How to use the quantecon.game_theory.normal_form_game.NormalFormGame function in quantecon

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if self.num_opponents == 0:
            return payoff_array.max() > payoff_array[action] + tol

        ind = np.ones(self.num_actions, dtype=bool)
        ind[action] = False
        D = payoff_array[ind]
        D -= payoff_array[action]
        if D.shape[0] == 0:  # num_actions == 1
            return False
        if self.num_opponents >= 2:
            D.shape = (D.shape[0],[1:]))

        if method is None:
            from .lemke_howson import lemke_howson
            g_zero_sum = NormalFormGame([Player(D), Player(-D.T)])
            NE = lemke_howson(g_zero_sum)
            return NE[0] @ D @ NE[1] > tol
        elif method in ['simplex', 'interior-point']:
            from scipy.optimize import linprog
            m, n = D.shape
            A = np.empty((n+2, m+1))
            A[:n, :m] = -D.T
            A[:n, -1] = 1  # Slack variable
            A[n, :m], A[n+1, :m] = 1, -1  # Equality constraint
            A[n:, -1] = 0
            b = np.empty(n+2)
            b[:n] = 0
            b[n], b[n+1] = 1, -1
            c = np.zeros(m+1)
            c[-1] = -1
            res = linprog(c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b, method=method)
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    .. [1] `Combinatorial number system

    m = scipy.special.comb(n, k, exact=True)
    if m > np.iinfo(np.intp).max:
        raise ValueError('Maximum allowed size exceeded')

    payoff_arrays = tuple(np.zeros(shape) for shape in [(n, m), (m, n)])
    tourn = random_tournament_graph(n, random_state=random_state)
    indices, indptr = tourn.csgraph.indices, tourn.csgraph.indptr
    _populate_tournament_payoff_array0(payoff_arrays[0], k, indices, indptr)
    _populate_tournament_payoff_array1(payoff_arrays[1], k)
    g = NormalFormGame(
        [Player(payoff_array) for payoff_array in payoff_arrays]
    return g
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[ 0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58,  0.58]])

    payoff_arrays = tuple(np.empty((n, n)) for i in range(2))
    random_state = check_random_state(random_state)

    scores = random_state.randint(1, steps+1, size=(2, n))
    scores.cumsum(axis=1, out=scores)

    costs = np.empty((2, n-1))
    costs[:] = random_state.randint(1, steps+1, size=(2, n-1))
    costs.cumsum(axis=1, out=costs)
    costs[:] /= (n * steps)

    _populate_ranking_payoff_arrays(payoff_arrays, scores, costs)
    g = NormalFormGame(
        [Player(payoff_array) for payoff_array in payoff_arrays]
    return g
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[ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.75,  0.  ,  0.  ],
            [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.75,  0.  ],
            [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.75]])
    >>> g.players[1]
    Player([[ 0.75,  0.5 ,  1.  ,  0.5 ,  0.5 ,  0.5 ,  0.5 ],
            [ 1.  ,  0.75,  0.5 ,  0.5 ,  0.5 ,  0.5 ,  0.5 ],
            [ 0.5 ,  1.  ,  0.75,  0.5 ,  0.5 ,  0.5 ,  0.5 ],
            [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.75,  0.  ,  0.  ],
            [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.75,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ],
            [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.75],
            [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.75,  0.  ]])

    payoff_arrays = tuple(np.empty((4*k-1, 4*k-1)) for i in range(2))
    g = NormalFormGame(
        [Player(payoff_array) for payoff_array in payoff_arrays]
    return g
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>>> g2 = g1.delete_action(1, 0)
        >>> print(g2)
        2-player NormalFormGame with payoff profile array:
        [[[0, 1]],
         [[3, 1]]]

        # Allow negative indexing
        if -self.N <= player_idx < 0:
            player_idx = player_idx + self.N

        players_new = tuple(
            player.delete_action(action, player_idx-i)
            for i, player in enumerate(self.players)
        return NormalFormGame(players_new)
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    g : NormalFormGame

    N = len(nums_actions)
    if N == 0:
        raise ValueError('nums_actions must be non-empty')

    random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
    players = [
        for i in range(N)
    g = NormalFormGame(players)
    return g
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N = len(nums_actions)
    if N <= 1:
        raise ValueError('length of nums_actions must be at least 2')
    if not (-1 / (N - 1) <= rho <= 1):
        lb = '-1' if N == 2 else '-1/{0}'.format(N-1)
        raise ValueError('rho must be in [{0}, 1]'.format(lb))

    mean = np.zeros(N)
    cov = np.empty((N, N))
    cov[range(N), range(N)] = 1

    random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
    payoff_profile_array = \
        random_state.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, nums_actions)
    g = NormalFormGame(payoff_profile_array)
    return g
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>>> g.players[1]
    Player([[-1.20042463, -1.39708658, -1.39708658, -1.39708658],
            [-1.00376268, -1.20042463, -1.39708658, -1.39708658],
            [-1.00376268, -1.00376268, -1.20042463, -1.39708658],
            [-1.00376268, -1.00376268, -1.00376268, -1.20042463]])

    actions = simplex_grid(h, t)
    n = actions.shape[0]
    payoff_arrays = tuple(np.empty((n, n)) for i in range(2))
    mean = np.array([mu, mu])
    cov = np.array([[1, rho], [rho, 1]])
    random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
    values = random_state.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, h)
    _populate_blotto_payoff_arrays(payoff_arrays, actions, values)
    g = NormalFormGame(
        [Player(payoff_array) for payoff_array in payoff_arrays]
    return g
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is_suboptimal = payoff_arrays[1] < maxes
        nums_suboptimal = is_suboptimal.sum(axis=1)

        while (nums_suboptimal==0).any():
            payoff_arrays[1][:] = random_state.random_sample((n, n))
            payoff_arrays[1].max(axis=0, out=maxes)
            np.less(payoff_arrays[1], maxes, out=is_suboptimal)
            is_suboptimal.sum(axis=1, out=nums_suboptimal)

        for i in range(n):
            one_ind = random_state.randint(n)
            while not is_suboptimal[i, one_ind]:
                one_ind = random_state.randint(n)
            payoff_arrays[0][one_ind, i] = 1

    g = NormalFormGame(
        [Player(payoff_array) for payoff_array in payoff_arrays]
    return g