How to use the pyrender.constants.TexFlags function in pyrender

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pyrender examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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# Set up vertex normal defines
        if program_flags & ProgramFlags.VERTEX_NORMALS:
            defines['VERTEX_NORMALS'] = 1
        if program_flags & ProgramFlags.FACE_NORMALS:
            defines['FACE_NORMALS'] = 1

        # Set up material texture defines
        if bool(program_flags & ProgramFlags.USE_MATERIAL):
            tf = primitive.material.tex_flags
            if tf & TexFlags.NORMAL:
                defines['HAS_NORMAL_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.OCCLUSION:
                defines['HAS_OCCLUSION_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.EMISSIVE:
                defines['HAS_EMISSIVE_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.BASE_COLOR:
                defines['HAS_BASE_COLOR_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.METALLIC_ROUGHNESS:
                defines['HAS_METALLIC_ROUGHNESS_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.DIFFUSE:
                defines['HAS_DIFFUSE_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS:
                defines['HAS_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS_TEX'] = 1
            if isinstance(primitive.material, MetallicRoughnessMaterial):
                defines['USE_METALLIC_MATERIAL'] = 1
            elif isinstance(material, SpecularGlossinessMaterial):
                defines['USE_GLOSSY_MATERIAL'] = 1

        program = self._program_cache.get_program(
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def _compute_tex_flags(self):
        tex_flags = super(MetallicRoughnessMaterial, self)._compute_tex_flags()
        if self.baseColorTexture is not None:
            tex_flags |= TexFlags.BASE_COLOR
        if self.metallicRoughnessTexture is not None:
            tex_flags |= TexFlags.METALLIC_ROUGHNESS
        return tex_flags
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def _compute_tex_flags(self):
        tex_flags = TexFlags.NONE
        if self.normalTexture is not None:
            tex_flags |= TexFlags.NORMAL
        if self.occlusionTexture is not None:
            tex_flags |= TexFlags.OCCLUSION
        if self.emissiveTexture is not None:
            tex_flags |= TexFlags.EMISSIVE
        return tex_flags
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def _compute_tex_flags(self):
        tex_flags = TexFlags.NONE
        if self.normalTexture is not None:
            tex_flags |= TexFlags.NORMAL
        if self.occlusionTexture is not None:
            tex_flags |= TexFlags.OCCLUSION
        if self.emissiveTexture is not None:
            tex_flags |= TexFlags.EMISSIVE
        return tex_flags
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# Set up material texture defines
        if bool(program_flags & ProgramFlags.USE_MATERIAL):
            tf = primitive.material.tex_flags
            if tf & TexFlags.NORMAL:
                defines['HAS_NORMAL_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.OCCLUSION:
                defines['HAS_OCCLUSION_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.EMISSIVE:
                defines['HAS_EMISSIVE_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.BASE_COLOR:
                defines['HAS_BASE_COLOR_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.METALLIC_ROUGHNESS:
                defines['HAS_METALLIC_ROUGHNESS_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.DIFFUSE:
                defines['HAS_DIFFUSE_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS:
                defines['HAS_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS_TEX'] = 1
            if isinstance(primitive.material, MetallicRoughnessMaterial):
                defines['USE_METALLIC_MATERIAL'] = 1
            elif isinstance(material, SpecularGlossinessMaterial):
                defines['USE_GLOSSY_MATERIAL'] = 1

        program = self._program_cache.get_program(

        if not program._in_context():
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defines['MAX_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHTS'] = max_n_lights[0]
        defines['MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS'] = max_n_lights[1]
        defines['MAX_POINT_LIGHTS'] = max_n_lights[2]

        # Set up vertex normal defines
        if program_flags & ProgramFlags.VERTEX_NORMALS:
            defines['VERTEX_NORMALS'] = 1
        if program_flags & ProgramFlags.FACE_NORMALS:
            defines['FACE_NORMALS'] = 1

