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def define_dot_parser(self):
"""Define dot grammar
Based on the grammar
# punctuation
colon = Literal(":")
lbrace = Suppress("{")
rbrace = Suppress("}")
lbrack = Suppress("[")
rbrack = Suppress("]")
lparen = Literal("(")
rparen = Literal(")")
equals = Suppress("=")
comma = Literal(",")
dot = Literal(".")
slash = Literal("/")
bslash = Literal("\\")
star = Literal("*")
semi = Suppress(";")
at = Literal("@")
minus = Literal("-")
pluss = Suppress("+")
# keywords
strict_ = CaselessLiteral("strict")
graph_ = CaselessLiteral("graph")
digraph_ = CaselessLiteral("digraph")
subgraph_ = CaselessLiteral("subgraph")
node_ = CaselessLiteral("node")
edge_ = CaselessLiteral("edge")
import six
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RawNginxParser(object):
# pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned
# pylint: disable=pointless-statement
"""A class that parses nginx configuration with pyparsing."""
# constants
space = Optional(White()).leaveWhitespace()
required_space = White().leaveWhitespace()
left_bracket = Literal("{").suppress()
right_bracket = space + Literal("}").suppress()
semicolon = Literal(";").suppress()
dquoted = QuotedString('"', multiline=True, unquoteResults=False, escChar='\\')
squoted = QuotedString("'", multiline=True, unquoteResults=False, escChar='\\')
quoted = dquoted | squoted
head_tokenchars = Regex(r"(\$\{)|[^{};\s'\"]") # if (last_space)
tail_tokenchars = Regex(r"(\$\{)|[^{;\s]") # else
tokenchars = Combine(head_tokenchars + ZeroOrMore(tail_tokenchars))
paren_quote_extend = Combine(quoted + Literal(')') + ZeroOrMore(tail_tokenchars))
# note: ')' allows extension, but then we fall into else, not last_space.
token = paren_quote_extend | tokenchars | quoted
whitespace_token_group = space + token + ZeroOrMore(required_space + token) + space
assignment = whitespace_token_group + semicolon
comment = space + Literal('#') + restOfLine
separator = Suppress( Literal(";") )
namespaceDeclaration = (Suppress(Keyword("namespace")) + ncName + Suppress(Literal("=")) + quotedString + separator
defaultDeclaration = (Suppress(Keyword("unsatisfied-severity") | Keyword("default-language")) + ncName + separator
parameterDeclaration = (Suppress(Keyword("parameter")) + qName +
Suppress(Literal("{")) +
Optional(Keyword("required")) +
Optional(Keyword("select") + xpathExpression) +
Optional(Keyword("as") + qName) +
Suppress(Literal("}")) + separator
occurenceIndicator = Literal("?") | Literal("*") | Literal("+")
functionParameter = (qName + Suppress(Keyword("as")) + Combine(qName + Optional(occurenceIndicator))
functionStep = (Suppress(Keyword("step")) + variableRef + xpathExpression +
functionImplementation = (Suppress(Literal("{")) +
ZeroOrMore(functionStep) +
Keyword("return") + xpathExpression + separator +
functionDeclaration = (Suppress(Keyword("function")) + qName +
Suppress(Literal("(")) + Optional(delimitedList(functionParameter)) + Suppress(Literal(")")) +
Keyword("as") + Combine(qName + Optional(occurenceIndicator)) +
Optional(functionImplementation) + separator
__repr__ = __str__
def to_expr(self):
return Expr(self.op, *self.args)
# code nicked from the book Programming in Python 3 (kindle)
# optimisation -- before creating any parsing elements
# allow python style comments
comment = (Literal('#') + restOfLine).suppress()
LP, RP, colon = map(Suppress, '():')
forall = Keyword('forall') | Literal('\u2200')
exists = Keyword('exists') | Literal('\u2203')
implies = Keyword('==>') | Keyword('implies') | Literal('\u2192') | Literal('->')
implied = Keyword('<==') | Keyword('impliedby') | Literal('\u2190') | Literal('<-')
iff = Keyword('<=>') | Keyword('iff') | Literal('\u2194') | Keyword('<->')
or_ = Keyword('\\/') | Literal('|') | Keyword('or') | Literal('\u2228')
and_ = Keyword('/\\') | Literal('&') | Keyword('and') | Literal('\u2227')
not_ = Literal('~') | Keyword('not') | Literal('\u00AC')
equals = Literal('=') | Keyword('equals')
notequals = Literal('=/=') | Literal('!=') | \
Keyword('notequals') | Literal('\u2260')
boolean = (CaselessKeyword('FALSE') | CaselessKeyword('TRUE'))
variable = (~(and_ | or_ | not_ | forall | exists | implied | implies | iff) +
Combine(Optional('?') + Word(alphanums + "'_£")))
constant = (~(and_ | or_ | not_ | forall | exists | implied | implies | iff) +
Word(alphas, alphanums + "'-_"))
number = Combine(Optional(oneOf('+ -')) + Word(nums) +
def create_bnf( slist, current_section ):
colon = pp.Literal( ':' )
section = pp.Combine( colon
+ pp.Word( pp.alphas, pp.alphanums + '_ ' )
+ colon )
section.set_parse_action( set_section( current_section ) )
section.set_name( 'section' )
# section.set_debug()
text = pp.SkipTo( section | pp.StringEnd() )
text.set_parse_action( to_list( slist, current_section ) )
text.set_name( 'text' )
# text.set_debug()
## doc = pp.StringStart()\
## + pp.ZeroOrMore( section + text )\
## + pp.StringEnd()
number = Regex('((0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)|[0-9]+)')
combiner = (Literal('&&') | Literal('||'))
symbol = Regex('[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_]*')
stream_type = Optional(Literal('system')) + (Literal('input') | Literal('output') | Literal('buffered') | Literal("unbuffered") | Literal("constant") | Literal("counter")) + Optional(Literal("node").suppress())
stream = stream_type + number
trigger_type = (Literal('value') | Literal('count'))
trigger_op = oneOf('> < >= <= ==')
trigger = Literal('always') | (Literal('when').suppress() + trigger_type('type') + trigger_op('op') + number('reference'))
inputstring = stream('input_stream') + trigger
inputdesc2 = Literal('(').suppress() + inputstring('input_a') + combiner('combiner') + inputstring('input_b') + Literal(')').suppress()
inputdesc1 = Literal('(').suppress() + inputstring('input_a') + Literal(')').suppress()
inputdesc = inputdesc1('input1') | inputdesc2('input2')
graph_node = inputdesc + Literal('=>').suppress() + stream('node') + Literal('using').suppress() + symbol('processor')
def parse_node_descriptor(desc, model):
"""Parse a string node descriptor.
