How to use the pythoms.spectrum.Spectrum function in pythoms

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def test_spectrum(self):
        spec = Spectrum(3)
        spec.add_value(479.1, 1000)
            [[479.1], [1000]]

        spec2 = Spectrum(3)
        spec2.add_value(443.1, 1000)
            [[443.1], [1000]]
        spec += spec2
            [[443.1, 479.1], [1000, 1000]]
        spec3 = Spectrum(3, start=50, end=2500)
        spec3.add_value(2150.9544, 1000)
            [[2150.954], [1000]]
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            filled dictionary, each subkey will have:
            'raw': list of raw integrated values dictacted by the bounds
            'function': the function that the species was associated with

            if sumspec is true, will also output a dictionary of Spectrum objects
            the keys of this dictionary are the function numbers

        explicitly interprets full scan mass spectra and UV species
        if sumspec is True:
            spec = {}
            for function in self.functions:  # create spectrum objects for all MS species
                if self.functions[function]['type'] == 'MS':
                    spec[function] = Spectrum(3)
        for species in sp:  # look for and assign function affinity
            sp[species]['function'] = self.associate_to_function(
                dct=sp[species])  # associate each species in the spectrum with a function
            if 'raw' not in sp[species]:  # look for empty raw list
                sp[species]['raw'] = []
        if self.ftt is False:  # if timepoints and tic values have not been extracted yet, extract those

        if self.verbose is True:
            prog = self.Progress(  # generate progress instance
                string='Extracting species data from spectrum',
        for spectrum in self.tree.getElementsByTagName('spectrum'):
            function, proc, scan = fps(spectrum)  # pull function, process, and scan numbers
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    specout: *list*
        A list of paired lists (similar to *speclst*) where each index is a binned spectrum.

    cv: *list*
        A sorted list of collision voltages with each index corresponding to that index in *specout*.

    binned = {}

    for ind, ce in enumerate(celist):
        sys.stdout.write('\rBinning spectrum by CID value #%i/%i  %.1f%%' % (
        ind + 1, len(celist), float(ind + 1) / float(len(celist)) * 100.))
        if ce not in binned:  # generate key and spectrum object if not present
            binned[ce] = Spectrum(dec, start=startmz, end=endmz)
        else:  # otherwise add spectrum
            binned[ce].add_spectrum(speclist[ind][0], speclist[ind][1])

    if threshold > 0 or fillzeros is True:  # if manipulation is called for
        for vol in binned:  # for each voltage
            sys.stdout.write('\rZero filling spectrum for %s eV' % str(vol))
            if threshold > 0:
                binned[vol].threshold(threshold)  # apply threshold
            if fillzeros is True:
                binned[vol].fill_with_zeros()  # fill with zeros
        sys.stdout.write(' DONE\n')

    cv = []  # list for collision voltages
    specout = []  # list for spectra
    for vol, spec in sorted(binned.items()):
        sys.stdout.write('\rTrimming spectrum for %s eV' % str(vol))
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if 'raw' not in sp[key]:
                newsp[key] = sp[key]  # create references in the namespace
        if len(newsp) is not 0:
            newpeaks = True
            if verbose is True:
                sys.stdout.write('Some peaks are not in the raw data, extracting these from raw file.\n')
            ips = xlfile.pullmultispectrum(
                'Isotope Patterns')  # pull predefined isotope patterns and add them to species
            for species in ips:  # set spectrum list
                sp[species]['spectrum'] = [ips[species]['x'], ips[species]['y']]
            mzml = mzML(filename)  # load mzML class
            sp = prepformula(sp)  # prep formula etc for summing
            newsp = prepformula(newsp)  # prep formula species for summing
            for species in newsp:
                if 'spectrum' not in newsp[species]:
                    newsp[species]['spectrum'] = Spectrum(3, newsp[species]['bounds'][0], newsp[species]['bounds'][1])
            newsp = mzml.pull_species_data(newsp)  # pull data
            if verbose is True:
                sys.stdout.write('No new peaks were specified. Proceeding directly to summing and normalization.\n')

    if rd is False:  # if no raw data is present, process mzML file
        mzml = mzML(filename, verbose=verbose)  # load mzML class
        sp = prepformula(sp)
        sp, sum_spectra = mzml.pull_species_data(sp, combine_spectra)  # pull relevant data from mzML
        chroms = mzml.pull_chromatograms()  # pull chromatograms from mzML
        rtime = {}
        tic = {}
        for key in sp:  # compare predicted isotope patterns to the real spectrum and save standard error of the regression
            func = sp[key]['function']
            if mzml.functions[func]['type'] == 'MS':  # determine mode key
                if combine_spectra is True:
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verbose: bool = VERBOSE,
    Simulates the isotope pattern that would be observed in a mass
    spectrometer with the resolution specified as a fwhm value.

