How to use the quantities.UnitQuantity function in quantities

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few quantities examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github NeuralEnsemble / python-neo / neo / io / View on Github external
        if sampling_period is None:
            if time_column is not None:
                data_sampling = np.unique(
                    np.diff(sorted(np.unique(data[:, 1]))))
                if len(data_sampling) > 1:
                    raise ValueError('Different sampling distances found in '
                                     'data set (%s)' % data_sampling)
                    dt = data_sampling[0]
                raise ValueError('Can not estimate sampling rate without time '
                                 'column id provided.')
            sampling_period = pq.CompoundUnit(str(dt) + '*'
                                              + time_unit.units.u_symbol)
        elif not isinstance(sampling_period, pq.UnitQuantity):
            raise ValueError("sampling_period is not specified as a unit.")
        return sampling_period
github pylada / pylada-light / physics / View on Github external
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__all__ = ['a0', 'bohr_radius', 'h', 'planck', 'h_bar', 'reduced_planck',
           'electronic_mass', 'Ry', 'rydberg', 'Kb', 'boltzmann']

import quantities as pq

h = pq.UnitQuantity("planck", 4.1356673310e-15 * pq.eV * pq.s)
""" Planck's constant. """
planck = h
""" Planck's constant. """
h_bar = pq.UnitQuantity("h_bar", h / 2e0 / pq.pi, symbol='h_bar')
""" Reduced Planck's constant. """
reduced_plank = h_bar
""" Reduced Planck's constant. """

Ry = pq.UnitQuantity('Rydberg', 0.5 * pq.hartree, symbol='Ry')
""" Rydberg energy units. """
rydberg = Ry
""" Rydberg energy units. """

a0 = pq.UnitQuantity('bohr_radius', 0.529177249 * pq.angstrom, symbol='a0')
""" Bohr radius, unit of length of atomic units. """
bohr_radius = a0
""" Bohr radius, unit of length of atomic units. """

emass = pq.UnitQuantity("electronic_mass", h_bar**2 / (2e0 * Ry * a0**2),
""" Mass of the electron at rest.

    The value is obtained from a formula. It comes close enough and makes the
    Rydberg units consistent.
github NeuralEnsemble / elephant / elephant / icsd / View on Github external
import scipy.integrate as si
import scipy.signal as ss
import quantities as pq
import neo

#patch quantities with the SI unit Siemens if it does not exist
for symbol, prefix, definition, u_symbol in zip(
    ['siemens', 'S', 'mS', 'uS', 'nS', 'pS'],
    ['', '', 'milli', 'micro', 'nano', 'pico'],
    [pq.A/pq.V, pq.A/pq.V, 'S', 'mS', 'uS', 'nS'],
    [None, None, None, None, u'µS', None]):
    if type(definition) is str:
        definition = lastdefinition / 1000
    if not hasattr(pq, symbol):
        setattr(pq, symbol, pq.UnitQuantity(
            prefix + 'siemens',
    lastdefinition = definition

class CSD(object):
    '''Base iCSD class'''
    def __init__(self, lfp, f_type='gaussian', f_order=(3, 1)):
        '''Initialize parent class iCSD

        lfp : np.ndarray * quantity.Quantity
            LFP signal of shape (# channels, # time steps)
github NeuralEnsemble / python-neo / neo / io / View on Github external
import quantities as pq
import warnings

from import BaseIO
from neo.core import Segment, AnalogSignal, SpikeTrain

    PY2 = True
except NameError:
    PY2 = False

    'v': pq.mV,
    'gsyn': pq.UnitQuantity('microsiemens', 1e-6 * pq.S, 'uS', 'µS'),  # checked

class BasePyNNIO(BaseIO):
    Base class for PyNN IO classes
    is_readable = True
    is_writable = True
    has_header = True
    is_streameable = False  # TODO - correct spelling to "is_streamable"
    supported_objects = [Segment, AnalogSignal, SpikeTrain]
    readable_objects = supported_objects
    writeable_objects = supported_objects
    mode = 'file'
github pylada / pylada-light / physics / View on Github external
a0 = pq.UnitQuantity('bohr_radius', 0.529177249 * pq.angstrom, symbol='a0')
""" Bohr radius, unit of length of atomic units. """
bohr_radius = a0
""" Bohr radius, unit of length of atomic units. """

emass = pq.UnitQuantity("electronic_mass", h_bar**2 / (2e0 * Ry * a0**2),
""" Mass of the electron at rest.