The function creates an SGNode object without connecting its inputs and outputs
and returns a 3-tuple:
SGNode, [(input X, trigger X)],
desc (str): A description of the node to be created.
('ID_INPUT_TOUCHSCREEN', Literal('1')),
('ID_INPUT_TRACKBALL', Literal('1')),
('ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK_INTEGRATION', Or(('internal', 'external'))),
('ID_INPUT_TOUCHPAD_INTEGRATION', Or(('internal', 'external'))),
('KEYBOARD_LED_NUMLOCK', Literal('0')),
('KEYBOARD_LED_CAPSLOCK', Literal('0')),
('ACCEL_MOUNT_MATRIX', mount_matrix),
('ACCEL_LOCATION', Or(('display', 'base'))),
fixed_props = [Literal(name)('NAME') - Suppress('=') - val('VALUE')
for name, val in props]
kbd_props = [Regex(r'KEYBOARD_KEY_[0-9a-f]+')('NAME')
- Suppress('=') -
('!' ^ (Optional('!') - Word(alphanums + '_')))('VALUE')
abs_props = [Regex(r'EVDEV_ABS_[0-9a-f]{2}')('NAME')
- Suppress('=') -
Word(nums + ':')('VALUE')
grammar = Or(fixed_props + kbd_props + abs_props) + EOL
return grammar
addop :: '+' | '-'
integer :: ['+' | '-'] '0'..'9'+
atom :: PI | E | real | fn '(' expr ')' | '(' expr ')'
factor :: atom [ expop factor ]*
term :: factor [ multop factor ]*
expr :: term [ addop term ]*
point = Literal(".")
e = CaselessLiteral("E")
fnumber = Combine(Word("+-" + nums, nums) +
Optional(point + Optional(Word(nums))) +
Optional(e + Word("+-" + nums, nums)))
ident = Word(alphas, alphas + nums + "_$")
plus = Literal("+")
minus = Literal("-")
mult = Literal("*")
div = Literal("/")
lpar = Literal("(").suppress()
rpar = Literal(")").suppress()
addop = plus | minus
multop = mult | div
expop = Literal("^")
pi = CaselessLiteral("PI")
expr = Forward()
atom = ((Optional(oneOf("- +")) +
(ident + lpar + expr + rpar | pi | e | fnumber).setParseAction(self.pushFirst))
| Optional(oneOf("- +")) + Group(lpar + expr + rpar)
# by defining exponentiation as "atom [ ^ factor ]..." instead of
# "atom [ ^ atom ]...", we get right-to-left exponents, instead of left-to-right
# that is, 2^3^2 = 2^(3^2), not (2^3)^2.
factor = Forward()
segment = Or([
register = Or([
Combine(Literal("r") + Word(alphanums)),
Combine(Literal("st") + Word(nums)),
Combine(Literal("st") + Suppress(Literal("(")) + Word(nums) + Suppress(Literal(")"))),
Combine(Literal("xmm") + Word(nums)),
Combine(Literal("ymm") + Word(nums)),
Combine(Literal("mm") + Word(nums)),
Combine(Literal("dr") + Word(nums)),
Combine(Literal("cr") + Word(nums)),
base = register("base")
scale = Or([
res = g1.parseString(teststring)
print_(res.get("A","A not found")[0])
assert res.get("A","A not found")[0] == "a", "get on existing key failed"
assert res.get("D","!D") == "!D", "get on missing key failed"
if "I" in runtests:
print_("verify handling of Optional's beyond the end of string")
testGrammar = "A" + pyparsing.Optional("B") + pyparsing.Optional("C") + pyparsing.Optional("D")
# test creating Literal with empty string
if "J" in runtests:
print_('verify non-fatal usage of Literal("")')
e = pyparsing.Literal("")
except Exception as e:
assert False, "Failed to handle empty Literal"
# test line() behavior when starting at 0 and the opening line is an \n
if "K" in runtests:
print_('verify correct line() behavior when first line is empty string')
assert pyparsing.line(0, "\nabc\ndef\n") == '', "Error in line() with empty first line in text"
txt = "\nabc\ndef\n"
results = [ pyparsing.line(i,txt) for i in range(len(txt)) ]
assert results == ['', 'abc', 'abc', 'abc', 'abc', 'def', 'def', 'def', 'def'], "Error in line() with empty first line in text"
txt = "abc\ndef\n"
results = [ pyparsing.line(i,txt) for i in range(len(txt)) ]
assert results == ['abc', 'abc', 'abc', 'abc', 'def', 'def', 'def', 'def'], "Error in line() with non-empty first line in text"