    :param barip: The isotope pattern to be simulated. This can be either the bar isotope
        pattern or the raw isotope pattern (although this will be substantially
        slower for large molecules).
    :param fwhm: full-width-at-half-maximum
    :param verbose: chatty mode
    :return: The predicted gaussian isotope pattern in the form of a paired list
        ``[[m/z values],[intensity values]]``
    :rtype: list
    spec = Spectrum(  # generate Spectrum object to encompass the entire region
        start=min(barip[0]) - fwhm * 2,
        end=max(barip[0]) + fwhm * 2,
        empty=False,  # whether or not to use emptyspec
        filler=0.,  # fill with zeros, not None
    for ind, val in enumerate(barip[0]):  # generate normal distributions for each peak
        # if verbose is True:
        #    sys.stdout.write('\rSumming m/z %.3f %d/%d' %(val,ind+1,len(self.barip[0])))
        nd = normal_distribution(val, fwhm, barip[1][ind])  # generate normal distribution for that peak
        spec.add_spectrum(nd[0], nd[1])  # add the generated spectrum to the total spectrum
    spec.normalize()  # normalize
    gausip = spec.trim()  # trim None values and output
    if verbose is True:
        sys.stdout.write(' DONE\n')
    return gausip
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for key in comp:  # for each element
        if key in mass_dict:  # if not a single isotope
            if verbose is True:
                prog = Progress(string=f'Processing element {key}', last=comp[key])
            masses = []  # list for masses of each isotope
            abunds = []  # list for abundances
            for mass in mass_dict[key]:
                if mass != 0:
                    if mass_dict[key][mass][1] > 0:  # if abundance is nonzero
            for n in range(comp[key]):  # for n number of each element
                if verbose is True:
                    prog.write(n + 1)
                if spec is None:  # if spectrum object has not been defined
                    spec = Spectrum(
                        decpl,  # decimal places
                        start=min(masses) - 10 ** -decpl,  # minimum mass
                        end=max(masses) + 10 ** -decpl,  # maximum mass
                        specin=[masses, abunds],  # supply masses and abundances as initialization spectrum
                        empty=True,  # whether or not to use emptyspec
                        filler=0.,  # fill with zeros, not None
                spec.add_element(masses, abunds)  # add the element to the spectrum object
                spec.normalize(100.)  # normalize spectrum
                if dropmethod == 'threshold':  # drop values below threshold
                elif dropmethod == 'npeaks':  # keep top n number of peaks
                elif dropmethod == 'consolidate':  # consolidate values being dropped
                    # todo figure out what's wrong here
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isos[isotope] = element  # create isotope,element association for reference
                ReiterableCWR(  # create iterator instance
            if verbose is True:
                nk.append([  # track n and k for list length output
        else:  # if it's an isotope
            speciso = True

    spec = Spectrum(  # initiate spectrum object
        decpl,  # decimal places
        start=None,  # no minimum mass
        end=None,  # no maximum mass
        empty=True,  # whether or not to use emptyspec
        filler=0.,  # fill with zeros, not None
    if verbose is True:
        counter = 0  # create a counter
        iterations = int(cpu_list_product([numberofcwr(n, k) for n, k in nk]))  # number of iterations
        prog = Progress(  # create a progress instance
            string='Processing isotope combination',

    for comb in product(*iterators):
        if verbose is True:
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        extending the spectrum object then dropping is very fast,
        but requires subtracting the original spectrum before dropping
        slicing, deepcopy, list(), building the subtraction into the boxxed lists, and switching the array calls
        are all slower than generating a temporary Spectrum object
        # self.newend(max(masses) + max(self.x)) # define new end point for Spectrum object
        # for i in range(newx.shape[0]): # add calculated masses and intensities to object
        #    if i == 0:
        #        self.addspectrum(newx[i],newy[i],True) # subtract original spectrum
        #        continue
        #    self.addspectrum(newx[i],newy[i])
        # self.addspectrum(oldx,oldy,True) # subtract old spectrum
        # self.dropbelow(min(masses) + min(self.x)) # drop values below new start point

        tempspec = Spectrum(
            start=min(masses) + self.start - 10 ** -self.decpl,
            end=max(masses) + self.end + 10 ** -self.decpl,
        for x, y in zip(newx, newy):
            tempspec.add_spectrum(x, y)

        # for i in range(newx.shape[0]):
        #     tempspec.addspectrum(newx[i], newy[i])
        self.x = tempspec.x  # redefine the x and y lists
        self.y = tempspec.y
        self._start = min(masses) + self.start - 10 ** -self.decpl
        self._end = max(masses) + self.end + 10 ** -self.decpl
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sortlist = sorted(sortlist)  # sorted list of elements based on the length of their isotope patterns
    if verbose is True:
        prog = Progress(
            last=len(sortlist) - 1,

    spec = None
    for lenlist, element in sortlist:
        if verbose is True:
            prog.string = f'Adding element {element} to isotope pattern'
        if spec is None:
            spec = Spectrum(
                autodec(fwhm),  # decimal places
                start=None,  # minimum mass
                end=None,  # maximum mass
                empty=True,  # whether or not to use emptyspec
                filler=0.,  # fill with zeros, not None
                specin=eleips[element],  # supply masses and abundances as initialization spectrum
            if verbose is True:

        spec.add_element(eleips[element][0], eleips[element][1])
        spec.normalize(100.)  # normalize spectrum object
        if dropmethod == 'threshold':  # drop values below threshold
        elif dropmethod == 'npeaks':  # keep top n number of peaks