How to use the function in rasa

To help you get started, weā€™ve selected a few rasa examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github RasaHQ / rasa / tests / View on Github external
# a couple of event instances that we can use for testing
test_events = [
            "event": UserUttered.type_name,
            "text": "/goodbye",
            "parse_data": {
                "intent": {"confidence": 1.0, "name": "greet"},
                "entities": [],
    BotUttered("Welcome!", {"test": True}),
    SlotSet("cuisine", 34),
    SlotSet("cuisine", "34"),
    SlotSet("location", None),
    SlotSet("location", [34, "34", None]),

def rasa_app_without_api(rasa_server_without_api: Sanic) -> SanicTestClient:
    return get_test_client(rasa_server_without_api)

def rasa_app(rasa_server: Sanic) -> SanicTestClient:
    return get_test_client(rasa_server)

def rasa_app_nlu(rasa_nlu_server: Sanic) -> SanicTestClient:
github RasaHQ / rasa / tests / core / View on Github external
            UserUttered("/greet", {"name": "greet", "confidence": 1.0}, []),
            UserUttered("/goodbye", {"name": "goodbye", "confidence": 1.0}, []),
        (SlotSet("my_slot", "value"), SlotSet("my__other_slot", "value")),
        (Restarted(), None),
        (AllSlotsReset(), None),
        (ConversationPaused(), None),
        (ConversationResumed(), None),
        (StoryExported(), None),
        (ActionReverted(), None),
        (UserUtteranceReverted(), None),
        (ActionExecuted("my_action"), ActionExecuted("my_other_action")),
        (FollowupAction("my_action"), FollowupAction("my_other_action")),
            BotUttered("my_text", {"my_data": 1}),
            BotUttered("my_other_test", {"my_other_data": 1}),
            AgentUttered("my_text", "my_data"),
            AgentUttered("my_other_test", "my_other_data"),
github botfront / rasa-for-botfront / tests / core / View on Github external
def test_dynamo_tracker_floats():
    conversation_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

    tracker_store = DynamoTrackerStore(domain)
    tracker = tracker_store.get_or_create_tracker(
        conversation_id, append_action_listen=False

    # save `slot` event with known `float`-type timestamp
    timestamp = 13423.23434623
    tracker.update(SlotSet("key", "val", timestamp=timestamp))

    # retrieve tracker and the event timestamp is retrieved as a `float`
    tracker = tracker_store.get_or_create_tracker(conversation_id)
    retrieved_timestamp =[0].timestamp
    assert isinstance(retrieved_timestamp, float)
    assert retrieved_timestamp == timestamp
github RasaHQ / rasa / tests / core / View on Github external
@pytest.mark.parametrize("one_event,another_event", [
    (UserUttered("/greet", {"name": "greet", "confidence": 1.0}, []),
     UserUttered("/goodbye", {"name": "goodbye", "confidence": 1.0}, [])),

    (SlotSet("my_slot", "value"),
     SlotSet("my__other_slot", "value")),





github botfront / rasa-for-botfront / tests / core / View on Github external
                SlotSet("my_slot", "value"),
                SlotSet("another-slot", "value2"),
            SessionConfig(123, False),
            [SessionStarted(), ActionExecuted(action_name=ACTION_LISTEN_NAME)],
async def test_action_session_start_with_slots(
    default_channel: CollectingOutputChannel,
    template_nlg: TemplatedNaturalLanguageGenerator,
    template_sender_tracker: DialogueStateTracker,
    default_domain: Domain,
    session_config: SessionConfig,
github RasaHQ / rasa / tests / core / View on Github external
SessionConfig(123, False),
            [SessionStarted(), ActionExecuted(action_name=ACTION_LISTEN_NAME)],
async def test_action_session_start_with_slots(
    default_channel: CollectingOutputChannel,
    template_nlg: TemplatedNaturalLanguageGenerator,
    template_sender_tracker: DialogueStateTracker,
    default_domain: Domain,
    session_config: SessionConfig,
    expected_events: List[Event],
    # set a few slots on tracker
    slot_set_event_1 = SlotSet("my_slot", "value")
    slot_set_event_2 = SlotSet("another-slot", "value2")
    for event in [slot_set_event_1, slot_set_event_2]:

    default_domain.session_config = session_config

    events = await ActionSessionStart().run(
        default_channel, template_nlg, template_sender_tracker, default_domain

    assert events == expected_events

    # make sure that the list of events has ascending timestamps
    assert sorted(events, key=lambda x: x.timestamp) == events

    assert template_sender_tracker.followup_action == ACTION_LISTEN_NAME
github RasaHQ / rasa / tests / View on Github external
test_events = [
            "event": UserUttered.type_name,
            "text": "/goodbye",
            "parse_data": {
                "intent": {"confidence": 1.0, "name": "greet"},
                "entities": [],
    BotUttered("Welcome!", {"test": True}),
    SlotSet("cuisine", 34),
    SlotSet("cuisine", "34"),
    SlotSet("location", None),
    SlotSet("location", [34, "34", None]),

def rasa_app_without_api(rasa_server_without_api: Sanic) -> SanicTestClient:
    return get_test_client(rasa_server_without_api)

def rasa_app(rasa_server: Sanic) -> SanicTestClient:
    return get_test_client(rasa_server)

def rasa_app_nlu(rasa_nlu_server: Sanic) -> SanicTestClient:
    return get_test_client(rasa_nlu_server)
github botfront / rasa-for-botfront / rasa / core / View on Github external
def _merge_slots(
        self, entities: Optional[List[Dict[Text, Any]]] = None
    ) -> List[SlotSet]:
        """Take a list of entities and create tracker slot set events.

        If an entity type matches a slots name, the entities value is set
        as the slots value by creating a ``SlotSet`` event.

        entities = entities if entities else self.latest_message.entities
        new_slots = [
            SlotSet(e["entity"], e["value"])
            for e in entities
            if e["entity"] in self.slots.keys()
        return new_slots
github RasaHQ / rasa / rasa / core / View on Github external
def _merge_slots(
        self, entities: Optional[List[Dict[Text, Any]]] = None
    ) -> List[SlotSet]:
        """Take a list of entities and create tracker slot set events.

        If an entity type matches a slots name, the entities value is set
        as the slots value by creating a ``SlotSet`` event.

        entities = entities if entities else self.latest_message.entities
        new_slots = [
            SlotSet(e["entity"], e["value"])
            for e in entities
            if e["entity"] in self.slots.keys()
        return new_slots