openTar( self, tarFilePath, clearIndexCache, recursive, gzipSeekPointSpacing ):
        return SQLiteIndexedTar( tarFilePath,
                                 writeIndex           = True,
                                 clearIndexCache      = clearIndexCache,
                                 recursive            = recursive,
                                 gzipSeekPointSpacing = gzipSeekPointSpacing  )
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def _openCompressedFile( fileobj, gzipSeekPointSpacing ):
        """Opens a file possibly undoing the compression."""
        rawFile = None
        tarFile = fileobj
        compression = SQLiteIndexedTar._detectCompression( fileobj = tarFile )

        if compression == 'bz2':
            rawFile = tarFile # save so that garbage collector won't close it!
            tarFile = IndexedBzip2File( rawFile.fileno() )
        elif compression == 'gz':
            rawFile = tarFile # save so that garbage collector won't close it!
            # drop_handles keeps a file handle opening as is required to call tell() during decoding
            tarFile = IndexedGzipFile( fileobj = rawFile,
                                       drop_handles = False,
                                       spacing = gzipSeekPointSpacing )

        return tarFile, rawFile, compression
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self.parentFolderCache = []
        self.mountRecursively = recursive
        self.sqlConnection = None

        assert tarFileName or fileObject
        if not tarFileName:
            self.tarFileName = ''
            self.createIndex( fileObject )
            # return here because we can't find a save location without any identifying name

        self.tarFileName = os.path.abspath( tarFileName )
        if not fileObject:
            fileObject = open( self.tarFileName, 'rb' )
        self.tarFileObject, self.rawFileObject, self.compression = \
            SQLiteIndexedTar._openCompressedFile( fileObject, gzipSeekPointSpacing )

        # will be used for storing indexes if current path is read-only
        possibleIndexFilePaths = [
            self.tarFileName + ".index.sqlite",
            os.path.expanduser( os.path.join( "~", ".ratarmount",
                                              self.tarFileName.replace( "/", "_" ) + ".index.sqlite" ) )

        self.indexFileName = None
        if clearIndexCache:
            for indexPath in possibleIndexFilePaths:
                if os.path.isfile( indexPath ):
                    os.remove( indexPath )

        # Try to find an already existing index
        for indexPath in possibleIndexFilePaths:
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# 2. Open TAR file reader
            streamed = ( 'IndexedBzip2File' in globals() and isinstance( fileObject, IndexedBzip2File ) ) or \
                       ( 'IndexedGzipFile' in globals() and isinstance( fileObject, IndexedGzipFile ) )
            # r: uses seeks to skip to the next file inside the TAR while r| doesn't do any seeks.
            # r| might be slower but for compressed files we have to go over all the data once anyways
            # and I had problems with seeks at this stage. Maybe they are gone now after the bz2 bugfix though.
            loadedTarFile = fileobj = fileObject, mode = 'r|' if streamed else 'r:', ignore_zeros = True )
        except tarfile.ReadError as exception:
            print( "Archive can't be opened! This might happen for compressed TAR archives, "
                   "which currently is not supported." )
            raise exception

        if progressBar is None:
            progressBar = ProgressBar( os.fstat( fileObject.fileno() ).st_size )

        # 3. Iterate over files inside TAR and add them to the database
          for tarInfo in loadedTarFile:
            loadedTarFile.members = []
            globalOffset = streamOffset + tarInfo.offset_data
            globalOffsetHeader = streamOffset + tarInfo.offset
            if 'IndexedBzip2File' in globals() and isinstance( fileObject, IndexedBzip2File ):
                # We will have to adjust the global offset to a rough estimate of the real compressed size.
                # Note that tell_compressed is always one bzip2 block further, which leads to underestimated
                # file compression ratio especially in the beginning.
                progressBar.update( int( globalOffset * fileObject.tell_compressed() / 8 / fileObject.tell() ) )
            elif 'IndexedGzipFile' in globals() and isinstance( fileObject, IndexedGzipFile ):
                    progressBar.update( int( globalOffset * fileObject.fileobj().tell() / fileObject.tell() ) )