Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
def reverse_address(self):
self.dst, self.src = self.src, self.dst
class ReassocReq(pypacker.Packet):
__hdr__ = (
("dst", "6s", b"\x00" * 6),
("src", "6s", b"\x00" * 6),
("bssid", "6s", b"\x00" * 6),
("seq_frag", "H", 0),
("capa", "H", 0),
("interval", "H", 0),
("current_ap", "6s", b"\x00" * 6)
dst_s = pypacker.get_property_mac("dst")
bssid_s = pypacker.get_property_mac("bssid")
src_s = pypacker.get_property_mac("src")
def _get_seq(self):
return (self.seq_frag & 0xFF) << 4 | (self.seq_frag >> 12)
def _set_seq(self, val):
self.seq_frag = (val & 0xF) << 12 | (val & 0xFF0) >> 4 | (self.seq_frag & 0x0F00)
seq = property(_get_seq, _set_seq)
def reverse_address(self):
self.dst, self.src = self.src, self.dst
class Auth(pypacker.Packet):
"""Authentication request."""
__hdr__ = (
0x0023: "_CMD_TRANSFER",
class QQBasicPacket(pypacker.Packet):
__hdr__ = (
("header_type", "B", 2),
("source", "H", 0),
("command", "H", 0),
("sequence", "H", 0),
("qqNum", "L", 0),
class QQ3Packet(pypacker.Packet):
__hdr__ = (
("header_type", "B", 3),
("command", "B", 0),
("sequence", "H", 0),
("unknown1", "L", 0),
("unknown2", "L", 0),
("unknown3", "L", 0),
("unknown4", "L", 0),
("unknown5", "L", 0),
("unknown6", "L", 0),
("unknown7", "L", 0),
("unknown8", "L", 0),
("unknown9", "L", 0),
("unknown10", "B", 1),
("unknown11", "B", 0),
("unknown12", "B", 0),
def unpack_xdrlist(cls, buf):
l = []
while buf:
if buf.startswith("\x00\x00\x00\x01"):
p = cls(buf[4:])
buf =
elif buf.startswith("\x00\x00\x00\x00"):
raise pypacker.UnpackError("invalid XDR list")
return l
if length_payload - off > fragment_len:
# more fragments follow
ip_frag.flags = 0x1
# last fragment
ip_frag.flags = 0x0
ip_frag.offset = int(off / 8)
ip_frag.body_bytes = payload_sub
off += fragment_len
return fragments
# Convenient access for: src[_s], dst[_s]
src_s = pypacker.get_property_ip4("src")
dst_s = pypacker.get_property_ip4("dst")
def _dissect(self, buf):
total_header_length = ((buf[0] & 0xf) << 2)
options_length = total_header_length - 20 # total IHL - standard IP-len = options length
if options_length > 0:
# logger.debug("got some IP options: %s" % tl_opts)
self._init_triggerlist("opts", buf[20: 20 + options_length], self._parse_opts)
elif options_length < 0:
# invalid header length: assume no options at all
raise Exception()
# TODO: extract real data length:
# There are some cases where padding can not be identified on ethernet -> do it here (eg VSS shit trailer)
self._init_handler(buf[9], buf[total_header_length:])
return total_header_length
aps_per_channel = 5
current_channel = 1
for i in range(1, 10000):
if i % 100 == 0:
diff = time.time() - start_time
print("%d pps" % (i / diff))
if i % aps_per_channel == 0:
current_channel += 1
current_channel %= 13
if current_channel == 0:
current_channel = 1
# utils.switch_wlan_channel(wlan_monitor_if, current_channel)
_beacon = beacon[ieee80211.IEEE80211.Beacon]
mac = pypacker.get_rnd_mac()
_beacon.src = mac
_beacon.bssid = mac
# set new ssid
_beacon.params[0].body_bytes = bytes("".join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(10)), "ascii")
# print(_beacon.params[0].body_bytes)
_beacon.seq = 0
# print(_beacon)
for x in range(100):
# send multiple beacons for every ap
_beacon.seq = x
# _beacon.ts = x << (8*7)
_beacon.ts = x
from pypacker import pypacker
from pypacker.layer12.ppp import PPP
# RFC 2516 codes
PPPoE_PADI = 0x09
PPPoE_PADO = 0x07
PPPoE_PADR = 0x19
PPPoE_PADS = 0x65
class PPPoE(pypacker.Packet):
__hdr__ = (
("v_type", "B", 0x11),
("code", "B", 0),
("session", "H", 0),
("len", "H", 0) # payload length
def __get_v(self):
return self.v_type >> 4
def __set_v(self, v):
self.v_type = (v << 4) | (self.v_type & 0xf)
v = property(__get_v, __set_v)
def __get_type(self):
return self.v_type & 0xf
class ARP(pypacker.Packet):
__hdr__ = (
("hrd", "H", ARP_HRD_ETH),
("pro", "H", ARP_PRO_IP),
("hln", "B", 6), # hardware address length
("pln", "B", 4), # protocol address length
("op", "H", ARP_OP_REQUEST),
("sha", "6s", b"\x00" * 6), # sender mac
("spa", "4s", b"\x00" * 4), # sender ip
("tha", "6s", b"\x00" * 6), # target mac
("tpa", "4s", b"\x00" * 4) # target ip
# convenient access
sha_s = pypacker.get_property_mac("sha")
spa_s = pypacker.get_property_ip4("spa")
tha_s = pypacker.get_property_mac("tha")
tpa_s = pypacker.get_property_ip4("tpa")
Utility functions.
import subprocess
import re
import os
import logging
import math
from pypacker import pypacker as pypacker
log = math.log
mac_bytes_to_str = pypacker.mac_bytes_to_str
logger = logging.getLogger("pypacker")
def switch_wlan_channel(iface, channel, shutdown_prior=False):
Switch wlan channel to channel.
Requirements: ifconfig, iwconfig
iface -- interface name
channel -- channel numer to be set as number
shutdown_prior -- shut down interface prior to setting channel
if shutdown_prior:
cmd_call = ["ifconfig", iface, "down"]
("echo_cancel_type", "I", 4),
("g723_bitrate", "I", 0),
class OpenReceiveChannelAck(pypacker.Packet):
__byte_order__ = "<"
__hdr__ = (
("channel_status", "I", 0),
("ip", "4s", ""),
("port", "I", 0),
("passthruparty_id", "I", 0),
class SelectStartKeys(pypacker.Packet):
__byte_order__ = "<"
__hdr__ = (
("line_id", "I", 1),
("call_id", "I", 0),
("softkey_set", "I", 8),
("softkey_map", "I", 0xffffffff)
class SetLamp(pypacker.Packet):
__byte_order__ = "<"
__hdr__ = (
("stimulus", "I", 9), # 9: Line
("stimulus_instance", "I", 1),
("lamp_mode", "I", 1),
"""Protocol Independent Multicast."""
from pypacker import pypacker, checksum
from pypacker.pypacker import FIELD_FLAG_AUTOUPDATE
class PIM(pypacker.Packet):
__hdr__ = (
("v_type", "B", 0x20),
("rsvd", "B", 0),
("sum", "H", 0, FIELD_FLAG_AUTOUPDATE) # _sum = sum
def __get_v(self):
return self.v_type >> 4
def __set_v(self, v):
self.v_type = (v << 4) | (self.v_type & 0xf)
v = property(__get_v, __set_v)
def __get_type(self):
return self.v_type & 0xf