How to use the quilt3.util.get_from_config function in quilt3

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few quilt3 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def exec_module(cls, module):
        Module executor.
        name_parts = module.__name__.split('.')
        registry = get_from_config('default_local_registry')

        if module.__name__ == '':
            # __path__ must be set even if the package is virtual. Since __path__ will be
            # scanned by all other finders preceding this one in sys.meta_path order, make sure
            # it points to someplace lacking importable objects
            module.__path__ = MODULE_PATH
            return module

        elif len(name_parts) == 3:  # e.g. module.__name__ ==
            namespace = name_parts[2]

            # we do not know the name the user will ask for, so populate all valid names
            for pkg in _list_packages():
                pkg_user, pkg_name = pkg.split('/')
                if pkg_user == namespace:
                    module.__dict__[pkg_name] = Package._browse(pkg, registry=registry)


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