How to use the pyxem.utils.vector_utils.get_angle_cartesian function in pyxem

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def test_get_angle_cartesian(vec_a, vec_b, expected_angle):
    angle = get_angle_cartesian(vec_a, vec_b)
    assert np.isclose(angle, expected_angle)
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for i, (theta_b, theta_c) in enumerate(
            zip(np.linspace(0, angle_a_to_b, theta_count),
                np.linspace(0, angle_a_to_c, theta_count))):
        # Define the corner local_b at a rotation theta_b from corner_a toward
        # corner_b on the circle surface. Similarly, define the corner local_c
        # at a rotation theta_c from corner_a toward corner_c.

        rotation_a_to_b = axangle2mat(axis_a_to_b, theta_b)
        rotation_a_to_c = axangle2mat(axis_a_to_c, theta_c)
        local_b =, corner_a)
        local_c =, corner_a)

        # Then define an axis and a maximum rotation to create a great cicle
        # arc between local_b and local_c. Ensure that this is not a degenerate
        # case where local_b and local_c are coincident.
        angle_local_b_to_c = get_angle_cartesian(local_b, local_c)
        axis_local_b_to_c = np.cross(local_b, local_c)
        if np.count_nonzero(axis_local_b_to_c) == 0:
            # Theta rotation ended at the same position. First position, might
            # be other cases?
            axis_local_b_to_c = corner_a
        axis_local_b_to_c /= np.linalg.norm(axis_local_b_to_c)

        # Generate points along the great circle arc with a distance defined by
        # resolution.
        phi_count_local = max(math.ceil(angle_local_b_to_c / resolution), 1)
        for j, phi in enumerate(
                np.linspace(0, angle_local_b_to_c, phi_count_local)):
            rotation_phi = axangle2mat(axis_local_b_to_c, phi)

            for k, psi in enumerate(inplane_rotations):
                # Combine the rotations. Order is important. The matrix is
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# TODO: Inline after choosing the best, and possibly require external sorting (if using sorted)?
        unindexed_peak_ids = _choose_peak_ids(peaks, n_peaks_to_index)

        # Find possible solutions for each pair of peaks.
        for vector_pair_index, peak_pair_indices in enumerate(list(combinations(unindexed_peak_ids, 2))):
            # Consider a pair of experimental scattering vectors.
            q1, q2 = peaks[peak_pair_indices, :]
            q1_len, q2_len = np.linalg.norm(q1), np.linalg.norm(q2)

            # Ensure q1 is longer than q2 for consistent order.
            if q1_len < q2_len:
                q1, q2 = q2, q1
                q1_len, q2_len = q2_len, q1_len

            # Calculate the angle between experimental scattering vectors.
            angle = get_angle_cartesian(q1, q2)

            # Get library indices for hkls matching peaks within tolerances.
            # TODO: phase are object arrays. Test performance of direct float arrays
            tolerance_mask = np.abs(phase_measurements[:, 0] - q1_len) < mag_tol
            tolerance_mask[tolerance_mask] &= np.abs(phase_measurements[tolerance_mask, 1] - q2_len) < mag_tol
            tolerance_mask[tolerance_mask] &= np.abs(phase_measurements[tolerance_mask, 2] - angle) < angle_tol

            # Iterate over matched library vectors determining the error in the
            # associated indexation.
            if np.count_nonzero(tolerance_mask) == 0:

            # Reference vectors are cartesian coordinates of hkls
            reference_vectors = lattice_recip.cartesian(phase_indices[tolerance_mask])

            # Rotation from experimental to reference frame
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if len(corner_c) == 4:
        corner_c = uvtw_to_uvw(corner_c)

    lattice = structure.lattice

    corner_a =, lattice.stdbase)
    corner_b =, lattice.stdbase)
    corner_c =, lattice.stdbase)

    corner_a /= np.linalg.norm(corner_a)
    corner_b /= np.linalg.norm(corner_b)
    corner_c /= np.linalg.norm(corner_c)

    angle_a_to_b = get_angle_cartesian(corner_a, corner_b)
    angle_a_to_c = get_angle_cartesian(corner_a, corner_c)
    angle_b_to_c = get_angle_cartesian(corner_b, corner_c)
    axis_a_to_b = np.cross(corner_a, corner_b)
    axis_a_to_c = np.cross(corner_a, corner_c)

