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def test_stop_complex(self):
# start an entry now
self.entry = toggl.TimeEntry(description=desc('stop2'))
# find it
entry = self.find_time_entry(desc('stop2'))
# stop it an hour from now
one_hour_ahead = pytz.UTC.localize(datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(hours=1))
# find it again
entry = self.find_time_entry(desc('stop2'))
# make sure duration is at least 1 hour (3600 seconds)
self.assertGreaterEqual(entry.get('duration'), 3600)
def application(environ, start_response):
"""Our WSGI service."""
form = parse_formvars(environ)
grversion = float(form.get("version", 1.0))
is_all = "all" in form
phenoms = ["TO", "SV"] if is_all else ["TO"]
pgconn = get_dbconn("postgis")
cursor = pgconn.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor)
valid = utc()
refresh = 60
if "valid" in form:
# pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
valid = pytz.UTC.localize(
form.get("valid")[:16], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M"
refresh = 86400
t1 = valid
t2 = valid
tmlabel = valid.strftime("%H%Mz")
if grversion >= 1.5 or "valid" in form:
# Pull larger window of data to support TimeRange
t1 = valid - datetime.timedelta(hours=2)
t2 = valid + datetime.timedelta(hours=2)
tmlabel = valid.strftime("%b %d %Y %H%Mz")
"SELECT ST_x(tml_geom) as lon, ST_y(tml_geom) as lat, "
"ST_AsText(tml_geom_line) as line, "
def _process_raw_consumption_records_data(records):
# dumb hack - the fuel_type and unit_name are actually just placeholders
# and don't actually affect the processing. This an indication that (TODO),
# this logic should be factored out of the ConsumptionData object.
fuel_type, unit_name = "electricity", "kWh"
consumption_data = ConsumptionData(records, fuel_type, unit_name,
consumption_records_data = []
for (d1, value), (d2, estimated) in zip(, consumption_data.estimated.iteritems()):
assert d1 == d2
record = {
"start": pytz.UTC.localize(d1.to_datetime()).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"),
"value": value,
"estimated": bool(estimated),
return consumption_records_data
dst = bool( loc.dst() )
off = loc.utcoffset()
log.detail( "%-30s: %-5s %s %s: no time change in %s to %s",
tzinfo, abb, format_offset( timedelta_total_seconds( off ), ms=False ), format_dst( dst ),
at - reach, at + reach )
tzdetails = [ (at,abb,dst,off) ]
# A DST zone?; found 1 or more time change. Uses times 1 day before/after to get
# appropriate abbreviations. NOTE: This may be a time change, but isn't necessarily
# a DST/non-DST change! So, insdst/outdst may be the same (False) for both. All
# _utc_transition_times are naive UTC; probe the tzinfo at +/- one day around then
# change, interpreting the localized UTC time as a time in the 'tzinfo' zone, and
# pytz.normalize it to correct the DST information.
ins,out = ( tzinfo._utc_transition_times[nxt] - oneday,
tzinfo._utc_transition_times[nxt] + oneday )
insloc,outloc = ( tzinfo.normalize( pytz.UTC.localize( dt ).astimezone( tzinfo ))
for dt in ( ins, out ))
insoff,outoff = ( dt.utcoffset() for dt in ( insloc, outloc )) # The net UTC offset
insabb,outabb = ( dt.strftime( "%Z" ) for dt in ( insloc, outloc )) # The timezone abbrev.
insdst,outdst = ( bool( dt.dst() ) for dt in ( insloc, outloc )) # Is there a DST offset?
