How to use the qcelemental.exceptions.ValidationError function in qcelemental

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github MolSSI / QCElemental / qcelemental / molparse / View on Github external
def validate_and_fill_unsettled_geometry(geom_unsettled, variables):
    lgeom = [len(g) for g in geom_unsettled]

    if lgeom[0] not in [0, 3]:
        raise ValidationError("""First line must be Cartesian or single atom.""")

    if any(l == 3 for l in lgeom) and not all((l in [3, 6]) for l in lgeom):
        raise ValidationError(
            """Mixing Cartesian and Zmat formats must occur in just that order once absolute frame established."""

    allowed_to_follow = {0: [2], 2: [4], 3: [3, 6], 4: [6], 6: [3, 6]}

    for il in range(len(lgeom) - 1):
        if lgeom[il + 1] not in allowed_to_follow[lgeom[il]]:
            raise ValidationError(
                """This is not how a Zmat works - aim for lower triangular. Line len ({}) may be followed by line len ({}), not ({}).""".format(
                    lgeom[il], allowed_to_follow[lgeom[il]], lgeom[il + 1]

    if not all(len(v) == 2 for v in variables):
        raise ValidationError("""Variables should come in pairs: {}""".format(variables))
github MolSSI / QCElemental / qcelemental / molparse / View on Github external
files = [f.lower() for f in fragment_files]
    except AttributeError:
        raise ValidationError("""fragment_files not strings: {}""".format(fragment_files))

    if all(f in ["xyzabc", "points", "rotmat"] for f in hint_types):
        types = hint_types
        raise ValidationError("""hint_types not among 'xyzabc', 'points', 'rotmat': {}""".format(hint_types))

    hints = []
    hlen = {"xyzabc": 6, "points": 9, "rotmat": 12}
    for ifr, fr in enumerate(geom_hints):
            hint = [float(f) for f in fr]
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            raise ValidationError("""Un float-able elements in geom_hints[{}]: {}""".format(ifr, fr))

        htype = hint_types[ifr]
        if len(hint) == hlen[htype]:
            raise ValidationError("""EFP hint type {} not {} elements: {}""".format(htype, hlen[htype], hint))

    return {"fragment_files": files, "hint_types": types, "geom_hints": hints}
github MolSSI / QCElemental / qcelemental / molparse / View on Github external
# search pubchem for the provided string
            results = pubchem.get_pubchem_results(pubsearch)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValidationError(e.message)

        if pubsearch.endswith('*'):
            pubsearch = pubsearch[:-1]
        if len(results) == 1:
            # There's only 1 result - use it
            xyz = results[0].get_molecule_string()
            processed['name'] = 'IUPAC {}'.format(results[0].name())
            processed['molecular_charge'] = float(results[0].molecular_charge)
            if 'Input Error' in xyz:
                raise ValidationError(xyz)
            # There are multiple results -- print and exit
            # * formerly, this checked for (then used) any exact match, but now (LAB; Sep 2018), disabling that
            #   since user explicitly added '*' char & "best match" (not available formerly) returned w/o '*'
            msg = "\tPubchemError\n"
            msg += "\tMultiple pubchem results were found. Replace\n\n\t\tpubchem:%s\n\n" % (pubsearch)
            msg += "\twith the Chemical ID number or exact name from one of the following and re-run.\n\n"
            msg += "\t Chemical ID     IUPAC Name\n\n"
            ematches = {}
            for result in results:
                msg += "%s" % (result)
                ematches[result.cid] = result.iupac
            raise ChoicesError(msg, ematches)

        # remove PubchemInput first line and assert [A]
        xyz = xyz.replace('PubchemInput', 'units ang')
github MolSSI / QCElemental / qcelemental / molparse / View on Github external
                header = False
            assessment = [fn(cc, cfc, cm, cfm) for fn in cgmp_range]
            sass = ["{:3}".format("T" if b else "") for b in assessment]
            if log_full:
                text.append("""Assess candidate {:}: {} --> {}""".format(candidate, " ".join(sass), all(assessment)))
            if all(assessment):
                return candidate

        err = """Inconsistent or unspecified chg/mult: sys chg: {}, frag chg: {}, sys mult: {}, frag mult: {}""".format(
            molecular_charge, fragment_charges, molecular_multiplicity, fragment_multiplicities
        if verbose > -1:
            print("\n\n" + "\n".join(text))
        raise ValidationError(err)
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                frc = [(f if f is None else float(f)) for f in fragment_charges]
            except TypeError:
                raise ValidationError("""fragment_charges not among None or float: {}""".format(fragment_charges))

        if fragment_multiplicities is None:
            frm = [None] * nfr
        elif all(f is None or (isinstance(f, (int, np.integer)) and f >= 1) for f in fragment_multiplicities):
            frm = fragment_multiplicities
            raise ValidationError(
                """fragment_multiplicities not among None or positive integer: {}""".format(fragment_multiplicities)

    if not (len(frc) == len(frm) == len(frs) + 1):
        raise ValidationError(
            """Dimension mismatch among fragment quantities: sep + 1 ({}), chg ({}), and mult({})""".format(
                len(frs) + 1, len(frc), len(frm)

    return {"fragment_separators": list(frs), "fragment_charges": frc, "fragment_multiplicities": frm}
github MolSSI / QCElemental / qcelemental / molparse / View on Github external
def reorder(arr):
        if nat != len(arr):
            raise ValidationError("""wrong number of atoms in array: nat = {} != {}""".format(nat, len(arr)))
        return np.concatenate([np.array(arr)[fr] for fr in frag_pattern], axis=0)
github MolSSI / QCElemental / qcelemental / molparse / View on Github external
def get_sdf(self):
        """Function to return the SDF (structure-data file) of the PubChem object."""
        from urllib.request import urlopen, Request
        from urllib.parse import quote
        from urllib.error import URLError
        if (len(self.dataSDF) == 0):
            url = '{}/SDF?record_type=3d'.format(
            req = Request(url, headers={'Accept': 'chemical/x-mdl-sdfile'})
                self.dataSDF = urlopen(req).read().decode('utf-8')
            except URLError as e:
                msg = "Unable to open\n\n%s\n\ndue to the error\n\n%s\n\n" % (url, e)
                msg += "It is possible that 3D information does not exist for this molecule in the PubChem database\n"
                raise ValidationError(msg)
        return self.dataSDF
github MolSSI / QCElemental / qcelemental / molutil / View on Github external
    ref : list
        Hashes encoding distinguishable non-coord characteristics of reference
        molecule. Namely, atomic symbol, mass, basis sets?.
    current : list
        Hashes encoding distinguishable non-coord characteristics of trial
        molecule. Namely, atomic symbol, mass, basis sets?.

    iterator of tuples

    if sorted(ref) != sorted(current):
        raise ValidationError(
            """ref and current can't map to each other.\n""" + "R:  " + str(ref) + "\nC:  " + str(current)

    where = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for iuq, uq in enumerate(ref):

    cwhere = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for iuq, uq in enumerate(current):

    connect = collections.OrderedDict()
    for k in where:
        connect[tuple(where[k])] = tuple(cwhere[k])

    def filter_permutative(rgp, cgp):