How to use the pypykatz.crypto.aes.AESModeOfOperationCBC function in pypykatz

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github skelsec / pypykatz / pypykatz / registry / sam / View on Github external
domain_properties = DOMAIN_ACCOUNT_F.from_bytes(F)
		if isinstance(domain_properties.key_0, SAM_KEY_DATA):
			rc4_key = hashlib.md5(domain_properties.key_0.salt + QWERTY + self.bootkey +DIGITS).digest()
			self.hashed_bootkey = RC4(rc4_key).encrypt(domain_properties.key_0.key + domain_properties.key_0.checksum)
			checksum = hashlib.md5(self.hashed_bootkey[:16] + DIGITS + self.hashed_bootkey[:16] + QWERTY).digest()
			if checksum != self.hashed_bootkey[16:]:
				logger.error('[SAM] HBootkey checksum verification failed!')
				raise Exception('[SAM] HBootkey checksum verification failed!')
		elif isinstance(domain_properties.key_0, SAM_KEY_DATA_AES):
			self.hashed_bootkey = b''
			cipher = AESModeOfOperationCBC(self.bootkey, iv = domain_properties.key_0.salt)
			n = 16
			for block in [[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(, n)]:  #terrible, terrible workaround
				self.hashed_bootkey += cipher.decrypt(block)
		logger.debug('[SAM] HBootkey: %s' % self.hashed_bootkey.hex())
		return self.hashed_bootkey
github skelsec / pypykatz / pypykatz / registry / security / View on Github external
		for value in values:
			logger.debug('[SECURITY] DCC Checking value: %s' % value)
			record_data = self.hive.get_value('Cache\\%s' % value.decode())[1]
			record = NL_RECORD.from_bytes(record_data)
			if record.IV != b'\x00'*16:
				if record.Flags & 1 == 1:
					# Encrypted
					if self.lsa_secret_key_vista_type is True:
						plaintext = b''
						cipher = AESModeOfOperationCBC(self.NKLM_key[16:32], iv = record.IV)
						n = 16
						for block in [record.EncryptedData[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(record.EncryptedData), n)]:  #terrible, terrible workaround
							if len(block) < 16:
								block += b'\x00' * (16 - len(block))
							plaintext += cipher.decrypt(block)
						key =,record.IV).digest()
						cipher = RC4(key)
						plaintext = cipher.decrypt(record.EncryptedData)
					# Plain! Until we figure out what this is, we skip it
					#plainText = record['EncryptedData']
					logger.debug('[SECURITY] DCC Skipping value %s, unknown formet' % value)
github skelsec / pypykatz / pypykatz / crypto / unified / View on Github external
def setup(self):
		if self.mode == SYMMETRIC_MODE.ECB:
			self.ctx = AESModeOfOperationECB(self.key)
		elif self.mode == SYMMETRIC_MODE.CBC:
			self.ctx = AESModeOfOperationCBC(self.key, iv = self.iv)
			raise Exception('Unknown mode!')
github skelsec / pypykatz / pypykatz / lsa / sam / View on Github external
domain_properties = DOMAIN_ACCOUNT_F.from_bytes(F)
		if isinstance(domain_properties.key_0, SAM_KEY_DATA):
			rc4_key = hashlib.md5(domain_properties.key_0.salt + QWERTY + self.bootkey +DIGITS).digest()
			self.hashed_bootkey = RC4(rc4_key).encrypt(domain_properties.key_0.key + domain_properties.key_0.checksum)
			checksum = hashlib.md5(self.hashed_bootkey[:16] + DIGITS + self.hashed_bootkey[:16] + QWERTY).digest()
			if checksum != self.hashed_bootkey[16:]:
				raise Exception('hashed_bootkey checksum failed!')
		elif isinstance(domain_properties.key_0, SAM_KEY_DATA_AES):
			self.hashed_bootkey = b''
			cipher = AESModeOfOperationCBC(self.bootkey, iv = domain_properties.key_0.salt)
			n = 16
			for block in [[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(, n)]:  #terrible, terrible workaround
				self.hashed_bootkey += cipher.decrypt(block)
		return self.hashed_bootkey
github skelsec / pypykatz / pypykatz / lsa / sam / View on Github external
def decrypt_hash(self, rid, hashobj, constant):
		key1, key2 = SAM.rid_to_key(rid)
		des1 = des(key1)
		des2 = des(key2)
		if isinstance(hashobj, SAM_HASH):
			rc4key = hashlib.md5( self.hashed_bootkey[:0x10] + int(rid, 16).to_bytes(4, 'little', signed = False) + constant )
			key = RC4(rc4key).encrypt(hashobj.hash)
			key = b''
			cipher = AESModeOfOperationCBC(self.hashed_bootkey[:0x10], iv = hashobj.salt)
			n = 16
			for block in [[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(, n)]:  #terrible, terrible workaround
				key += cipher.decrypt(block)
			key = key[:16]
		dec_hash = des1.decrypt(key[:8]) + des2.decrypt(key[8:])
		return dec_hash
github Coalfire-Research / Slackor / pypykatz / pypykatz / lsadecryptor / View on Github external
def decrypt(self, encrypted):
		# TODO: NT version specific, move from here in subclasses.
		cleartext = b''
		size = len(encrypted)
		if size:
			if size % 8:
				if not self.aes_key or not self.iv:
					return cleartext
				cipher = AESModeOfOperationCBC(self.aes_key, iv = self.iv)
				n = 16
				for block in [encrypted[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(encrypted), n)]:  #terrible, terrible workaround
					cleartext += cipher.decrypt(block)
				if not self.des_key or not self.iv:
					return cleartext
				#cipher =, DES3.MODE_CBC, self.iv[:8])
				cipher = triple_des(self.des_key, CBC, self.iv[:8])
				cleartext = cipher.decrypt(encrypted)
		return cleartext