msg = "%-5s %s %s / %-5s %s %s" % (
insabb, format_offset( timedelta_total_seconds( insoff ), ms=False ), format_dst( insdst ),
outabb, format_offset( timedelta_total_seconds( outoff ), ms=False ), format_dst( outdst ))
if insabb == outabb:
# This timezone has the same name for DST/non-DST (eg. 'Australia/Adelaide' CST
# Australian Central Standard Time ). Thus, 'is_dst' will be None, and times
# during the DST transition will still be ambiguous.
msg += ": abbreviations are the same; will be ambiguous during DST overlap"
log.detail( "%-30s: %s", tzinfo, msg )
tzdetails = [ (ins,insabb,None,insoff) ]
# A regular DST/non-DST time change (eg. 'Canada/Mountain'), or a zone offset
def calculate_monthly_average(self, month=None, bounding_polygon_wkt=None, ds=None):
min_date, max_date = self.get_min_max_date(ds=ds)
monthly_averages, monthly_counts = [], []
monthly_mins, monthly_maxes = [], []
bounding_polygon = shapely.wkt.loads(bounding_polygon_wkt)
for year in range(min_date.year, max_date.year + 1):
beginning_of_month = datetime(year, month, 1)
end_of_month = datetime(year, month, calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1], 23, 59, 59)
start = (pytz.UTC.localize(beginning_of_month) - EPOCH).total_seconds()
end = (pytz.UTC.localize(end_of_month) - EPOCH).total_seconds()
tile_stats = self._get_tile_service().find_tiles_in_polygon(bounding_polygon, ds, start, end,
if len(tile_stats) == 0:
# Split list into tiles on the border of the bounding box and tiles completely inside the bounding box.
border_tiles, inner_tiles = [], []
for tile in tile_stats:
inner_tiles.append(tile) if bounding_polygon.contains(,
:param start datetime: date when to start
:param frequency str: DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY
:param interval int: indicates how often the rule repeats as a positive integer
:param until datetime: date after which the recurrence rule expires
:param byday str or list: "MO TU"
:param count int: number of occurrences of the rule
:return list: list of datetime
# if tz is given, respect the timzone by starting from the local time
# NOTE: rrule uses only naive datetime
if tz:
# start can already be localized
start = pytz.UTC.localize(start)
except ValueError:
start = start.astimezone(tz).replace(tzinfo=None)
if until:
until = until.astimezone(tz).replace(tzinfo=None)
if frequency == 'DAILY':
byday = None
# check format of the recurring_rule byday value
if byday and re.match(r'^-?[1-5]+.*', byday):
# byday uses monthly or yearly frequency rule with day of week and
# preceding day of month integer by day value
# examples:
# 1FR - first friday of the month
# -2MON - second to last monday of the month
def error_slots(self, tasks):
error_slots = {}
erroring_tasks = list(filter(
lambda x: x.desired_state() in ['shutdown'],
[Task(x) for x in tasks]
for task in erroring_tasks:
slot = task.slot()
message = task.error()
if slot is None or message is None:
since = pytz.UTC.localize(datetime.utcnow()) - task.when()
if since > timedelta(minutes=1):
error = { 'message': message, 'since': since.seconds }
error_slots.setdefault((, slot), []).append(error)
return error_slots
def certificate_not_valid_yet(self, cert):
starts_to_be_valid = dateutil.parser.parse(cert.get_notBefore())
now = pytz.UTC.localize(datetime.datetime.utcnow())
if starts_to_be_valid < now:
return False
return True
def _onchange_activity_type_id(self):
if self.activity_type_id:
self.summary = self.activity_type_id.summary
tz = self.user_id.sudo().tz
if tz:
today_utc = pytz.UTC.localize(datetime.utcnow())
today = today_utc.astimezone(pytz.timezone(tz))
today =
self.date_deadline = (today + timedelta(days=self.activity_type_id.days))
def _sync_activities(self, values):
# update activities
if self.mapped('activity_ids'):
activity_values = {}
if values.get('name'):
activity_values['summary'] = values['name']
if values.get('description'):
activity_values['note'] = values['description']
if values.get('start'):
# self.start is a datetime UTC *only when the event is not allday*
# activty.date_deadline is a date (No TZ, but should represent the day in which the user's TZ is)
# See 72254129dbaeae58d0a2055cba4e4a82cde495b7 for the same issue, but elsewhere
deadline = fields.Datetime.from_string(values['start'])
user_tz = self.env.context.get('tz')
if user_tz and not self.allday:
deadline = pytz.UTC.localize(deadline)
deadline = deadline.astimezone(pytz.timezone(user_tz))
activity_values['date_deadline'] =
if values.get('user_id'):
activity_values['user_id'] = values['user_id']
if activity_values.keys():