    # Input validation. The corners have to define a non-degenerate triangle
    if np.count_nonzero(axis_a_to_b) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Directions a and b are parallel')
    if np.count_nonzero(axis_a_to_c) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Directions a and c are parallel')

    rotations = []

    # Generate a list of theta_count evenly spaced angles theta_b in the range
    # [0, angle_a_to_b] and an equally long list of evenly spaced angles
    # theta_c in the range[0, angle_a_to_c].
    # Ensure that we keep the resolution also along the direction to the corner
    # b or c farthest away from a.
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corner_b = uvtw_to_uvw(corner_b)
    if len(corner_c) == 4:
        corner_c = uvtw_to_uvw(corner_c)

    lattice = structure.lattice

    corner_a =, lattice.stdbase)
    corner_b =, lattice.stdbase)
    corner_c =, lattice.stdbase)

    corner_a /= np.linalg.norm(corner_a)
    corner_b /= np.linalg.norm(corner_b)
    corner_c /= np.linalg.norm(corner_c)

    angle_a_to_b = get_angle_cartesian(corner_a, corner_b)
    angle_a_to_c = get_angle_cartesian(corner_a, corner_c)
    angle_b_to_c = get_angle_cartesian(corner_b, corner_c)
    axis_a_to_b = np.cross(corner_a, corner_b)
    axis_a_to_c = np.cross(corner_a, corner_c)

    # Input validation. The corners have to define a non-degenerate triangle
    if np.count_nonzero(axis_a_to_b) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Directions a and b are parallel')
    if np.count_nonzero(axis_a_to_c) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Directions a and c are parallel')

    rotations = []

    # Generate a list of theta_count evenly spaced angles theta_b in the range
    # [0, angle_a_to_b] and an equally long list of evenly spaced angles
    # theta_c in the range[0, angle_a_to_c].
    # Ensure that we keep the resolution also along the direction to the corner
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if len(corner_b) == 4:
        corner_b = uvtw_to_uvw(corner_b)
    if len(corner_c) == 4:
        corner_c = uvtw_to_uvw(corner_c)

    lattice = structure.lattice

    corner_a =, lattice.stdbase)
    corner_b =, lattice.stdbase)
    corner_c =, lattice.stdbase)

    corner_a /= np.linalg.norm(corner_a)
    corner_b /= np.linalg.norm(corner_b)
    corner_c /= np.linalg.norm(corner_c)

    angle_a_to_b = get_angle_cartesian(corner_a, corner_b)
    angle_a_to_c = get_angle_cartesian(corner_a, corner_c)
    angle_b_to_c = get_angle_cartesian(corner_b, corner_c)
    axis_a_to_b = np.cross(corner_a, corner_b)
    axis_a_to_c = np.cross(corner_a, corner_c)

    # Input validation. The corners have to define a non-degenerate triangle
    if np.count_nonzero(axis_a_to_b) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Directions a and b are parallel')
    if np.count_nonzero(axis_a_to_c) == 0:
        raise ValueError('Directions a and c are parallel')

    rotations = []

    # Generate a list of theta_count evenly spaced angles theta_b in the range
    # [0, angle_a_to_b] and an equally long list of evenly spaced angles
    # theta_c in the range[0, angle_a_to_c].
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# Iterate through all pairs calculating interplanar angle
            phase_vector_pairs = []
            for comb in itertools.combinations(np.arange(len(indices)), 2):
                i, j = comb[0], comb[1]
                # Specify hkls and lengths associated with the crystal structure.
                # TODO: This should be updated to reflect systematic absences
                if np.count_nonzero(coordinates[i]) == 0 or np.count_nonzero(coordinates[j]) == 0:
                    continue  # Ignore combinations including [000]
                hkl1 = indices[i]
                hkl2 = indices[j]
                len1 = distances[i]
                len2 = distances[j]
                if len1 < len2:  # Keep the longest first
                    hkl1, hkl2 = hkl2, hkl1
                    len1, len2 = len1, len2
                angle = get_angle_cartesian(coordinates[i], coordinates[j])
                phase_vector_pairs.append(np.array([hkl1, hkl2, len1, len2, angle]))
            vector_library[phase_name] = np.array(phase_vector_pairs)

        # Pass attributes to diffraction library from structure library.
        vector_library.identifiers = self.structures.identifiers
        vector_library.structures = self.structures.structures

        return vector_library