How to use the function in pyrad

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pyrad examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def CreateAuthPacket(self, **args):
        """Create a new RADIUS packet.
        This utility function creates a new RADIUS packet which can
        be used to communicate with the RADIUS server this client
        talks to. This is initializing the new packet with the
        dictionary and secret used for the client.

        :return: a new empty packet instance
        :rtype:  pyrad.packet.AuthPacket
        return host.Host.CreateAuthPacket(self, secret=self.secret, **args)
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from twisted.python import log
import sys
from pyrad import dictionary
from pyrad import host
from pyrad import packet

class PacketError(Exception):
    """Exception class for bogus packets

    PacketError exceptions are only used inside the Server class to
    abort processing of a packet.

class RADIUS(host.Host, protocol.DatagramProtocol):
    def __init__(self, hosts={}, dict=dictionary.Dictionary()):
        host.Host.__init__(self, dict=dict)
        self.hosts = hosts

    def processPacket(self, pkt):

    def createPacket(self, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError('Attempted to use a pure base class')

    def datagramReceived(self, datagram, (host, port)):
            pkt = self.CreatePacket(packet=datagram)
        except packet.PacketError as err:
            log.msg('Dropping invalid packet: ' + str(err))
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def __init__(self, hosts={}, dict=dictionary.Dictionary()):
        host.Host.__init__(self, dict=dict)
        self.hosts = hosts
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:param      acctport: port to listen on for accounting packets
        :type       acctport: integer
        :param       coaport: port to listen on for CoA packets
        :type        coaport: integer
        :param         hosts: hosts who we can talk to
        :type          hosts: dictionary mapping IP to RemoteHost class instances
        :param          dict: RADIUS dictionary to use
        :type           dict: Dictionary class instance
        :param  auth_enabled: enable auth server (default True)
        :type   auth_enabled: bool
        :param  acct_enabled: enable accounting server (default True)
        :type   acct_enabled: bool
        :param   coa_enabled: enable coa server (default False)
        :type    coa_enabled: bool
        host.Host.__init__(self, authport, acctport, coaport, dict)
        if hosts is None:
            self.hosts = {}
            self.hosts = hosts

        self.auth_enabled = auth_enabled
        self.authfds = []
        self.acct_enabled = acct_enabled
        self.acctfds = []
        self.coa_enabled = coa_enabled
        self.coafds = []

        for addr in addresses:
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def __init__(self, hosts={}, dict=dictionary.Dictionary()):
        host.Host.__init__(self, dict=dict)
        self.hosts = hosts
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self.address = address
        self.secret = secret
        self.authport = authport
        self.acctport = acctport
        self.coaport = coaport = name

class ServerPacketError(Exception):
    """Exception class for bogus packets.
    ServerPacketError exceptions are only used inside the Server class to
    abort processing of a packet.

class Server(host.Host):
    """Basic RADIUS server.
    This class implements the basics of a RADIUS server. It takes care
    of the details of receiving and decoding requests; processing of
    the requests should be done by overloading the appropriate methods
    in derived classes.

    :ivar  hosts: hosts who are allowed to talk to us
    :type  hosts: dictionary of Host class instances
    :ivar  _poll: poll object for network sockets
    :type  _poll: select.poll class instance
    :ivar _fdmap: map of filedescriptors to network sockets
    :type _fdmap: dictionary
    :cvar MaxPacketSize: maximum size of a RADIUS packet
    :type MaxPacketSize: integer
    MaxPacketSize = 8192
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__docformat__ = "epytext en"

import select
import socket
import time
import six
from pyrad import host
from pyrad import packet

class Timeout(Exception):
    """Simple exception class which is raised when a timeout occurs
    while waiting for a RADIUS server to respond."""

class Client(host.Host):
    """Basic RADIUS client.
    This class implements a basic RADIUS client. It can send requests
    to a RADIUS server, taking care of timeouts and retries, and
    validate its replies.

    :ivar retries: number of times to retry sending a RADIUS request
    :type retries: integer
    :ivar timeout: number of seconds to wait for an answer
    :type timeout: integer
    def __init__(self, server, authport=1812, acctport=1813,
            coaport=3799, secret=six.b(''), dict=None):


        :param   server: hostname or IP address of RADIUS server
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from twisted.python import log
import sys
from pyrad import dictionary
from pyrad import host
from pyrad import packet

class PacketError(Exception):
    """Exception class for bogus packets

    PacketError exceptions are only used inside the Server class to
    abort processing of a packet.

class RADIUS(host.Host, protocol.DatagramProtocol):
    def __init__(self, hosts={}, dict=dictionary.Dictionary()):
        host.Host.__init__(self, dict=dict)
        self.hosts = hosts

    def processPacket(self, pkt):

    def createPacket(self, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError('Attempted to use a pure base class')

    def datagramReceived(self, datagram, source):
        host, port = source
            pkt = self.CreatePacket(packet=datagram)
        except packet.PacketError as err:
            log.msg('Dropping invalid packet: ' + str(err))