        # Set up material texture defines
        if bool(program_flags & ProgramFlags.USE_MATERIAL):
            tf = primitive.material.tex_flags
            if tf & TexFlags.NORMAL:
                defines['HAS_NORMAL_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.OCCLUSION:
                defines['HAS_OCCLUSION_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.EMISSIVE:
                defines['HAS_EMISSIVE_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.BASE_COLOR:
                defines['HAS_BASE_COLOR_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.METALLIC_ROUGHNESS:
                defines['HAS_METALLIC_ROUGHNESS_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.DIFFUSE:
                defines['HAS_DIFFUSE_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS:
                defines['HAS_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS_TEX'] = 1
            if isinstance(primitive.material, MetallicRoughnessMaterial):
                defines['USE_METALLIC_MATERIAL'] = 1
            elif isinstance(material, SpecularGlossinessMaterial):
                defines['USE_GLOSSY_MATERIAL'] = 1
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def _bind_and_draw_primitive(self, primitive, pose, program, flags):
        # Set model pose matrix
        program.set_uniform('M', pose)

        # Bind mesh buffers

        # Bind mesh material
        if not flags & RenderFlags.DEPTH_ONLY:
            material = primitive.material

            # Bind textures
            tf = material.tex_flags
            if tf & TexFlags.NORMAL:
                                   'material.normal_texture', program)
            if tf & TexFlags.OCCLUSION:
                                   'material.occlusion_texture', program)
            if tf & TexFlags.EMISSIVE:
                                   'material.emissive_texture', program)
            if tf & TexFlags.BASE_COLOR:
                                   'material.base_color_texture', program)
            if tf & TexFlags.METALLIC_ROUGHNESS:
            if tf & TexFlags.DIFFUSE:
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defines['MAX_POINT_LIGHTS'] = max_n_lights[2]

        # Set up vertex normal defines
        if program_flags & ProgramFlags.VERTEX_NORMALS:
            defines['VERTEX_NORMALS'] = 1
        if program_flags & ProgramFlags.FACE_NORMALS:
            defines['FACE_NORMALS'] = 1

        # Set up material texture defines
        if bool(program_flags & ProgramFlags.USE_MATERIAL):
            tf = primitive.material.tex_flags
            if tf & TexFlags.NORMAL:
                defines['HAS_NORMAL_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.OCCLUSION:
                defines['HAS_OCCLUSION_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.EMISSIVE:
                defines['HAS_EMISSIVE_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.BASE_COLOR:
                defines['HAS_BASE_COLOR_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.METALLIC_ROUGHNESS:
                defines['HAS_METALLIC_ROUGHNESS_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.DIFFUSE:
                defines['HAS_DIFFUSE_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS:
                defines['HAS_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS_TEX'] = 1
            if isinstance(primitive.material, MetallicRoughnessMaterial):
                defines['USE_METALLIC_MATERIAL'] = 1
            elif isinstance(material, SpecularGlossinessMaterial):
                defines['USE_GLOSSY_MATERIAL'] = 1

        program = self._program_cache.get_program(
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def _compute_tex_flags(self):
        flags = super(SpecularGlossinessMaterial, self)._compute_tex_flags()
        if self.diffuseTexture is not None:
            flags |= TexFlags.DIFFUSE
        if self.specularGlossinessTexture is not None:
            flags |= TexFlags.SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS
        return flags
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defines['FACE_NORMALS'] = 1

        # Set up material texture defines
        if bool(program_flags & ProgramFlags.USE_MATERIAL):
            tf = primitive.material.tex_flags
            if tf & TexFlags.NORMAL:
                defines['HAS_NORMAL_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.OCCLUSION:
                defines['HAS_OCCLUSION_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.EMISSIVE:
                defines['HAS_EMISSIVE_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.BASE_COLOR:
                defines['HAS_BASE_COLOR_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.METALLIC_ROUGHNESS:
                defines['HAS_METALLIC_ROUGHNESS_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.DIFFUSE:
                defines['HAS_DIFFUSE_TEX'] = 1
            if tf & TexFlags.SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS:
                defines['HAS_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS_TEX'] = 1
            if isinstance(primitive.material, MetallicRoughnessMaterial):
                defines['USE_METALLIC_MATERIAL'] = 1
            elif isinstance(material, SpecularGlossinessMaterial):
                defines['USE_GLOSSY_MATERIAL'] = 1

        program = self._program_cache.get_program(

        if not program._in_context():