How to use the pypandoc.pandoc_download._get_pandoc_urls function in pypandoc

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github fossasia / yaydoc / modules / scripts / View on Github external
# Check whether it is already installed
    except OSError:
        # Pandoc not installed. Let's download it silently.
        with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
            sys.stdout = devnull
            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

        # Hack to delete the downloaded file from the folder,
        # otherwise it could get accidently committed to the repo
        # by other scripts in the repo.
        pf = sys.platform
        if pf.startswith('linux'):
            pf = 'linux'
        url = pypandoc.pandoc_download._get_pandoc_urls()[0][pf]
        filename = url.split('/')[-1]
github databricks / koalas / dev / View on Github external
# pandoc and pandoc-citeproc are in ./usr/bin subfolder
            for exe in ["pandoc", "pandoc-citeproc"]:
                src = os.path.join(tempfolder, "usr", "bin", exe)
                dst = os.path.join(targetfolder, exe)
                print("* Copying %s to %s ..." % (exe, targetfolder))
                shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
            src = os.path.join(tempfolder, "usr", "share", "doc", "pandoc", "copyright")
            dst = os.path.join(targetfolder, "copyright.pandoc")
            print("* Copying copyright to %s ..." % (targetfolder))
            shutil.copyfile(src, dst)

    pandoc_urls, _ = retry(pandoc_download._get_pandoc_urls, version="latest")
    pf = sys.platform
    if pf.startswith("linux"):
        pf = "linux"
        if platform.architecture()[0] != "64bit":
            raise RuntimeError("Linux pandoc is only compiled for 64bit.")

    if pf not in pandoc_urls:
        raise RuntimeError("Can't handle your platform (only Linux, Mac OS X, Windows).")

    filename = pandoc_urls[pf].split("/")[-1]
    os.environ["PATH"] = "%s:%s" % (path, os.environ["PATH"])

    # Seems like it always downloads to the current working directory, and then unpack to
    # the given path. Let's download to the given path as well.
    prev = os.getcwd()