    The value is obtained from a formula. It comes close enough and makes the
    Rydberg units consistent.

Kb = pq.UnitQuantity("boltzmann", 8.617 * pq.eV / pq.K, symbol='Kb')
""" Boltzmann's constant. """
boltzmann = Kb
""" Boltzmann's constant. """

reduced_reciprocal_au = pq.UnitQuantity("reduced_reciprocal_au",
                                        2e0 * pq.pi / a0, symbol='2pi/a0')

if 'planck' not in pq.__dict__:
    pq.planck = planck
if 'h_bar' not in pq.__dict__:
    pq.h_bar = h_bar
if 'Ry' not in pq.__dict__:
    pq.Ry = Ry
if 'a0' not in pq.__dict__:
    pq.a0 = a0
if 'bohr_radius' not in pq.__dict__:
github pylada / pylada-light / physics / View on Github external
#  .

""" Physical quantities. 

    Holds things related to physical quantities, eg atomic units using the
    *quantities* package.
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
__all__ = ['a0', 'bohr_radius', 'h', 'planck', 'h_bar', 'reduced_planck',
           'electronic_mass', 'Ry', 'rydberg', 'Kb', 'boltzmann']

import quantities as pq

h = pq.UnitQuantity("planck", 4.1356673310e-15 * pq.eV * pq.s)
""" Planck's constant. """
planck = h
""" Planck's constant. """
h_bar = pq.UnitQuantity("h_bar", h / 2e0 / pq.pi, symbol='h_bar')
""" Reduced Planck's constant. """
reduced_plank = h_bar
""" Reduced Planck's constant. """

Ry = pq.UnitQuantity('Rydberg', 0.5 * pq.hartree, symbol='Ry')
""" Rydberg energy units. """
rydberg = Ry
""" Rydberg energy units. """

a0 = pq.UnitQuantity('bohr_radius', 0.529177249 * pq.angstrom, symbol='a0')
""" Bohr radius, unit of length of atomic units. """
bohr_radius = a0
github NeuralEnsemble / PyNN / pyNN / brian2 / View on Github external
:copyright: Copyright 2006-2016 by the PyNN team, see AUTHORS.
:license: CeCILL, see LICENSE for details.

import logging
import numpy
import quantities as pq
import brian2
from pyNN.core import is_listlike
from pyNN import recording
from . import simulator

mV = brian2.mV
ms =
uS = brian2.uS
pq.uS = pq.UnitQuantity('microsiemens', 1e-6 * pq.S, 'uS')
pq.nS = pq.UnitQuantity('nanosiemens', 1e-9 * pq.S, 'nS')

logger = logging.getLogger("PyNN")

class Recorder(recording.Recorder):
    """Encapsulates data and functions related to recording model variables."""
    _simulator = simulator

    def __init__(self, population=None, file=None):
        __doc__ = recording.Recorder.__doc__
        recording.Recorder.__init__(self, population, file)
        self._devices = {}  # defer creation until first call of record()

    def _create_device(self, group, variable):
        """Create a Brian2 recording device."""
github NeuralEnsemble / elephant / elephant / current_source_density_src / View on Github external
def patch_quantities():
    """patch quantities with the SI unit Siemens if it does not exist"""
    for symbol, prefix, definition, u_symbol in zip(
        ['siemens', 'S', 'mS', 'uS', 'nS', 'pS'],
        ['', '', 'milli', 'micro', 'nano', 'pico'],
        [pq.A / pq.V, pq.A / pq.V, 'S', 'mS', 'uS', 'nS'],
        [None, None, None, None, u'µS', None]):
        if type(definition) is str:
            definition = lastdefinition / 1000
        if not hasattr(pq, symbol):
            setattr(pq, symbol, pq.UnitQuantity(
                prefix + 'siemens',
        lastdefinition = definition